Sparks City Council Meeting 2/8/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 967 5568 3197
General Business: 9.5

Fund: General Fund Account: 603420 Program: Emergency Medical Training (101425) Amount: $35,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item recommends approval of providing paramedic-level emergency medical services on Engine 12, based at Sparks Fire Station 1, following the Paramedic Program implementation schedule adopted by City Council on August 22, 2016.
On August 22, 2016, the Sparks City Council authorized the Sparks Fire Department (SFD) to provide paramedic-level emergency medical services (EMS) in the City of Sparks. Due to staffing constraints, the Paramedic Program was designed to be phased in over several years based on the availability of staffing and the equipment needed to provide this level of EMS care.
Fire stations 4 and 5 started operating with paramedic engines on April 3, 2017. Station 2 started providing paramedic-level EMS on May 7, 2018. Station 3 started its paramedic service on January 18, 2019. E-11 at Station 1 went to paramedic-level service February 25, 2020.
When the Paramedic Program was first approved, SFD had 15 paramedics on staff. Today, SFD has 30 paramedics on staff, 24 of which are at the firefighter/paramedic level.
Paramedic interventions include advanced airway management, cardiac monitoring, and administration of medications. The utilization of paramedic skills at Fire Station 1 should improve patient outcomes by supplying the highest level of pre-hospital care. The cost associated with licensing Engine 12 at Station 1 is estimated at about $35,000.00 for a cardiac monitor, consumable supplies, and medications. The current budget has sufficient funds available to acquire these items.
The continued implementation of paramedic-level EMS at Sparks Fire Department ensures that residents and visitors are receiving care consistent with that available in neighboring jurisdictions. If City Council approves providing paramedic-level EMS on E-12, E-12 would likely be staffed with paramedics beginning February 9, 2021.
1. Council can approve staffing E-12 with paramedics in accordance with the implementation schedule adopted by the Council on August 22, 2016.
2. Council can deny staffing E-12 with paramedics and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve providing paramedic-level emergency medical service on Engine 12 at Fire Station 1 in accordance with the Paramedic Program implementation schedule adopted by the City Council on August 22, 2016.