Sparks City Council Meeting 6/10/2013 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 10, 2013 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 5.7
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project, an Informal Quote, to Anchor Concrete in the amount of $85,591.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Andrew Hummel, P.E., Utility Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project, an informal quote, to Anchor Concrete in the amount of $85,591.00.
Financial Impact: The Mary Wahl Drain Backflow Prevention Valve Replacement Project is not in the approved FY13 CIP. Budget authority of $47,079.22 will be moved from CIP 13-6803 Annual Storm System & Ditch Rehab ($47,079.22 remaining) and $38,511.78 will be moved from CIP 13-6804 Annual Dam/Flood Structure/Citywide Flood Rehab & Construction ($47,750 remaining).
Total Costs: $85,591.00

Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund Account: 604130 Program: Mary Wahl Drain Backflow Prevention Valve (13-6803D) Amount: $85,591.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project, an Informal Quote, to Anchor Concrete in the amount of $85,591.00. This project will replace the existing steel flap gate, which does not prevent backflow of waters from the Truckee River into the storm drain, with a new self-sealing backflow prevention valve to reduce the backflow potential in the storm drain and possible localized flooding of the adjoining properties. City staff recommends approval.
Background: The Mary Wahl Drain (drainage ditch) was originally constructed circa 1880’s on the Wahl Ranch. The drain provided a means of catching excess irrigation waters and storm drainage which was returned to the Truckee River. After the North Truckee Drain, this is the second largest storm drain outfall to the river from Sparks. The area served by this drain now extends to the northwest corner of Sparks, north of McCarran Boulevard. The existing gate at the outfall structure is a 6 ft diameter steel gate which prevents the entry of debris into the storm drain, but does not prevent the backflow of water from the river into the storm drain system. Thus, in periods of high water levels in the Truckee River, water from the river can back up into the storm drain system and contribute to localized flooding of streets and businesses. Approval of this contract will replace the existing gate with a new self-sealing backflow prevention valve to reduce the backflow potential in the storm drain.
Analysis: The request for quotes was distributed to seven (7) local contractors and four quotes were received at City Hall on May 21, 2013. The quotes range in cost from $85,591 to $99,339. The contract amount includes a force account of $3,800 to correct unforeseen conditions if required. There are no alternate quote items in this project. No arithmetic errors or irregularities were found in the quotes provided. Anchor Concrete is the responsive contractor who provided the low quote for this project in the amount of $85,591. A recap of the quotes follows. Anchor Concrete $85,591.00 Peavine Construction $90,200.00 Stampede Construction $93,300.00 Gerhardt & Berry Construction $99,339.00 WWW Construction No Quote Reno Tahoe Construction No Quote Sierra Nevada Construction No Quote Engineer’s Estimate $85,000.00
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: “I move to approve the Mary Wahl Drain Valve Replacement Project to Anchor Concrete, in the amount of $85,591.”
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