Sparks City Council Meeting 8/12/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 12, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.15
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The City Manager recommends a reorganization in the Management Services Division combining the managerial functions of Customer Service Manager and City Clerk into a single job title of City Clerk with a new classification level and pay range, removing the position of Customer Service Manager and creating the Customer Service Supervisor position. In order to implement these organizational changes, three distinct agenda items are required. This is the first and proposes changes the employee complement; the second proposes adoption of an MOU with the Operating Engineers-Supervisory bargaining unit; and the third proposes changes to the Management, Professional and Technical Resolution (MP). The classification leveling associated with these changes was completed by the city’s newly established HAY committee and will generate savings to the General Fund, Sewer Fund, and Storm Drain fund while streamlining city operations.
After the retirement of the City Clerk, the Customer Service Manager began acting as City Clerk and Customer Service Manager while the City evaluated the structure. A second employee has been acting as Customer Service Supervisor in the interim. The new structure combines the City Clerk staff and the Customer Service and Business License staff under a single manager. The single manager job title, City Clerk, will absorb managerial duties of the Customer Service Manager job description in addition to the City Clerk function. After approximately six months of the change, city staff is confident that having a single manager overseeing both functions provides more continuity and efficiency, and that a line supervisor instead of a manager in the Customer Service area is more appropriate for assisting customers and overseeing day to day operations.
To effectuate these changes, the Customer Service Manager title must be removed from the complement. A Customer Service Supervisor position is created to address the front-line supervisory needs of the Customer Service area and must to be added to the complement. The new managerial function, titled City Clerk, will oversee the following two functional areas and employees:
- City Clerk and Records (4 positions in complement):
- Generally responsible for City Council and Redevelopment Agency meetings and agendas, maintenance and organization of official city documents and records, and coordination of public information request responses.
- Customer Service and Business Licensing (7 positions in complement):
- Generally responsible for the customer service counter at City Hall, accounts payable for payments to the City and business licensing
This proposed structure is designed to allow staff a greater focus at a functional level to help manage and streamline these two functions. Allowing staff to work within a more functional structure should also allow new opportunities to act and perform duties with strategic intent, thus offering better support to city departments and various stakeholders while providing greater alignment to the City’s overall strategic efforts. This reorganization will improve managerial consistency and allow for the appropriate supervisory chain from supervisor to manager in the customer service functional area.
This proposal creates internal movement and promotional opportunities within the Department. However, the streamlined approach is cost efficient. The estimated savings to the General Fund is $25,807 for FY19, $26,418 for FY20, and $14,238 for FY21. The estimated savings to the Sewer Fund is $12,927 for FY19, $13,367 for FY20 and $13,831 for FY21. The estimated savings to the Storm Drain Fund is $4,309 in FY19, $4,457 in FY20 and $4,611 in FY21.
1. City Council may approve the complement changes as presented.
2. City Council may reject the complement changes and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the complement changes to the Management Services Department effective August 19, 2019.
Attached Files: