Sparks City Council Meeting 3/25/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 25, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request to amend the Pioneer Meadows Development Standards Handbook, the final approved plan for the Pioneer Meadows planned development. The proposed modifications include: changing the permitted land uses for certain areas to match the approved Comprehensive Plan land use designations; updating the Land Use Summary and Densities tables; removing the school site from Pioneer Meadows; reducing the number of parks from three to two; changing the location and size of the second, still-to-be constructed park; removing references to the Northern Sparks Sphere of Influence Plan (NSSOI), which is no longer in effect; and other administrative changes throughout the document.
The Pioneer Meadows planned development (Pioneer Meadows) is approximately 640 acres in size and generally located east of the Kiley Ranch North planned development, west of the Wingfield Springs planned development and south of the Stonebrook planned development (Exhibit 1 – Vicinity Map).
The Pioneer Meadows Development Standards Handbook (the “Handbook”) was originally adopted by City Council in 2000. It has since been amended three times (2004, 2006, and 2016). This request would be the fourth amendment of the Handbook.
On January 28, 2019, the Sparks City Council certified a Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the land use designation on approximately 10.6 acres in the northern portion of the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development from Community Facilities (CF) to Low Density Residential (LDR) (Exhibit 2 – Previous & Current Land Use). The applicant now seeks to update the Handbook in conformance with this change. The applicant is also proposing other changes to the Handbook.
The proposed Handbook reflecting the requested amendments is attached. Proposed deletions are stricken through in this manner. Proposed additions are in underlined text.
This request is to amend to the final approved plan (i.e., the Handbook) for the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development. The proposed amendments include:
•Changing the land use in the Handbook for certain areas to match the approved Comprehensive Plan land use designations
•Updating the Land Use Summary and Densities Tables
•Removing the school site from Pioneer Meadows
•Reducing the number of parks from three to two, increasing the sizes of the two parks, and changing the location of the still-to-be constructed park
•Removing references to the Northern Sparks Sphere of Influence Plan (NSSOI), which is no longer in effect
•Administrative changes throughout the document
The Handbook designated the Community Facilities area for a school on approximately 8.5 acres in size plus a park, located directly north of the school, approximately 4.5 acres in size. However, the area is only 10.6 acres in size. This discrepancy resulted because, prior to the most recent amendment, the CF-designated area on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use map was for only 10.6 acres. The applicant, City staff and the Planning Commission concur that, without a school on this site, the northern park site should be relocated.The recently approved Comprehensive Plan amendment reflected in this proposed Handbook changed the land use designation on 10.6 acres on the north side of Pioneer Meadows from Community Facilities (CF) to Low Density Residential (LDR). This acreage had been set aside as a potential school and park site. However, the Washoe County School District did not take action to acquire this site and the Handbook permits the applicant to designate the site for a low-density residential use. The land use change is therefore in accordance with the approved Handbook’s requirement that “Washoe County School District must purchase the site within five (5) years of the approval of this Development Standards Handbook or the property will convert to residential use at a maximum density of four units/acre” (Handbook, pg. III-39).
The proposed Handbook would reduce the number of parks from three to two parks. One park, Fireburst Park, has been constructed. The second park is proposed to be a five-acre park located along the western edge of Pioneer Meadows, large enough to include programmable flat fields in keeping with current Parks and Recreation Department policy.
Because the Community Facilities site is 10.6 acres in size, a maximum density of 4 units per acre results in 42 possible units that would be permitted on land designated in the Handbook as SF4 (Single-Family, 4 dwelling units per acre). An additional 10 units are proposed in the SF4 category to reflect the availability of approximately 2.5 acres that were to be the site of the previously planned third park. The land use changes are reflected throughout the text, tables, and graphics of the proposed Handbook. The existing and proposed land use designations and acreage in the proposed Handbook are as follows:
Land Use Designation |
Current Handbook Acreage |
Proposed Acreage |
Difference (Acres) |
Current Max Possible # of Units* |
Proposed Max Possible # of Units** |
Multi-Family Residential (MF-15) |
91 |
91 |
0 |
1,365 |
938 |
Commercial (C) |
25 |
25 |
0 |
Business Park (BP) |
102 |
102 |
0 |
Single Family (RD10; 10 du/ac) |
60 |
60 |
0 |
600 |
536 |
Single Family (SFR4; 4 du/ac) |
197.8 |
208.4 |
+10.6 |
791 |
843 |
Common Area |
146.7 |
146 |
Parks |
9 |
7.5 |
-1.5 |
School |
8.5 |
0 |
-8.5 |
Totals |
640 |
639.9 |
0 |
2,756 |
2,317 |
* This figure represents the maximum possible number of units based on Comprehensive Plan and Handbook land use designations. ** This figure is based on actual unit counts for developed land plus, for undeveloped land, the maximum possible number of units based on Comprehensive Plan and Handbook land use designations. designations. Actual numbers are lower as most of the acreage developed to date in the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development has been developed at lower-than-permitted densities. |
Other proposed Handbook changes remove references to the NSSOI, which was the plan for Spanish Springs development within the City of Sparks limits approved in 1991. The NSSOI was removed with the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan in 2016, so the NSSOI is no longer relevant.
