Sparks City Council Workshop 11/5/2012
    Monday, November 5, 2012 12:00 PM
    Sparks Heritage Museum, Upstairs Conference Room, 814 Victorian Ave, Sparks, NV

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

  • Comments from the Public

3. Approval of the Agenda - Consideration of taking items out of sequence, deleting items and adding items which require action upon a finding that an emergency exists. (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

4. Welcome from Anthea Humphreys, Executive Director of the Sparks Museum and Cultural Center (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

5. Workshop Objective, Process and Methodology (For Possible Action)
5.1. Discuss outcomes and expectations for the workshop
5.2. Review decisions we need to make

6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Economic Development (For Possible Action)
6.1. Briefing on and discussion of the region’s economic development initiatives
6.2. Discussion of the City’s economic development role in regional initiatives and strategies

7. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Redevelopment
7.1. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the Redevelopment Agency’s real property assets in the Victorian Square area (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

8. Presentation, discussion, and possible direction regarding the Sparks zoning code assessment (For Possible Action)

9. Selection and appointments of Council members to the various Boards and Commissions (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)

10. Discussion and possible direction regarding future Council Workshops (FOR POSSIBLE ACTION)


  • 11.1 Comments from the Public
  • 11.2 Comments from the Council and City Manager

12. *Adjournment