Sparks City Council Meeting 1/25/2021 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 95400718003
General Business: 9.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Over a period of several months, the City of Sparks Group Health Care Committee (GHCC), which consists of representatives from each of the City's employee groups, developed Rules of Procedure that will govern future GHCC meetings. The City Council is being asked to approve the Rules of Procedure, the final step in memorializing and implementing these Rules.
The City of Sparks Group Health Care Committee (GHCC) was established through contract negotiations for the purpose of recommending to the City Council cost-containment measures and benefit changes to the City’s self-insured group health plan (Plan). These modifications may include changes to medical, dental, pharmacy, and life insurance benefits as outlined in the City of Sparks Group Health Summary Plan Document (Plan Document).
The Plan Document is the governing document for the City’s Plan providing benefits to employees, retirees, and dependents (Members). The Plan Document is the foundation for how benefits are interpreted and paid on behalf of covered Members.
When the GHCC meets, it may discuss matters such as the financial status of the Plan, cost-containment measures, legally mandated benefit changes, interpretation of the Plan Document, language changes to the Plan Document, and review of services provided by the City’s contracted third-party administrators. The GHCC meetings are open to the public and comply with Nevada Open Meeting Law.
The GHCC makes recommendations to the City Council, impacts a large operating budget, and affects the group health benefits for all covered Members.
The GHCC membership is described in the City's collective bargaining agreements with affected groups. Membership is as follows:
- One voting member and one alternate member from each of the following recognized bargaining groups:
- Operating Engineers (OE3)
- Sparks Police Protective Association (SPPA)
- International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)
- One non-voting member and one alternate member from each of the following groups, who provide input to voting members:
- Operating Engineers Supervisory Unit
- Confidential Employees
- Management, Professional, Technical, and Appointed Employees
- Classified Chief Officers
- Retirees
While the collective bargaining agreements describe GHCC membership, they do not address the GHCC agenda, how items are brought to the GHCC for consideration, voting procedures, or other processes.
Development of Rules of Procedure
In the Spring of 2020, the members of the GHCC agreed to develop Rules of Procedure in order to improve relationships and communication while clarifying how the GHCC operated.
The committee members were presented draft Rules of Procedure and a workshop was held in August 2020. As a result of the hard work of the committee members in the workshop and subsequent GHCC meetings, the GHCC approved a final draft of the Rules of Procedure on November 19, 2020.
The Rules of Procedure address:
• The GHCC's purpose
• Application of the Rules of Procedure
• Policies of the GHCC
• Organization of the GHCC
• GHCC agendas
• Processes for GHCC meetings
• Definition of a quorum
• Procedures for motions, discussion, and voting
• Public participation
The new Rules of Procedure are attached to the agenda item. Below is a brief summary.
The Rules of Procedure clarify that the GHCC is comprised of three (3) constituencies:
Voting Groups: OE3, SPPA, and IAFF are the “Voting Groups” on the GHCC. One voting member and one alternate represent each Voting Group and are each appointed to their position by the membership of their respective bargaining units.
Represented Groups: OE3 Supervisory Unit; Classified Chief Officers; Confidential Employees; Management, Professional, Technical, and Appointed Employees; and Retirees are the five non-voting “Represented Groups” on the GHCC. One primary member and one alternate represent each Represented Group. OE3 Supervisory Unit and Classified Chief Officers appoint their own representatives. The City Manager appoints the representatives for Confidential Employees; Management, Professional, Technical and Appointed Employees; and Retirees. The application process for Retirees follows the application process for other City boards and commissions.
Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson: The Chair and Vice-Chair of the GHCC are selected and appointed by the City Manager and need not otherwise be members or alternates on the GHCC.
Procedures for Agendas
A GHCC Voting or Represented member may place an item on the agenda by requesting the addition of such item to a future agenda, either during a GHCC meeting or in writing to the Chair. All such requests must explain whether the item is a cost-saving measure or a recommended benefit change. In addition, the Chair, Vice Chair, and City Manager or designee may direct items to be placed on the GHCC agenda.
Motions and Discussion
An item that requires action by the GHCC must receive a motion by one Voting Group and a second by another Voting Group to continue. No member of a Represented Group may make a motion or a second, but Represented Groups may engage in discussion regarding any agenda item or motion, including suggesting a possible motion for a Voting Group.
Each Voting Group has one (1) vote. The votes of any two (2) of the Voting Groups shall bind all the Voting Groups and Represented Groups to a recommendation to the City Council. All votes shall be made by roll call vote taken by the Chair or presiding member. The votes shall be recorded, and the Chair will announce whether the motion carried or failed.
Meeting Administration
Regular meetings of the GHCC are held at 8:30 am on the third Thursday of every odd-numbered month (January, March, May, July, September, November) in the Downstairs Training Room in Sparks City Hall unless a different location is required due to a scheduling conflict. Seating for meetings of the GHCC shall be styled in the same fashion as seating for a City Council Workshop with each Group being afforded two seats, one each for such Group’s primary and alternate members.
When consistent with state law and not otherwise provided in the Rules of Procedure, the conduct of meetings of the GHCC shall be governed by the most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order then in effect.
All meetings of the GHCC shall be open to the public and will comply with Nevada’s Open Meeting Law, including providing time for public comment.
All Groups of the GHCC are expected to have at least one representative (member) attend scheduled meetings. If a member is unable to attend a scheduled meeting of the GHCC, the member must contact the Chair prior to the meeting to inform Chair of his or her inability to attend. When warranted, telecommunication is an acceptable form of attendance.
A member of a Represented Group appointed by the City Manager with two or more unexcused absences in any twelve-month period or who misses two consecutive meetings of the GHCC may be removed from GHCC and a replacement will be appointed before the next meeting of the GHCC.
Effective Date
With the approval of City Council, the City of Sparks Group Health Care Committee Rules of Procedure will apply to all future meetings of the GHCC, effective January 25, 2021.
1. Council may approve the City of Sparks Group Health Care Rules of Procedures as presented.
2. Council may reject the City of Sparks Group Health Care Rules of Procedure and provide direction.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the City of Sparks Group Health Care Committee Rules of Procedure effective January 25, 2021.
Attached Files: