Sparks City Council Meeting 8/24/2020 2:00:00 PM
Meeting Link: Dial-in #: 1-669-900-6833 Meeting ID: 922 1026 3255
General Business: 9.4

Fund: Sparks Grants & Donations Fund Account: 604070 Program: Laptops, Desktops, & Peripherals, Coronavirus Relief Funding (059120) Amount: $349,800.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This purchase will come from the program setup to administer the CARES funding throughout the City. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
City staff recommends approval of the purchase of telework technology equipment in an approximate amount of $349,800. The telework equipment being proposed herein is meant to resolve the gaps in efficiency and effectiveness of the equipment deployed in March to establish the City's remote work capability necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Staff will use two third party vendors, Summit Partners, LLC and CDW-G, to facilitate the sourcing of the telework hardware. The funding for this item comes from the City's portion of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act coronavirus relief funding.
In response to the City Manager's declaration of a Pandemic Event on March 15th, City staff undertook a considerable pivot toward a remote work footing, utilizing telework technology and infrastructure. This required a substantially different approach to the management and use of the City's existing IT infrastructure (servers, networks, etc.) as well as the telework equipment (laptops, mobile devices, etc.) staff would use to work and be effective remotely. Leveraging the existing IT infrastructure to accommodate this new environment was achieved in short order by expanding the processes that existed for remote capability prior to COVID-19. While the infrastructure was and is in good shape, the telework equipment staff has had at its disposal is problematic.
From the outset of the City's remote work effort in March, City staff have had inadequate resources with which to perform their day-to-day roles with efficiency in a remote capacity. This inadequacy was due, in large part, to a patchwork deployment of telework equipment consisting of a small number of new technology purchases (laptops purchased within remaining budgets), a reassignment of retired devices and, in many cases, staff's personal devices. As a result of this situation, a large portion of the City's remote staff are functioning despite their equipment.
City staff has been preparing for the use of CARES funding to resolve the problem of inadequate telework equipment. The plan being proposed today will include the acquisition of telework equipment including,101 laptops (and peripherals such as monitors, docks, etc.) of three different grades: engineering, workstation and desktop as well as 19 mobile data computers (MDC). The three grades of laptop (and number to be purchased) can be described as follows:
- Desktop Grade (76 planned): medium powered laptops without dedicated graphical capability. These devices are suitable for tasks like data analysis, word processing, email and other general computing tasks and will be deployed across all departments throughout the City.
- Workstation Grade (13 planned): high powered laptops without dedicated graphical capability. These devices are suitable for desktop level tasks as well as intensive tasks like high volume data analysis & manipulation and mapping functions, and will be deployed to the City's IT and GIS staff at: City Hall, Police, Fire and TMWRF.
- Engineering Grade (12 planned): high powered laptops that include dedicated graphical processing. These devices are suitable for workstation level tasks as well the ability to perform computer aided design (CAD) and will be deployed to the City's engineering staff in Community Services and TMWRF.
The MDC's being proposed are to update the Fire department's aging vehicle MDC's as well as to support the Fire Marshal's remote and field work efforts by introducing MDC's to their toolkit.
NRS Chapter 332.115(h) exempts computer hardware and software items from competitive bid, and these purchases utilize the joinder provision allowed under NRS 332.195 and NASPO ValuePoint Contract (formerly known as the Western States Contracting Alliance or WSCA). The City will be utilizing our existing hardware vendors, Summit Partners, LLC and CDW-G to source this majority of this equipment, with other vendors on an as-needed basis.
- City Council may choose to approve the utilization of CARES funding to purchase telework equipment from Summit Partners, LLC, CDW-G and other vendors as needed.
- City Council may choose not to approve the utilization of CARES funding to purchase telework equipment from Summit Partners, LLC, CDW-G and other vendors as needed, and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the utilization of CARES funding to purchase telework equipment from Summit Partners, LLC, CDW-G and other vendors as needed, in an approximate amount of $349,800.
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