Sparks City Council Meeting 7/22/2013 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 22, 2013 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV

Consent Items: 5.5

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of an agreement to Compu-Time, RFP #12/13-008, for electronic timekeeping software, time clocks, and implementation support.
Petitioner/Presenter: Jeff Cronk, Financial Services Director/Wayne Webber
Recommendation: Staff recommends that the City Council approve the agreement for electronic timekeeping for $175,000 as approved in FY 2014 CIP.
Financial Impact: Budget appropriations under program 14-10501 approved in the FY14 CIP for $175,000. Total contract with Compu-Time $131,050 (Software, implementation, Unit 4 interface, phone in system, employee web service, badge terminals and support, 2 years of annual service agreements) contingency funds required for Telestaff interface and support if necessary.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Approval of an agreement with Compu-Time for the purpose of implementing an electronic timekeeping system for all City of Sparks employees.


With the transition to Agresso Payroll complete, the next step along the path of innovating the City’s payroll process is to pursue electronic timekeeping. City staff believes this will improve the payroll process by eliminating paper time cards and allowing approved time entry to flow directly into the Agresso payroll module. This new process will allow the City’s Payroll Technician more time to do more analysis and less manual entry during payroll processing, and once the learning curve is overcome, should streamline timekeeping procedures throughout the City. This will also allow the City’s Human Resources and Payroll departments to enhance and standardize timekeeping internal control procedures and help ensure all employee hours are accounted for accurately and efficiently. An RFP for an electronic timekeeping system was prepared and published October 3, 2012 with nine firms responding by the October 25 2012 due date. The nine proposals were reviewed and ranked by City-wide team including staff members from Payroll, IT, Finance, Fire, Police, Parks & Recreation and Human Resources. Based on these results the top three firms were interviewed to make the final selection. The three firms selected for demonstration were: • Empower • Kronos • Compu-Time Stakeholders from Police, Fire, Maintenance, It, Parks and HR were invited to the demonstrations and allowed to ask question and fill out questionnaires. After the demonstrations a team from Finance, Payroll & HR reviewed the candidates for final selection.


Compu-Time was selected as our candidate for electronic timekeeping implementation. The team felt the system could meet all needs required by the City for electronic timekeeping. The selection was made on the basis of system capability, ease of employee interface, and cost. Compu-Time has provided a “Best and Final” offer reflecting the negotiations of needs determined following the interview process. The award of this agreement will include all projected cost for the software, installation, implementation and first year maintenance by the vendor and the City Staff.

Alternatives: 1. City Council could reject the agreement as outlined by staff. 2. City Council could approve the agreement as outlined by staff. 3. City Council could reject the agreement and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion: I move to approve the agreement with Compu-Time for electronic timekeeping for $175,000.

Attached Files:
     Compu-time sales agreement.pdf
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