Sparks City Council Meeting 9/9/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 9, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.2
Title: Consideration and possible acceptance of the purchase of Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System from Tiburon, Inc. in the amount of $221,963.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: Brian Allen, Chief of Police/Brian Allen, Chief of Police
Recommendation: Approve contract with Tiburon, Inc., in the amount of $221,963.00 for the Tiburon Data Collection System CAD/RMS
Financial Impact: $221,963.00
Total Costs: $221,963.00

Fund: General Fund Account: 603055 Program: Office of the Chief-Administration (091534) Amount: $221,963.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: $107,222.00 for FY14 through salary savings $114,741.00 to be built into FY15 budget |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: The City of Reno was awarded and accepted a sub-grant from the Nevada Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance in the amount of $797,868.00 to purchase, install and maintain their Tiburon data-collection system. The City of Sparks has been offered to join the existing Tiburon data collection system currently in use by the City of Reno, Washoe County, Carson City, the Nevada System of Higher Education and the Truckee Meadows Community College for only the costs of initial licensing and City of Sparks’ specific training and program services. The base Tiburon data collection system would be at no cost and the City of Sparks would receive the benefits of the sub-grant awarded by the Nevada Department of Public Safety.
Background: The City of Sparks through the Sparks Police Department has maintained a Computer Aided Dispatch and Records Management System (CAD/RMS) through the West Covina group since approximately 1988. The West Covina Group is a CAD/RMS provider for a small number of California agencies around and near West Covina, CA. The City of Sparks is the only non-California agency that is supported by the West Covina Group. The useful life of the West Covina Group CAD/RMS has reached its limit. Based on the organizational needs of both the Sparks Police and Sparks Fire Department, during FY12, the Sparks Police Department attempted to switch CAD/RMS providers to Spillman. At the time, the State of Nevada had selected Spillman as their new CAD/RMS provider and offered the City of Sparks to join their network at no cost for the base Spillman system. The Sparks Police Department implemented the Spillman system with no success and returned to the West Covina CAD/RMS system. The Tiburon data collection system was not being offered at that time to the City of Sparks. In February of 2013, the City of Reno applied for and was awarded a grant from the Nevada Department of Public Safety, Office of Criminal Justice Assistance in the amount of $797,868.00 to purchase, install and maintain and upgrade to the Tiburon data collection system (CAD/RMS). The City of Reno and associated agencies (Washoe County Sheriff’s Office, Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Carson City Sheriff’s Office, the Nevada System of Higher Education and the Truckee Meadows Police Department), have been utilizing the Tiburon data collection system since 1999. The Tiburon data collection software currently in use by the City of Reno is being upgraded to a Windows format and will be able to provide data to the Federal Bureau of Investigations NDEx system. The City of Sparks has been invited to join the Tiburon data collection system at no cost for the base Tiburon data collection system. Tiburon Inc. has offered to “enhance” the original agreement of services between the City of Reno and Tiburon, Inc. to include the City of Sparks. The cost to the enhancement would be $68,975.00 for licensing and software, $152,988.00 for services and training and yearly maintenance costs of $27,007.00.
Analysis: The current West Covina CAD/RMS system no longer meets the long term organizational needs of the Sparks Police or Fire Department. The upgraded Tiburon data collection system will meet both the Police and Fire Department’s needs, plus provided additional capabilities into the future. By utilizing the Tiburon data collection system, the region would function under one system while maintaining each agency’s individuality. This will allow for a redundant system if one of the regions Public Safety Answering Points (PSAP) fails. By joining with the current users of the Tiburon data collection system, the Sparks Police Department will have access to the records of all participating agencies including the Washoe County Jail System. This alone will greatly enhance the investigative capabilities of the Sparks Police Department. If the City of Sparks agrees to the Tiburon system, the CAD interface (if developed) suggested by the Tri-Data study would be easier to implement with one regional CAD/RMS system versus Sparks having its own independent CAD/RMS system. Attached are the “Enhancement Proposal (EP) – 9991b: Add Sparks as a Second Site” from Tiburon, Inc. and the City of Reno staff report for the acceptance of the grant award. The Tiburon data collection system has a long history of success within the Truckee Meadows region for both Police and Fire Resources. The total cost of the upgrade to the Sparks CAD/RMS system is $221,963.00. Tiburon has agreed to split the total costs between two fiscal years. The total of costs for FY14 will be $107,222.00 (100% of the licensing and 25% of the Services). The remaining costs will be due during FY15. Final implantation of the Tiburon system is currently slated for January of 2015 (Reno upgrade – November 2014). Licensing fees include: 17 CAD and 63 MobileCOM licenses. Services include implementation and training on the Tiburon system to include on-site “go-live” assistance. The yearly maintenance costs are lower than the current West Covina System. The costs for this system were initially identified as part of the IT Steering Committee process and technology CIP; however, based on the immediate needs to replace old technology utilizing Windows XP for a majority of the City, those funds are no longer available. For FY14, we will be utilizing potential underspend from the Police Department in salary and benefits or may need to use City contingency funds. FY15 costs will be built into the FY15 budget. The sourcing of the Tiburon System falls under public bidding exemptions that are detailed in NRS 332.115 (1) wherein the referenced system may be classified as a “sole-source” as the Police Department is looking to match the system used by other regional agencies. Additionally, the system in question is defined as software that is also exempt from bidding requirements under NRS 332.115 (7) (8).
Alternatives: The Council can deny the purchase of the Tiburon data collection system and require the Police Department to formally bid the purchase of a CAD/RMS System.
Recommended Motion: I move to accept the proposed quote and purchase the Tiburon data collection system in the amount of $221,963.00.
Attached Files: