Sparks City Council and Sparks Planning Commission Joint Workshop - Land Use, Fiscal Impact Analysis and City Fiscal Health 9/23/2019 11:30:00 AM
Monday, September 23, 2019 11:30 AMCity Hall, 431 Prater Way, Downstairs Meeting Room, Sparks NV
Item Number: 1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A joint Sparks Planning Commission and Sparks City Council workshop will be held for review and discussion of, and possible action on, analyses of the fiscal impacts of land use and the City’s long-term fiscal health.
In 2018, the City Council approved a contract with Economic and Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) to prepare a fiscal impact analysis methodology for evaluation of land use proposals and an assessment of the fiscal impacts of the City’s land use plan.
The City requires applicants to prepare a fiscal impact analysis for certain land use proposals including annexations, Comprehensive Plan land use amendments, planned developments and tentative maps. However, the analyses are submitted in a variety of formats and using factors and assumptions derived by the applicant. The City Council saw the need to adopt a consistent approach, with common standards and assumptions, for property owners and developers to use when preparing fiscal analyses for development proposals. The City Council also saw the need to improve the City’s understanding of the fiscal implications of its current land use plan and how possible changes to the plan would impact the City’s future fiscal health.
EPS has completed the analyses. City staff has reviewed the studies and prepared a presentation for the Planning Commission and City Council to review, discuss, and take possible action on the analyses.
During the workshop City staff will present a summary of the following documents prepared by EPS:
- Memorandum dated July 29, 2019 entitled “Fiscal Impact Methodology” (Exhibit 1)
- Memorandum dated July 29, 2019 entitled “Fiscal Impact Analysis Guidelines” (Exhibit 2)
- Draft Final Report dated July 29, 2019 entitled “Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis” (Exhibit 3)
Planning Commission:
- The Planning Commission may formally accept the “Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis” report.
- The Planning Commission may request additional information and defer action on the “Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis” report.
City Council:
- The City Council may take affirmative action on each of the three staff recommendations.
- The City Council may request additional information, defer action on, or provide alternative direction to the City Manager on any, or all, of the three staff recommendations.
Recommended Motion:
Planning Commission:
- I move to accept the “Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis” report prepared by Economic and Planning Systems.
City Council:
- I move to accept the “Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis” report prepared by Economic and Planning Systems.
- I move to direct the City Manager to prepare a future agenda item to provide the City Council the opportunity to adopt, by resolution, the Fiscal Impact Analysis Guidelines for use by applicants submitting land use entitlement applications.
- I move to direct the City Manager to identify Comprehensive Plan policy and land use map changes based on Long-Term Fiscal Health Analysis conclusions for future Planning Commission and City Council action.
Attached Files: