Sparks City Council Meeting 2/8/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 967 5568 3197
General Business: 9.10
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item gives City Council the opportunity to review and ratify a professional services agreement for cultural competency training services with Tiffany Young Consulting, LLC.
In June 2020, City Council directed the City Manager to take steps to establish a diversity commission for the City. Shortly after receiving that direction, City Manager Neil Krutz contacted Tiffany Young, the Equity and Diversity Director for Washoe County School District (WCSD). In addition to her work with WCSD, Ms. Young also offers professional consulting services in diversity, cultural awareness, and similar matters. Ms. Young provided Mr. Krutz a proposal to provide cultural competency training to City employees and officials. The contract attached to this staff report is based on that proposal.
Because the estimated value of the contract is less than $50,000.00, the City Manager approved the professional services contract pursuant to Sparks Municipal Code 2.25.150(A). However, given the importance of Ms. Young's services to the City's efforts to improve outreach to and interactions with the diverse community, staff wanted to provide City Council the opportunity to review and ratify this contract.
Under the agreement, Ms. Young will provide a four-hour training seminar for senior staff; a four-hour City Council workshop; two-hour professional learning sessions; and additional guidance in the realms of diversity, equity, implicit biases, and cultural awareness. These training services will lay the foundation for City officers and employees to develop and pursue diversity and belonging initiatives, including but not limited to establishing a diversity commission for the City and revising City policies as needed.
The agreement contains a cost structure but does not include a maximum fee amount. Based on the cost structure, the estimated fee amount of $15,990.00 was calculated based on the following assumptions:
- One four-hour training seminar for senior staff at $3,750.00
- One four-hour City Council workshop at $3,750.00
- Two two-hour professional learning sessions at $1,875.00 each, or $3,750.00 total
- 12 hours of thought partnership consulting at $395.00 per hour, or $4,740.00 total
The actual cost of this agreement could increase or decrease depending on the services that are needed. However, as long as the actual cost remains within the City Manager's spending authority under SMC 2.25.150(A) as staff anticipates, further City Council review of this agreement is not required.
1. City Council may ratify the City Manager's approval of the agreement with Tiffany Young Consulting as recommended by staff.
2. City Council may decline to ratify the agreement and give further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to ratify the City Manager's approval of the professional services contract (AC-5731) with Tiffany Young Consulting, LLC, for cultural competency professional learning services in an estimated amount of $15,990.00.
Attached Files: