Sparks City Council Meeting 3/8/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 97040001645
General Business: 9.5

Fund: Road Fund Account: 604140 Program: 1401 - Pavement Mgmt Prog - Street Improvements - Corr & Rehab (21-0500) Amount: $516,293.25 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Fund: Road Fund Account: 604120 Program: 1401 - Pavement Mgmt Prog - Sidewalk Rehab (21-0501) Amount: $204,485.04 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Fund: Sanitary Sewer Cap Proj Fund Account: 604150 Program: Annual Sewer System Street Improvement Coordination (21-6595) Amount: $31,867.17 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund Account: 604130 Program: Annual Storm Drain Street Improvment Coordination (21-6690) Amount: $333,361.54 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Key service area 130636 in Fund 1641 is currently over budget pending the CIP Augmentation which will be presented at a later date. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The project involves removing and replacing deteriorating curb, gutter, sidewalk, and driveway approaches, along with constructing new pedestrian ramps and reconstructing the roadway with new asphalt. Refer to the attached FY21 Street Rehabilitation Unit 1 Vicinity Map for street locations. The project was advertised on January 20, 2021. On February 10, 2021, the City of Sparks received five (5) qualified bids for this project. Sierra Nevada Construction submitted the low bid in the amount of $1,086,007.00.
The 2021 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project is part of the City’s Transportation System – Pavement Management Program. The project was prioritized through the City’s Pavement Management System and outlined in the 5-year Program of Projects.
Engineer’s Estimate | $1,248,493.55 |
Sierra Nevada Construction | $1,086,007.00 |
Spanish Springs Construction | $1,262,444.00 |
Q&D Construction | $1,266,040.00 |
West Coast Paving | $1,319,000.00 |
Granite Construction | $1,445,445.00 |
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the 2021 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 – Camino Real Drive Neighborhood Project construction contract (AC-5737) with Sierra Nevada Construction in the amount of $1,086,007.00.
Attached Files: