Sparks City Council Meeting 7/8/2013 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 8, 2013 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV

General Business: 6.6

Title: Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3242, designating certain employees as Deputy Police Chief; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto.
Petitioner/Presenter: Shaun D.Carey, City Manager/Chris Syverson, Employee and Customer Relations Manager
Recommendation: Approval of Resolution #3242
Financial Impact: See Attached
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of Resolution #3242, designating certain employees as Deputy Police Chief; providing salaries for employees in these positions; providing benefits for these employees; providing for the repeal of all prior resolutions related to these employees; and providing other matters properly related thereto.

Background: The City of Sparks, Nevada provides a resolution defining salaries and benefits for employees not covered by a collective bargaining agreement as defined in N.R.S. 288. The city’s Deputy Police Chief employees are served under a separate and distinct Resolution due to the nature of positions and specific benefits provided by the city as differentiated from other employee groups within the city. The Deputy Police Chief employees of the city obtain their salary and benefits from a pay resolution that defines the salary levels and specific benefits provided by the city.

Analysis: The following is a summary of the sections being changed from the previous Pay and Benefits Resolution No. 3212 approved by the Council on January 9, 2012. The proposed changes are also shown in the attached copy of the proposed Resolution Strike-Out version. The overall structure of the Resolution has been reorganized to facilitate a consistent layout across all pay resolutions and bargaining agreements. All refernces to 'Classified' employment have been removed to reflect the 'Appointed' nature of the position and to be consistent with City Charter. Probation is addressed to allow employees who either voluntarily or involuntarily ddo not finish probation to return to their previously held position, or equivalent position. The salary level has been increased by the amount of 6% to reflect the requirement of a Bachelor's Degree for the position (education incentive pay removed). Payment of Longevity date has been changed to be paid no later than the Wednesday immediately preceding Thanksgiving. The requirement for automatic payroll deposit has been removed. The addition of a deferred compensation match of up to $50 per pay period has been added for consistency with staff positions. The pay and retirement sections have been amended to reflect no requirement for either the 7.5% salary or benefit concession, and removal of the PERS 50/50% sharing. The Goup Health Section has been amended to add that the city will increase the employees’ salary and wage schedule in one-half (1/2) percentage increments up to a maximum of three and one-half (3 ½) percent in exchange for permanent health care reductions, which promote personal and plan accountability or reduction in spending in the overall Group Health Plan implemented no later than January 1, 2014. Resolution members will receive their prorated share of the savings which will be converted to salary including salary driven benefits. Pay increase will be based on City Council approval of Group Health Plan Committee change recommendations. The dollar savings from the Group Health Plan to be converted to salary and wages will be determined based on projections developed by the Group Health Plan Committee’s consultant.

Alternatives: 1. The Council may choose to approve this proposed labor Resolution as presented by staff. 2. The Council may choose not to approve this proposed labor Resolution as presented by staff. 3. The Council may choose not to approve this proposed labor Resolution and provide other direction to staff.

Recommended Motion: I move to approve the Executive Resolution #3242 as presented by staff.

Attached Files:
     R3242 Deputy Police Chief.pdf
     NRS 288 Fiscal Impact - Deputy Police Chief.pdf
     Deputy Police Chief Resolution strike out.pdf
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