Sparks City Council Meeting 8/13/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 13, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.2
Title: PCN12015, Public Hearing, consideration and possible action on a Master Plan Amendment request to remove the Iratcabal East Area Plan from the City of Sparks Master Plan; to change the land use designation from Child Day Care to Office Professional (OP) on 1.43 acres; and change the land use designation from Mini-Storage/R.V. Storage to General Commercial (GC) on 6.66 acres on a site approximately 37 acres in size generally located east of Vista Boulevard, north of Disc Drive, and south of Los Altos Parkway, Sparks, NV.
Petitioner/Presenter: City of Sparks/Tim Thompson
Recommendation: The Community Services Department and Planning COmmission recommends certification by the City Council of PCN12015
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: • A request to: remove the Iratcabal East Area Plan from the City of Sparks Master Plan; to change the land use designation from Child Day Care to Office Professional (OP) on 1.43 acres and, change the land use designation from Mini-Storage/R.V. Storage to General Commercial (GC) on 6.66 acres.
At a City Council retreat in August 2011, the City Council requested staff look at amendments to the development codes to remove barriers to development and job creation.
Recently, staff has been approached by two separate individuals who own property located within the Iratcabal East Area Plan. These individual property owners have a desire to expand existing uses or are seeking greater flexibility with regard to the allowable uses. The area plan currently restricts uses that would otherwise be permissible by City zoning. For these reasons and because of the number of previous master plan amendments discussed above, staff has concluded that the Iratcabal East Area Plan has served its intended purpose and that removing it from the Master Plan can facilitate additional investment.
Background: The Iratcabal East Area Plan, a component of the City of Sparks Master Plan, was adopted in December 1998. The intent of the Iratcabal East Area Plan was to govern the future development of approximately 41 acres of land east of Vista Boulevard, north of Disc Drive, and south of the northern intersection of Los Altos Parkway and Vista Boulevard. It was expected that the proposed modifications to the land use designations on the subject property would reduce the potential traffic generation relative to the existing designations. Additionally, a more diversified mix of smaller uses was projected along the Vista Boulevard corridor. The area plan includes specific master plan land use designations, some of which are not included in the City of Sparks Master Plan. It also includes specific design standards and restrictions on uses that would otherwise be permissible in the zoning ordinance. The current master plan land use designations include General Commercial, Mini-warehouse facility/R.V. storage, Child Day Care, Single Family Residential, Public Facility, and Office Professional. Zoning classifications include C2 (General Commercial), PO (Professional Office), and R1-6 (Single Family Residential). Most of the land included in the Iratcabal East Area Plan has been developed or has an approved development plan. Since the plan was adopted in 1998, there have been four Master Plan amendments processed. The first two amendments were adopted in 2001. MP-1-01 added public utility structures as an allowed use with the approval of a Special Use Permit in the low density residential land use designation. MP-2-01 altered design standard #10 to include alternative roof treatments and removed 3 acres of mini-storage/R.V. storage in favor of 3 acres of General Commercial land use. In 2003, another Master Plan amendment (PCN03026) was adopted which eliminated the Senior Convalescent land use designation and changed it to Office Professional. Secondly, Personal Service Shop was added as an allowable use within the Office Professional land use designation with a Site Plan Review approval. Lastly, design standard #10 was again modified to allow alternative roof materials. In 2006, a Master Plan amendment was adopted which allowed for the inclusion of preschools as an allowed use in the Office Professional land use with a Special Use Permit. As required by NRS, a neighborhood meeting was held on May 7, 2012. The applicant has submitted the required certificate of verification that the neighborhood meeting was held.
Analysis: At a City Council retreat in August 2011, the City Council requested staff look at amendments to the development codes to remove barriers to development and job creation. Recently, staff has been approached by two separate individuals who own property located within the Iratcabal East Area Plan. These individual property owners have a desire to expand existing uses or are seeking greater flexibility with regard to the allowable uses. The area plan currently restricts uses that would otherwise be permissible by City zoning. For these reasons and because of the number of previous master plan amendments discussed above, staff has concluded that the Iratcabal East Area Plan has served its intended purpose and that removing it from the Master Plan can facilitate additional investment. Over the past several years, staff has been working towards updating the Sparks Master Plan (Comprehensive Plan). Through this update process, staff was considering the removal of most of the area plans that remain part of the City’s Master Plan, including the Iratcabal East Area Plan. Because it is uncertain when the new Comprehensive Plan will be adopted, staff is moving forward with this request to remove the Iratcabal east Area Plan from the Master Plan document. The amendments includes removing the area plan from the Master Plan document and also changing the land use designation from Child Day Care to Office Professional (OP) on 1.43 acres and changing the land use designation from Mini-Storage/R.V. Storage to General Commercial (GC) on 6.66 acres. The associated master plan amendments further the goals, policies, and objectives and the Regional Plan and the Sparks Master Plan. The amendment is also consistent with the existing surrounding land use. For these reasons, staff and the Planning Commission recommends that the City Council certify the these Master Plan Amendments. MASTER PLAN AMENDMENT: FINDING MP1: The proposed Master Plan amendment would be in conformance with the Regional Plan. The project also meets the intent of the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan based on the following goal and related policy: “Goal 1.1 Between 2007 and 2030, at least 99% of the region’s population growth and 99% of the region’s jobs growth will be located in the Truckee Meadows Service Areas (TMSA).” “GOAL 1.2: Local Government and Affected Entity Master Plans, Facility Plans and other similar plans will provide for the necessary resources, services and infrastructure to support the density summarized in Table 1.2.1 of the Regional Plan. “Policy 1.2.2 To conform to the Regional Plan, local government and affected entity master plans, Facilities Plans, and other similar plans, must promote and not conflict with the following priorities for managing regional growth: 1) Downtown Centers; 2) Regional Centers and Emerging Employment Centers; 3) TOD Corridors; 4) Infill opportunity areas as identified in local government master plans; 5) Secondary Corridors; and 6) All other areas within the Truckee Meadows Service Areas.” “Policy 1.2.18 The Regional Plan designates the following general areas for Emerging Employment Centers: the southeast Truckee Meadows, east and north Sparks, and the Patrick interchange of the east Truckee River Canyon. To conform with the Regional Plan, local government and affected entity master plans must maintain and improve the viability of these areas as major employment centers with the following master plan provisions: 1) provide adequate non-residential land supply; 2) provide convenient access to major roads and/or freeways; 3) require pedestrian connections throughout the areas and to nearby residential areas; 4) plan for transit service; 5) provide adequate residential land supply in the surrounding area to house the anticipated number of employees; 6) require design and intensity standards to maintain the character of nearby residential areas; and 7) promote reverse commute and trip reduction strategies.” The proposed amendment furthers the goals and policies identified in the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan. FINDING MP2: The Master Plan amendment would implement the goals listed within the Sparks Master Plan as listed in the staff report. The following is an excerpt from the Sparks Master Plan. The emphasis is added to highlight appropriate sections. RELATIONSHIP TO THE MASTER PLAN 1. General Commercial (GC) Per the Master Plan document, General Commercial focuses on shopping, personal and professional service facilities and accessory uses in centers to meet the needs of the community. The Master Plan document goes on to state that GC areas are located adjacent to major arterial street intersections in the City and the City's Sphere of Influence Area boundary. GC areas are suitable near other community facilities such as convention centers, recreational facilities, theaters, and parks. Offices or mixed residential uses usually surround General Commercial shopping land use designated areas. 2. Office Professional (OP) Per the Master Plan document, the Office Professional land use designation includes offices for professional services, medical offices, medical clinics, banks, financial institutions or of a general business nature with accessory commercial uses and ancillary uses. Large office parks, child care, drive through businesses, and single or multiple family residential uses may be permitted by discretionary action in these designated land use areas. The Planned Development overlay may be applied to any area designated OP for entitlement and construction. The Master Plan document goes on the state that Office Professional uses are found scattered throughout the urbanized area but are especially common in the near vicinity of clinics, hospitals, commercial activities and major streets in the City and the City's Sphere of Influence Area boundary. These districts function well as a buffer between commercial and residential activities. The size of OP structures can vary considerably. They may be located in converted houses or other building structures, therefore, the size of utilities, public parking, landscaping and ancillary services will vary accordingly. Office uses should be constructed on physically suitable sites where environmental hazards do not exist. The land use goals, policies and action strategies in the 1991 Master Plan update (and subsequent 2002-2003 amendments) relevant to this project include the following: LAND USE GOAL LU1: To create a growth pattern which assures flexible, feasible and efficient developments and which includes natural and cultural amenities. POLICIES LU1a. The City will support a preferred growth pattern which applies consistent and uniform standards to areas planned for similar uses. LU1b. The City will ensure that development is in accord with the Master Plan and other land use controls to accomplish growth management goals. LU1c. The City will approve development plans which address conditions unique to the developing area to minimize impacts to adjacent properties and assure protection of natural and cultural resources. ACTION STRATEGIES 1. Apply appropriate sections of the City's Municipal Code to all development proposals. 2. Allow only developments which meet the proper land use designation of the City's Master Plan and the Regional Master Plan. 3. Review all projects in relation to their geographic location, impacts to adjacent communities, fiscal impact and mitigation measures to protect natural and cultural resources. Apply specific conditions of approval tailored for each development proposal. GOAL LU5: To support land uses and development that assures an appropriate balance of population, housing, and employment distribution within the City. POLICIES LU5a. The City will encourage land uses and development which maintains a balance of population, housing and employment within urban and emerging growth areas. LU5b. The City will support sustainable economic development resulting in efficient use of resources. LU5c. The City will provide adequate land for future non-residential development. LU5e. The City will ensure development of employment centers that preserve and enhance the character of neighborhoods, the natural environment, and visual integrity of surrounding viewsheds. LU5f. The City will ensure development of employment centers in close proximity to established or developing residential areas, along major arterials or freeways, on public transit routes, or implementation of other vehicle trip reduction strategies. LU5g. The City will encourage employment center development on infill sites. LU5h. The City will ensure pedestrian connections throughout emerging employment center developments and to nearby residential areas. CONSERVATION GOAL C2: To conserve and protect the quality of water. ACTION STRATEGIES 3. Develop Planned Development guidelines which include the provision of open space belts that inter-connect in a network whereby open space can act as a recharge and natural flood control basin and habitat reserve. GOAL C4: To manage air quality, consistent with Federal standards, that will provide for healthy living and the maintenance of clear views. POLICIES C4a. The City of Sparks will pursue a reduction in long term vehicle trips through the implementation of land use plans that encourage infill development, urban densities, and realistic jobs/housing balances. The benefits to such a policy include: fewer vehicle miles and hence less vehicle emission, reduced infrastructure requirements. The potential drawbacks to such an approach might include some reduction of open space corridors and market concerns over relative higher densities or intensities. ACTION STRATEGIES 2. Actively encourage ride share programs, particularly for large employers, such as those with an excess of 100 employees. Publicly recognize those employers currently undertaking or committing to such programs. Direct private involvement might take the form of an in-house trip-reduction coordinator with duties similar to those outlined in the Regional Transportation Commissions' Employer Trip Reduction Coordinator Manual. 4. Incorporate, where feasible, the inclusion of bikeways walking paths, and other alternative modes of transportation in planning programs and future development plans. The proposed project will comply with the goals, objectives, policies, and action strategies as listed above through the entitlement process. This Master Plan Amendment provides an opportunity for additional commercial uses along a major arterial. FINDING MP3: The Master Plan Amendment would be compatible with surrounding land uses. SURROUNDING LAND USES, ZONING, AND DENSITY • North: Commercial/Office, General Commercial (GC), C1 • East: Single Family Residential, EDR, R1-15/PUD & PD (Vistas Planned Development) • South: Public Facility, PF • West: Single Family Residential, 3-7 du/ac, R1-7 The proposed amendment meets the locational criteria set forth in the General Commercial and Office Professional sections of the land use plan. The site is located along Vista Boulevard and is surrounded by offices or mixed residential uses. Office Professional uses are found scattered throughout the urbanized area but are especially common in the near vicinity of clinics, hospitals, commercial activities and major streets within the City. Based on the consistency with the locational criteria and the adjacent land uses, staff believes the proposed General Commercial and Office Professional land use designations are compatible with the existing surrounding land uses. It is also important to point out that these amendments will bring the land use into conformance with the existing zoning. FINDING MP4: Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of Nevada Revised Statutes and Sparks Municipal Code. Public notice was given per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and the Nevada Revised Statutes. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearing for this item.
Alternatives: The City Council can remand the item back to the Planning Commission.
Recommended Motion: I move to certify the Master Plan Amendment Resolution #3220 associated with PCN12015, adopting Findings MP1 through MP4 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the Planning Commission staff report
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