The proposed amendment would not change the maximum number of 2,756 residential units or the residential densities allowed in the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development.
Findings for Modification of Final Approved Plan
SMC 20.02.012(G)(6) includes ten findings that the Planning Commission and City Council must consider when reviewing a proposed modification of a final approved plan for a planned development. The following are the findings:
Finding A: The amendment is consistent with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Truckee Meadows Regional Plan and otherwise consistent with Nevada and federal law.
The Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies relevant to the Handbook amendment are:
Goal H2: Promote a strong, diverse housing market that supports economic growth and vitality while ensuring environmental and fiscal sustainability.
The requested conversion of the 10.6 acres currently designated as CF to SF4 contributes to the vitality and diversity of the housing market, in support of Goal H2. The proposed amendment would bring the land use master plan in the Pioneer Meadows Handbook into conformance with the Comprehensive Plan by changing and relocating land uses to reflect the elimination of the school site and consolidation of parks in conformance with the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
The Sparks Planning Commission and Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission determined that the Comprehensive Plan amendment was in conformance with the Sparks Comprehensive Plan and Truckee Meadows Regional Plan, respectively. Bringing the Handbook into compliance with the Comprehensive Plan thus conforms to both the Comprehensive Plan and the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan.
Finding B: The amendment is consistent with the surrounding land uses.
The following table summarizes the surrounding land uses.
Direction |
Land Use |
Zoning |
North |
Low Density Residential (LDR); Intermediate Density Residential (IDR); Open Space (OS) |
Planned Development—Stonebrook |
South |
Open Space (OS); Commercial (C)
New Urban District (NUD)—Handbook abandoned (Kiley Ranch Northeast) New Urban District (NUD)—Wingfield Springs |
East |
Commercial (C); Open Space (OS) |
New Urban District (NUD)—Wingfield Springs
West |
Open Space (OS); Low Density Residential (LDR); Multi-Family Residential (MF24); Community Facility (CF) |
New Urban District (NUD)—Kiley Ranch North |
The proposed amendments to the Handbook do not change type of land uses within Pioneer Meadows. The proposed amendment removes the school site from the proposed land uses, slightly decreases park and common area acreages, and adds single-family housing in order to reflect the approved changes to the Comprehensive Plan.
To the east and south of the area converting from CF to SF4 are other low-density residential areas within Pioneer Meadows, which are presumed compatible. To the north of the subject area is property in unincorporated Washoe County with an Agricultural zoning designation. This unincorporated area is within the City of Sparks Sphere of Influence and has Comprehensive Plan Land Use designations of OS (Open Space) and LDR. These uses are also compatible with the requested SF4 Handbook designation because open space is considered compatible with all uses. To the west of the site is an area within Pioneer Meadows with a Handbook designation of BP (Business Park). Employment and residential uses are generally considered compatible and complimentary uses that support and sustain each other. The land directly south of the area proposed for an SF4 designation is already designated SF4 and is adjacent to the BP area. For these reasons, the Planning Commission determined that the proposed land use changes will not adversely impact the surrounding land uses.
Finding C: The amendment will be fiscally positive to the City for a period of at least 20 years if the site affected by the modification, removal or release is 20 or more acres and the modification, removal or release involves permitted uses, residential density, or nonresidential intensity.
A fiscal analysis was not required with this amendment because the affected area is less than 20 acres.
Finding D: The amendment furthers the mutual interest of the residents and owners of the planned unit development and of the public in the preservation of the integrity of the plan as finally approved.
As discussed in the Analysis section above, the proposed Handbook land use changes primarily stem from the lack of action by the Washoe County School District (WCSD) decision to not acquire a school site within Pioneer Meadows, a decision outside the control of the owners of Pioneer Meadows and a possibility that was provided for in the approved Handbook. As of this date, WCSD is constructing a new middle school, with plans to also construct an elementary school, in the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development directly east of Pioneer Meadows. The new schools in Kiley Ranch North are expected to benefit residents of Pioneer Meadows by providing a school for Pioneer Meadows residents and/or relieving overcrowding at other schools attended by Pioneer Meadows residents.
Regarding the number and location of parks, as discussed in the Analysis section, the applicant and City staff concur that, without adjacency to a school, the northern park site is not an ideal location for this use. Combining the two remaining unbuilt parks into a single park large enough to include programmable flat fields is a compromise proposal intended to advance the Parks and Recreation Department’s current policy that favors fewer but larger, more programmable parks over smaller neighborhood parks. This single, larger park will be located along the western edge of Pioneer Meadows where it will be easily accessible to more Pioneer Meadows residents. While some residents of Pioneer Meadows may favor the originally approved locations for parks, the Planning Commission concluded that the mutual interests of residents, the applicant, and the City of Sparks are better served by modifying the approved plan to increase the functionality of Pioneer Meadows park facilities.
Finding E: The amendment will not impair the reasonable reliance of the residents and owners upon the provisions of the plan.
The proposed amendment primarily involves changing the land use designation for a portion of Pioneer Meadows to a use (low density residential) contemplated in the approved Handbook because a school site is no longer needed at this location by the WCSD. And while the proposed Handbook changes would reduce the number of parks by 50 percent, from 3 to 2, the acreage for parks would only be reduced by 17 percent, from 9 to 7.5 acres. Pioneer Meadows residents can therefore continue to expect that park facilities will be provided within their planned community. In addition, there are currently no residences within the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development directly adjacent to the former school and park site. Furthermore, including a larger park site in Pioneer Meadows allows for the future park to include a feature – programmable fields – for which there is high demand in Sparks. As discussed above under Finding B, the proposed changes are not expected to have an impact on the future owners within or properties surrounding Pioneer Meadows.
Finding F: The amendment will not result in changes that would adversely affect the public interest.
The proposed changes to the approved Handbook are intended to facilitate and improve development of Pioneer Meadows in a manner consistent with the Sparks Comprehensive Plan and current Parks and Recreation Department policy and would not be detrimental to the public interest.
Finding G: The amendment is consistent with the efficient development and preservation of the entire planned unit development.
The proposed amendments are intended to facilitate the continued development of Pioneer Meadows while preserving the character of this approved planned development.
Finding H: The amendment does not adversely affect the enjoyment of land abutting upon or across a street from the planned unit development or public interest.
The land use pattern and street network are generally the same as originally approved. The proposed amendments are anticipated to have minimal impacts on the surrounding residents and property owners.
Finding I: The amendment is not granted solely to confer a private benefit upon any person.
As previously discussed, the proposed Handbook amendment was precipitated because WCSD did not acquire a school site within Pioneer Meadows. This circumstance is outside the control of the owners of Pioneer Meadows and was contemplated in the approved Handbook. The proposed amendments will not solely confer a private benefit to any person.
Finding J: Public notice was given, and a public hearing held as required by the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes.
Public notice was given as required by the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item. This request was noticed, at a minimum, to all property owners within the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development and within 750 feet of the Pioneer Meadows Planned Development boundary. A total of 1,173 notices were mailed to property owners on January 23, 2019. Public notice was also published in the Reno Gazette Journal on January 24, 2019.
- The City Council can approve the amendment as presented in Pioneer Meadows Development Standards Handbook.
- The City Council may deny the request to amend the Pioneer Meadows Development Standards Handbook.
- The City Council could remand the amendment back to Planning Commission with direction.
Recommended Motion:
I move to amend the final approved plan, the Pioneer Meadows Development Standards Handbook, for a site approximately 640 acres in size generally located east of the Kiley Ranch North planned development, west of the Wingfield Springs planned development, and south of the Stonebrook planned development, Sparks, Nevada, in the PD (Planned Development) zoning district, based on the information and findings set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: