Sparks City Council Meeting 3/22/2021 2:00:00 PM

Meeting Link:
Meeting Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 994 0494 7145

General Business: 9.12

Title: Consideration of and possible action on a request for a Tentative Map for a 356-lot townhome and detached single-family house subdivision on a site approximately 52.07 acres in size within the NUD (New Urban District – Stonebrook) zoning district generally located southeast of Pyramid Way and south of La Posada Drive, Sparks, NV, APN 528-030-58.
Petitioner/Presenter: Sparks Stonebrook, LLC/Sienna Reid, Senior Planner
Recommendation: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council approve a Tentative Map for a 356-lot townhome and detached single-family house subdivision on a site approximately 52.07 acres in size in the Stonebrook planned development, subject to 16 Conditions of Approval.
Financial Impact: No direct financial cost.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The proposed Tentative Map is for Villages AA-BB located on a site in Phase 3 of the Stonebrook planned development. The applicant is proposing 356 townhome and detached single-family lots on approximately 52.07 acres. The gross density of the project is 6.8 dwelling units per acre. This density complies with both the Intermediate Density Residential (IDR) Comprehensive land use category and the Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) density standards in the Stonebrook Final Design Standards and Regulations. The Planning Commission recommends approval of the Tentative Map, subject to sixteen Conditions of Approval.

This Tentative Map request is for Villages AA-BB, a subdivision with 192 detached single-family and 164 townhome lots (356 total lots) located within Phase 3 of the Stonebrook planned development. The site is generally located southeast of the intersection of Pyramid Way and La Posada Drive (Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map). It is governed by the Stonebrook Design Standards and Regulations (Handbook), which was approved in 2006.
In February of 2014, the City Council approved a tentative map for Stonebrook Phase 1 (PCN12014/TM130002), a 617-lot single-family residential subdivision. Stonebrook Phase 1 is located in the northeast portion of the Stonebrook planned development and abuts the Cimarron planned development to the east.  To date, 492 lots have been recorded in five final maps and 111 lots are being reviewed in another final map. 
In May of 2018, the City Council approved a tentative map for Stonebrook Phase 2 (PCN18-0007/STM18-0004), a 459-lot single-family subdivision. Stonebrook Phase 2 is located in the southeast portion of the Stonebrook planned development and abuts the Pioneer Meadows planned development to the south and Wingfield Springs planned development to the east. An amendment to the tentative map for Stonebrook Phase 2 (PCN18-0007/STM20-0003) was approved by City Council on November 23, 2020. This amendment added 30 lots, increasing the unit count from 459 to 489, and incorporated townhomes into the subdivision. Currently, 263 lots located in Villages E, F, and G are being reviewed in four final maps.  
In January of 2019, the City Council approved various amendments to the Handbook. One amendment provided for consolidation of two five-acre neighborhood park sites into one larger community park approximately 20 acres in size in accordance with policies established in the City of Sparks Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Plan. The community park site is located near the intersection of La Posada Drive and Tierra Del Sol Parkway within Phase 3 of the Stonebrook planned development. The Handbook requires the community park be offered for dedication to the City prior to the recordation of the last final map within Stonebrook Phase 3.
In February of 2020, the City Council approved a tentative map for Stonebrook West Villages 1 and 2 (PCN19-0019/STM19-0003), a 182-lot single-family subdivision within Stonebrook Phase 3. Stonebrook West Villages 1 and 2 consist of Villages DD, EE-1, and EE-2, and are located near the intersection of Stonebrook Parkway and Tierra Del Sol Parkway (Exhibit 2 – Stonebrook Land Use Map). To date, no final maps associated with Stonebrook West Villages 1 and 2 have been submitted for review. 
In June of 2020, a 396-unit multi-family residential project (PCN20-0014/AR20-0006) located adjacent to Pyramid Way and within the area designated MDR (Medium Density Residential) pursuant to the Handbook was administratively approved by City staff (Exhibit 2 – Stonebrook Land Use Map). 
On February 8, 2021, the City Council approved a tentative map for Stonebrook Phase 3 Village CC (PCN20-0040/STM20-0004), a 73-lot single-family subdivision. 
On February 4, 2021, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council for the Stonebrook Phase 3 Villages AA-BB Tentative Map request for a 356-lot townhome and detached single-family subdivision (Exhibit 12 - Planning Commission Report of Action).
In conjunction with this Tentative Map request for Stonebrook Phase 3 Villages AA-BB, the applicant also submitted a request to deviate from the minimum lot width standard for Patio Homes specified in Section 5.5.1 of the Handbook. Section 2.2.1 of the Handbook authorizes the Administrator to approve deviations of up to 20 percent from Handbook development standards. The deviation request to reduce the minimum lot width for patio homes from 45 to 40 feet, an 11 percent decrease, was approved by City staff on January 29, 2021 (Exhibit 3 – Stonebrook Deviation Approval Letter).

The applicant is requesting a Tentative Map for a 356-lot subdivision consisting of a mix of detached single-family and townhome units on a site that is approximately 52.07 acres in size (Exhibit 4 – Tentative Map). As proposed, the lots will range in size from approximately 2,880 to 8,104 square feet with an average lot size of 3,506 square feet. The gross density of the project is 6.8 dwelling units per acre. The density of the project is 8.8 dwelling units per acre when open space and common areas are excluded. 
The subject site has Intermediate Density Residential (IDR) and Open Space (OS) designations pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map. The IDR Comprehensive Plan land use category specifies a density range between six and less than 10 dwelling units per acre. As proposed, the Tentative Map is consistent with the IDR density range.
The subject site is zoned NUD (New Urban District – Stonebrook) and designated Low Medium Density Residential (LMDR) and Open Space (OS) in the Handbook. These Handbook land use designations are coterminous with the Comprehensive Plan land use designations. 
The subdivision proposed by the Tentative Map includes three parcels that are split between the IDR and OS Comprehensive Plan land use designations and the conforming LMDR and OS Handbook land use designations. These include lot 273, the common area parcel east of lot 196, and the common area parcel north of lot 289 (Exhibit 5 – Land Use Exhibit). Section 2.1.1 of the Handbook allows for adjustments to land use designation boundaries due to changes in the location of streets that divide two designations (Exhibit 6 – Stonebrook Handbook Section 2.2.1). Such adjustments do not constitute a relocation of a designation. The applicant maintains, and the Planning Commission concurred, that the eastern road shown in Village BB (i.e., Sodalite Way) is the boundary of the OS, and therefore that lot 273 is entirely designated LMDR. 
Moreover, while Nevada law requires consideration of whether a proposed tentative map is in conformance with zoning ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan, if the zoning document (the Handbook, in this case) and Comprehensive Plan are inconsistent, the zoning ordinance takes precedence. Given this inconsistency, the more permissive zoning document – the Handbook – takes precedence. The adjustment of the LMDR designation to the eastern side of Sodalite Way is therefore allowed. The common area parcels east of lot 196 and north of lot 289 comply with the IDR and OS Comprehensive Plan land use designations and the LMDR and OS Handbook designations as they will accommodate required recreational amenities and formal landscaping rather than residential dwelling units.  
192 lots in Village AA and 24 lots in Village BB are designed to meet the Patio Home standards in the Handbook, except that the minimum lot width standard of 45 feet has been administratively reduced to 40 feet. These standards require a minimum lot depth of 75 feet but do not specify a minimum lot size. The average lot size for proposed Patio Home lots is 3,200 square feet. 
A total of 164 lots in Village BB are planned for townhome units with two units per building (i.e., duplexes). These lots are generally designed to meet the Townhome standards in the Handbook. The standards do not specify a minimum lot size, width, or depth. Instead, the Townhome standards define minimum setbacks that create allowed building envelopes and specify internal building setbacks of 20 feet between buildings in Section of the Handbook. The typical lot detail for Townhome lots (Exhibit 4 – Tentative Map) shows a minimum building setback of 16 feet between buildings, which is 20 percent less than the required internal building setback. A deviation to reduce the required minimum internal building setback, which may be approved administratively, is required prior to the recordation of any final map (Condition 16). As proposed, the average size of the Townhome lots is 3,296 square feet.  
The Handbook limits the maximum number of dwelling units in the Stonebrook planned development to 2,135. The Handbook does not require a minimum number of dwelling units be achieved at build-out. Currently approved tentative map lots and multi-family dwelling units within the Stonebrook planned development are shown in the table below. Final map lots that are either recorded or under review (and included in the count of Tentative Map Lots) are also shown. 
Stonebrook Entitlements Tentative Map Lots or Multi-Family Units Final Map Lots
Phase 1 Tentative Map (Villages A, B, C & D 617 603
Phase 2 Tentative Map (Villages E, F & G 489 263
Stonebrook west Villages 1 & 2 Tentative Map (Phase 3 Villages DD, EE-1 & EE-2 182 0
Stonebrook Phase 3 Village CC 73 0
Subtotal - Single-Family Lots 1,361 866
Stonebrook Apartments 396 --
Total 1,757 866










As reflected in the table, 1,361 single-family lots and 396 multi-family dwelling units have been approved within the Stonebrook planned development. Combined, these lots and multi-family units total 1,757. Adding the 356 lots proposed with the Phase 3 Villages AA-BB Tentative Map to the previously approved units equals 2,113 dwelling units.

The applicant submitted a trip generation letter analyzing projected trips for the Stonebrook planned development’s single-family lots at full build-out (Exhibit 7 – Trip Generation Letter). This letter estimates 1,703 single-family dwelling units will be constructed based on existing and anticipated final map lots. Adding this figure and the 396 approved multi-family dwelling units would result in 2,099 residential dwelling units within the Stonebrook planned development at build-out. This is 36 dwelling units less than the maximum of 2,135 units permitted by the Handbook. Traffic impacts associated with the 1,703 single-family dwelling units are addressed in Finding T6 below.
The City requested comments from public agencies in accordance with NRS 278.330 to 278.348, inclusive. The Washoe County School District, Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT), and Regional Transportation Commission (Exhibit 11 – Agency Comments) submitted comments. These comments are addressed in the Tentative Map Findings below. A plan review meeting was held on January 6, 2021, with the applicant’s representatives and staff from planning, engineering, building, and the Sparks Fire Department. All departments agreed that the Stonebrook Phase 3 Villages AA-BB Tentative Map request is appropriate given the number of dwelling units permitted by the Handbook. 
For the reasons discussed below, the Planning Commission determined that findings T1 through T12 can be made and recommends approval of the Tentative Map to the City Council.
Tentative Map Findings
The request conforms to the Master Plan and zoning ordinances.
The Land Use Plan Goals and Policies that are relevant to this proposal include:
H2: Promote a strong, diverse housing market that supports economic growth and vitality while ensuring environmental and fiscal sustainability.
H3: Ensure that Sparks residential and mixed-use neighborhoods are desirable locations to live.
C4:  Require sidewalks for pedestrian on all street networks within the City.  
CF1: When reviewing new development, the City will not approve an application unless City services can be provided at acceptable service levels.
CC8: Foster neighborhood diversity and design by permitting varied lot sizes, building materials, building styles and color. 
H1: Ensure there are sufficient appropriately zoned areas with the infrastructure, public facilities and services necessary for the production of new housing. 
H2: Promote a variety of housing types throughout Sparks, including within mixed-use settings, to expand the choices available to meet the financial and lifestyle needs of a diverse population and workforce.
This Tentative Map request is for a subdivision with 192 detached single-family and 164 townhome lots (356 total lots). The proposed subdivision will provide small lot detached single-family and townhome housing products that enhance housing diversity in Sparks, advancing Goal H2, Policy H1, and Policy H2. Townhomes are commonly classified as “missing middle” housing that offers home ownership opportunities at lower price points than traditional detached single-family housing.
Preliminary architectural elevations were provided (Exhibit 8 – Elevations & Floorplans) and include three designs for Patio Homes and two designs for Townhomes. These elevations are designed to comply with the architectural standards in the Handbook that address varied building styles, colors and materials in support of Goal H3 and Policy CC8. Final architectural elevations must be approved by City staff prior to the recordation of a final map (Condition 8). 
The street cross sections and Tentative Map plans show sidewalks on both sides of all streets, complying with Policy C4. Infrastructure and utilities are currently available to the property and infrastructure modeling included development of Phase 3 Villages AA-BB as a single-family subdivision, which complies with Policy CF1 and supports Policy H1.
General conformity with the City's master plan of streets and highways has been considered.
Access to the project will be from Oppio Ranch Parkway and the Tentative Map incorporates the street designs provided in the Handbook. 
Environmental and health laws and regulations concerning water and air pollution, the disposal of solid waste, facilities to supply water, community or public sewage disposal and, where applicable, individual systems for sewage disposal were considered.
This application was distributed to the agencies that provide basic services and administrate environmental and health laws. No written comments were provided to the City by these agencies. The developer shall comply with all Washoe County Health District requirements (Condition 5).
The availability of water which meets applicable health standards and is sufficient in quantity for the reasonably foreseeable needs of the subdivision has been considered. 
The developer has estimated the domestic water requirement for 192 detached single-family and 164 townhome lots at 302.74 acre-feet per year. Municipal water service will be provided by Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) and water rights must be in place or dedicated with final maps (Condition 6).
The availability and accessibility of utilities has been considered.
The developer estimates that 356 detached single-family and townhome units will generate 124,600 gallons of sewage per day. The applicant is required to provide evidence that there is adequate sanitary sewer conveyance and treatment capacity to serve the project prior to the recordation of a final map. The storm water and drainage plan for the development shall be reviewed and approved by the Engineering Division of the Community Services Department prior to the recordation of a final map for the project (Condition 7). 
The availability of municipal water is addressed in Finding T4 above. NV Energy will provide electrical and natural gas services. Electric, telephone, and cable services will be extended underground within the roadway right-of-way to serve this development.
The availability and accessibility of public services such as schools, police protection, transportation, recreation and parks has been considered.
The site is zoned for Bohach Elementary School, Sky Ranch Middle School, and Spanish Springs High School. As stated in the email dated January 6, 2021, from the Washoe County School District (Exhibit 11 – Agency Comments), the project is anticipated to add 63 new to students to Bohach Elementary, 30 new students to Sky Ranch Middle School, and 28 new students to Spanish Springs High School. Bohach Elementary School was recently constructed and will remain under base capacity for at least five years based on Washoe County School District projections. Sky Ranch Middle School was also recently constructed but is projected to reach 104% of base capacity in the next five years. Options to alleviate higher enrollments projected at Sky Ranch include the construction of additions to this school and/or adjustments to enrollment boundaries. Current enrollment at Spanish Springs High School is 111% of base capacity. However, enrollment relief at Spanish Springs High School is anticipated with the opening of the new Procter R. Hug High School in Fall 2022.
Law enforcement services will be provided by the Sparks Police Department, which did not provide comments regarding the provision of police services to the 356 lots proposed with this Tentative Map request.
An updated trip generation letter has been provided by the applicant (Exhibit 7 – Trip Generation Letter). This letter indicates the requested Tentative Map will generate 3,534 average daily trips, 262 AM peak hour trips, and 353 PM peak hour trips. 
The updated trip generation letter also compares trips for single-family residential lots in the master traffic study to trips anticipated with full build-out of single-family residential lots in the Stonebrook planned development. The master traffic study identified roadway improvements needed to serve 1,935 single-family residential lots. Current estimates anticipate 1,703 single-family lots at build-out. While this number of single-family units results in 151 more average daily trips than identified in the master traffic study, AM and PM peak hour trips are reduced by 141 and 101 trips, respectively. The trip generation letter indicates adequate capacity exists to accommodate the 356 lots proposed in Phase 3 Villages AA-BB. The City’s Transportation Manager evaluated the letter and concurs with this conclusion. 
The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) and Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) provided comments regarding this application (Exhibit 11 – Agency Comments). NDOT comments address permitting requirements for connections to Pyramid Way. RTC comments indicate the 356 lots proposed with this Tentative Map request will not have a detrimental impact to traffic circulation or increase trips associated with single-family residential development above the level analyzed in the master traffic study. In addition, RTC’s letter requests a ten-space Park-n-Ride facility be provided for residents of the proposed subdivision. However, the Handbook does not permit transportation uses such as a Park-n-Ride on sites with the LMDR designation.
Fire and emergency medical services will be provided by Sparks Fire Department. The project site is located outside the 4-minute travel time standard of the Sparks Fire Department; however, residential fire sprinklers are not required due to the alternative protection measures specified in Section 1.3.1 of the Handbook.  These include a radio and paging system installed in Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District Station 46 and emergency access through the Stonebrook planned development. The City also has an agreement with the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District for automatic aid to serve this area.
NV Energy will provide gas and electrical services. Electric, telephone, and cable services will be extended underground within roadway right-of-way to serve this development.  
A 20-acre community park site near the intersection of La Posada Drive and Tierra Del Sol Parkway is planned within Phase 3 of the Stonebrook planned development. The Handbook requires the community park be offered for dedication to the City prior to the recordation of the last final map within Stonebrook Phase 3. This Handbook requirement was satisfied on January 28, 2021, with the recordation of a quitclaim deed conveying the park site to the City of Sparks.
The effect of the proposed subdivision on existing public streets and the need for new streets or highways to serve the subdivision has been considered.
The 356 lots proposed in the Phase 3 Villages AA-BB Tentative Map will not exceed the maximum number of dwelling units allowed pursuant to the Handbook. The updated trip generation letter submitted by the applicant demonstrates adequate roadway capacity exists to accommodate these 356 lots and that no additional roadway improvements are required (Exhibit 7 – Trip Generation Letter).
The physical characteristics of the land such as flood plain, slope and soil has been considered.
A Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) limiting FEMA Zone A to the defined Reach 4 channel and pond areas was approved August 25, 2011. The project site is located within Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Zone X, which is outside the 100-year flood hazard zone.
The project does not meet the thresholds of the City’s Hillside Development Ordinance as the site is relatively flat with slopes of less than 10% over 98.4% (51.22 acres) of the site (Exhibit 9 – Slope Map).
The recommendations and comments of those entities reviewing the tentative map pursuant to NRS 278.330 to 278.348, inclusive, have been considered.
City staff received comments from the Washoe County School District, Nevada Department of Transportation, and Regional Transportation Commission that are addressed in Finding T6 above. No comments were provided by other outside agencies regarding this application. 
The availability and accessibility of fire protection, including, but not limited to, the availability and accessibility of water and services for the prevention and containment of fires, including fires in wild lands has been considered. 
Fire service will be provided by the Sparks Fire Department. Refer to comments above for Finding T6. In addition, the City has an agreement with the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District for automatic aid to serve this area.
Municipal water service for the containment of fires will be provided by TMWA, as discussed above for Finding T4. 
The application, as submitted and conditioned, will address identified impacts. 
This section identifies project-specific issues not discussed above such as:
The preliminary landscape plan submitted with this request shows landscaping for typical front yards and common areas (Exhibit 10 – Landscape Plan). The common area parcel located east of lot 196 includes formal landscaping and a flat amenity area that will accommodate child-oriented play features required for Townhome recreation areas by the Handbook. Common areas must be maintained by the landscape maintenance association or homeowner’s association and final landscape plans that conform with the Handbook’s landscaping requirements must be approved by City staff prior to the recordation of a final map (Condition 12). 
This project consists of detached single-family homes and two-unit townhome buildings. The preliminary architectural elevations show three two-story house designs for Patio Homes and two two-story house designs for Townhomes (Exhibit 8 – Elevations & Floorplans). Final architectural elevations that comply with the architectural standards in the Handbook must be approved by City staff prior to the recordation of a final map (Condition 8). 
Regional Trails:
Figure 4-2 of the Comprehensive Plan identifies the trails and pathways network for the City of Sparks. Within Stonebrook Phase 3, a regional trail is shown along the Reach 4 drainage channel and Orr Ditch. This regional trail facility is located to the north and west of Villages AA-BB; however, Villages AA-BB have been designed to connect to the regional trail system via sidewalks along Oppio Ranch Parkway. 
Fencing plans that conform with the Handbook’s permanent fencing requirements must be approved by City staff prior to the recordation of a final map (Condition 15). 
Public notice was given, and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes.
Public notice for tentative maps is accomplished through posting the agenda for a public meeting. The Planning Commission agenda was posted on January 29, 2020; the City Council agenda was posted on or before March 17, 2021.  The Planning Commission and the City Council meetings function as the public meetings for this item.

  1. The City Council may approve the Tentative Map as recommended by the Planning Commission.
  2. The City Council may approve the Tentative Map with changes to the Conditions of Approval. 
  3. The City Council may deny the Tentative Map.
  4. The City Council may remand the Tentative Map to Planning Commission with direction. 

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the Tentative Map for a 356-lot townhome and detached single-family subdivision on a site approximately 52.07 acres in size within the NUD (New Urban District – Stonebrook) zoning district generally located southeast of Pyramid Way and south of La Posada Drive, Sparks, Nevada, adopting Findings T1 through T12 and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report, and subject to Conditions of Approval 1 through 16.

Attached Files:
     01 - Conditions of Approval.pdf
     02 - Exhibits 1-3.pdf
     03 - Exhibit 4 - Tentative Map.pdf
     04 - Exhibits 5-11.pdf
     05 - Exhibit 12 - Planning Commission Report of Action.pdf
     CC PPT_STM20-0008 Stonebrook Village AA_BB.pdf
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