Sparks City Council Meeting 2/24/2020 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 24, 2020 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.3
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this request to amend the Kiley Ranch North Phase 2 Planned Development Handbook (Handbook). The existing Phase 2 site contains 12.01 acres. The proposal would add 9.3 acres for a total size of 21.31 acres. The applicant proposes adding various commercial and civic uses to the uses permitted by the Handbook. The proposed additional uses include office, retail, personal services, medical facilities, lodging, churches and government facilities. To emphasize the mixed-use character of Phase 2, the proposal would remove detached single-family housing from the list of permitted uses.
The City Council approved the tentative planned development handbook for Kiley Ranch North (KRN) Planned Development in 2004. Unlike other planned developments, final handbooks for KRN are reviewed and approved in incremental phases.
The KRN Tentative Development Handbook (Tentative Handbook) establishes development standards and land use categories for the entire KRN Planned Development. To date, there have been nine final planned development handbooks approved and recorded for KRN. Most recently, the Phase 7 Handbook amendment was approved by City Council and recorded in May 2019.
The Tentative Handbook was most recently amended by the City Council in November 2019. The total KRN planned development now includes 874.2 acres. Various changes to some of the final handbooks are required to bring those final handbooks into compliance with the amended tentative handbook.
The Kiley Ranch North Phase 2 Planned Development Handbook (Handbook), for 12.01 acres, was originally approved by the City Council in 2006 and amended in 2014. The owners constructed what became the Kiley Ranch sales office building on the southwestern corner of the property. This is the only existing structure in Phase 2. The proposed area of Phase 2 is located north of Windmill Farms Parkway, south of Wingfield Hills Road, and east of Kiley Parkway, and consists of 21.31 acres (Exhibit 1). The Tentative Handbook designates the land uses in this area as Mixed Use and Open Space.
The Handbook will merge two existing areas that were established by previous versions of the Kiley Ranch North Tentative Handbook. As proposed, 9.3 acres will be added to the existing 12.01 acres for a total Phase 2 area of 21.31 acres (Exhibit 2). The Handbook establishes development standards for the Mixed-Use and Open Space uses.
The Handbook includes 0.84 acres of Open Space, which will run north to south along the western boundary of the Phase 2 site. This open space is a segment of 10.49 acres of linear Open Space in the larger KRN development. The remaining 20.47 acres of Phase 2 will be categorized as Mixed Use.
Among the changes to the Handbook are the addition of neighborhood commercial, schools, and residential uses with densities ranging from 5 to 23.9 dwelling units per acre, consistent with the required densities for the site as approved in the Tentative Handbook. Additionally, to support the mixed-use emphasis of Phase 2, the Handbook eliminates single-family detached housing as a permitted use. The removal of single-family detached housing from Phase 2 will contribute to the creation of a mixed-use environment that will encourage commercial and other uses in the KRN area, providing services and commercial destinations for the residents of the larger planned development and north Sparks.
The existing Handbook (Page 2-1) lists the following uses as permitted: accessory uses and structures including buildings for storage, Group residential care facilities, Limited gaming, Single-family residences (including detached or attached), Multi-family residential, and Offices (limited to existing Welcome Center Building).
The proposed amended Handbook will add the following permitted uses: Athletic club, Childcare center, various retail, office, and financial institutions, “intermediate medical care facilities,” medical offices, lodging (under 200 rooms), personal services, and restaurants, as well as both parking structures and drive-through establishments through conditional use permit (CUP) only. Additionally, the proposed Handbook will permit trade schools, churches and government facilities with a CUP, parks, cultural centers, and outdoor facilities to accommodate seasonal and temporary events.
Finally, the proposed Handbook will limit residential development to apartments, condominiums, townhouses, and similar attached multi-family homes. The proposed changes will support the mixed-use character of Phase 2 as approved in the Tentative Handbook by expanding the permitted commercial and civic uses and limiting the available housing on this site to multi-family.
Sparks Municipal Code (SMC) 20.02.012(G) (“Modification of Final Approved Plan”) outlines the required findings for amending a final planned development handbook:
a. Is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and Truckee Meadows Regional Plan and otherwise consistent with Nevada and federal law;
The proposed Handbook complies with the approved Tentative Handbook for KRN, which was reviewed in November 2019 for consistency with the Sparks Comprehensive Plan, the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan, and state and federal laws. Additionally, the proposed changes to the Handbook support the following goals and policies of the Sparks Comprehensive Plan (which complies with the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan as well as state and federal laws):
Goal MG1: to support economic vitality by providing a non-residential land use base;
The proposed list of permitted uses illustrates the intent of the Phase 2 property as a mixed-use environment with an added emphasis on permitted commercial uses to add to the services available to the residents of KRN and north Sparks in general.
Goal MG2: to foster diversity in the land use mix.
The proposed emphasis on commercial uses as well as the addition of a variety of multi-family housing types to the permitted uses in Phase 2 will encourage a mix of land uses and promote diversity within the KRN planned development.
b. Is consistent with the surrounding land uses;
The proposed non-residential land uses are compatible with the approved uses outlined in the KRN Tentative Handbook as commercial uses, if developed, would provide services beneficial to residents of the surrounding single-family neighborhoods. To the south of Phase 2 is primarily single-family housing, as will be the case with the KRN phases to the east, west, and north at build-out. The surrounding zoning and land use categories are as follows:
Direction |
Land Use |
Zoning |
North |
Mixed Use |
NUD (New Urban District) |
South |
IDR (Intermediate Density Resdiential) |
NUD (New Urban District) |
East |
IDR (Intermediate Density Resdiential) |
NUD (New Urban District) |
West |
Mixed Use |
NUD (New Urban District) |
c. Will be fiscally positive to the City for a period of at least 20 years if the site affected by the modification, removal or release is 20 or more acres and the modification, removal or release involves permitted uses, residential density or nonresidential intensity;
A fiscal impact analysis was prepared as part of the approval of the application to amend the KRN Tentative Handbook in November 2019. The proposed changes to the previously approved Handbook do not necessitate a new fiscal impact analysis because these proposed uses are consistent with the approved land use map in the Tentative Handbook.
d. Furthers the mutual interest of the residents and owners of the planned unit development and of the public in the preservation of the integrity of the plan as finally approved;
The proposed Handbook outlines uses that are intended to preserve the intent of the Tentative Handbook by providing a mix of commercial uses that will support and serve the approved single-family housing developments that surround the site. Currently, there are single-family homes built and under construction to the south of the site, with other developments planned to the north, east, and west. Residents of those properties will have access to and will benefit from the nearby mix of commercial uses proposed within Phase 2.
e. Will not impair the reasonable reliance of the residents and owners upon the provisions of the plan;
The proposed Handbook will not impair residents’ reliance on the approved KRN Tentative Handbook or the existing Handbook. The proposed land uses as well as the amended list of permitted uses support those approved in the Tentative Handbook and are similar in intent to those in the existing Handbook. In addition, the only structure currently located in the area that comprising Phase 2 is the KRN sales office; there are no residences within Phase 2 at this time.
f. Will not result in changes that would adversely affect the public interest;
The proposed Handbook will not adversely affect the public interest. The proposed land use changes and the proposed permitted uses are compatible with and complementary to the housing and other uses in KRN and north Sparks. Additional commercial, multi-family, and mixed-use areas are needed in north Sparks, which is largely developed with single-family residences. Further, these uses are permitted by the Tentative Handbook.
g. Is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire planned unit development;
The proposed Handbook is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire planned unit development. The proposed changes to the Handbook were anticipated in the recently amended Tentative Handbook.
h. Does not adversely affect either the enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the planned unit development or the public interest;
The proposed Handbook will not adversely affect the enjoyment of lands surrounding the planned development. The proposed land uses will have a minimal impact on already approved uses of parcels that surround the Phase 2 site. The land use pattern is consistent with that approved in the Tentative Handbook.
i. Is not granted solely to confer a private benefit upon any person; and
The proposed Handbook is not intended to confer a private benefit on any person. The proposed changes are intended to complement the overall development of KRN and recently amended Tentative Handbook. Current and future residents within KRN, businesses that may locate in the Phase 2 area, and the residents of north Sparks more broadly will benefit from the mix of uses and permitted commercial uses proposed for the Phase 2 site.
j. Public notice was given and a public hearing held as required by the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes.
Notice was published in the Reno Gazette Journal on January 3, 2020, and notices were mailed to the owners of 89 properties within 750 feet of the site on January 3, 2020. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item.
- Council may approve the proposed amendment to the final planned development handbook for Kiley Ranch North Phase 2.
- Council may reject some or all of the proposed changes to the final planned development handbook for Kiley Ranch North Phase 2.
- Council may remand the request to the Planning Commission with direction.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the amended final planned development handbook (Kiley Ranch North Phase 2) to add approximately 9.3 acres and redefine and clarify land uses allowed in the handbook’s Mixed-Use category on a site approximately 21.31 acres in size in the NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch North) zoning district generally located east of Kiley Parkway, north of Windmill Farms Parkway and south of Wingfield Hills Road, Sparks, Nevada, adopting Findings A through J and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: