Sparks City Council Meeting 11/9/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 924 3929 2876
General Business: 9.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The employment contract between Jeff Cronk, Chief Financial Officer, and the City of Sparks is before the Council for an update of the contract effective dates to align with the fiscal year, and to incorporate the executive resolution terms into the contract to eliminate the need to maintain and refer to two separate documents to determine benefits.
Mr. Cronk has had an executive contract with the City since January 4, 2010, when he was promoted to Financial Services Director, which is a department head position that oversees the Financial Services Department. The City Manager proposes replacing the older contract with the newer one for two reasons. First, changing the contract effective period to coincide with the fiscal year and other executive contracts will streamline administering those contracts. The current contract renews each year in January instead of the more logical end of the fiscal year. For strategic planning and budgetary reasons, it makes sense to align the timing of the executive contracts to the fiscal year. Second, the proposed contract eliminates the need to have both an employment contract and an executive resolution. When there are two documents governing the terms of employment, there can be duplicative or conflicting information, causing unnecessary interpretation challenges and confusion. Combining the terms of employment into a single document will reduce confusion and errors.
The attached agreement outlines pay and benefits for the Chief Financial Officer position. There is no significant change in either pay or benefits in the new agreement from the former agreement or the executive resolution.
The term of the agreement begins November 9, 2020, and the initial expiration date is July 30, 2022. The agreement will automatically renew as a two-year agreement after the initial contract period, tied to the end of the City’s fiscal year. However, the City Manager may limit the contract period to the upcoming fiscal year.
The Council adopted a classification system and compensation program, which is used to determine base pay. Korn Ferry Hay Group, an international leader in this type of work, set the level for the Chief Financial Officer at twenty-two (22). The salary of $199,056 is within the pay range.
Benefits include but are not limited to health insurance, deferred compensation, annual leave, sick leave, and long-term disability. The entirety of benefits can be found in the attached employment contract.
There is no financial impact. Budget impacts were presented as part of the City Manager’s budget recommendations for fiscal year 2021 and included budgetary funds for the Chief Financial Officer.
- Council may choose to approve the employment agreement between the City of Sparks and Jeff Cronk for the position of Chief Financial Officer.
- Council may choose not to approve the employment agreement between the City of Sparks and Jeff Cronk for the position of Chief Financial Officer.
- Council may choose not to approve the employment agreement and direct the City Manager toward another alternative.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Chief Financial Officer employment agreement (AC-5711) between the City of Sparks and Jeff Cronk, with a yearly salary of $199,056.00 plus benefits.
Attached Files: