Sparks City Council Meeting 3/22/2021 2:00:00 PM

Meeting Link:
Meeting Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 994 0494 7145

General Business: 9.10

Title: Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of a professional services contract (AC-5741) with Farr West Engineers for engineering design of the FY21 Cured-in-Place Pipe (CIPP) Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $93,000.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Assistant City Manager/Kevin Porter P.E., Utility Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the professional services contract.
Financial Impact: The design proposal amount is $93,000. $1,000,000, was approved in the FY21 CIP in program 21-6594 Sewer Improvements Project – Annual Sewer System Rehab for design and construction.
Total Costs: $93,000.00
Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund    Account: 604150
Program: Annual Sewer System Rehab (21-6594)
Amount: $93,000.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

This contract is for professional engineering design services for final pipe segment identification, utility research, engineered drawings, bid item clarifications, and specifications.  Cured-in-place pipe is used to rehabilitate a sanitary sewer line that needs structural repair but does not require full pipe replacement.  


This project is intended to rehabilitate sanitary sewer mainline pipe that has been identified as experiencing degradation and structural defects.  Pipe assessments performed by the City of Sparks Public Works Maintenance Division are used to identify and prioritize pipe segments that require maintenance and possible rehabilitation.  The flow conveyed by the sanitary sewer system can be abrasive and corrosive, and over time this infrastructure will need to be maintained and/or rehabilitated as shown by the pipe assessments. Farr West Engineering and their knowledge of pipe assessment and cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) will be utilized to perform a final assessment and identify approximately 7,500 lineal feet of sanitary sewer mainline pipe, primarily southwest of McCarran Boulevard within the City of Sparks, to be rehabilitated.  The project was approved as a part of the FY21 Capital Improvements Plan.  

Farr West Engineering was selected to perform the engineering design due to their experience with similar sewer CIPP rehabilitation projects regionally along with having successfully completed the FY20 Stanford Way Sanitary Serwer CIPP Lining project. This contract is for professional engineering design services, and Farr West Engineering will review, analyze, and perform final design for the FY21 CIPP project. 
The proposal for design services from Farr West Engineers provides for a complete design, including analysis and engineered construction documents for project bidding, for the FY21 CIPP sewer system improvements.  The proposed fee is $93,000.00.

  1. City Council may approve the professional services contract as outlined by staff.
  2. City Council may reject the professional services contract and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the professional services contract (AC-5741) with Farr West Engineers for engineering design of the FY21 Cured-in-Place Pipe Sewer Rehabilitation Project in the amount of $93,000.00.

Attached Files:
     01 - FY21 CIPP Vicinity Map.pdf
     02 - CIPP Sewer System Rehab Pre and Post Photos.pdf
     03 – FY21 CIPP Sewer System Rehab Farr West Engineering Contract.pdf
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