Sparks City Council Meeting 3/11/2019 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 11, 2019 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This is a request for approval of the Phase 9 Final Development Handbook for Kiley Ranch North. The final development handbook designates 4.26 acres as open space and 25.27 acres for multi-family development at a density between 18.0 and 23.9 dwelling units per acre. On February 7, 2019, the Planning Commission recommended City Council approval of the Phase 9 Final Development Handbook.
The proposed Kiley Ranch North Phase 9 Final Development Handbook (the “Handbook”) covers approximately 29.5 acres located at the northeast corner of Wingfield Hills Road and Kiley Parkway (Exhibit 1 - Vicinity Map). The Handbook designates the land uses in Phase 9 as 25.27 acres of High Residential (HR) and 4.26 acres of Open Space (Handbook, Figure 1-1 – Kiley Ranch North Land Use Plan, page 1-3).
The City Council approved the amended Tentative Development Handbook (the “Tentative Handbook”) for the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development on July 11, 2016. The Tentative Handbook covers 874.2 acres. Unlike other planned developments, Kiley Ranch North is being reviewed and approved in phases as final handbooks are submitted for each respective phase. To date, eight final handbooks have been approved and recorded for the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development (Handbook, Figure 1-3 – Kiley Ranch North Overall Phasing Plan, page 1-4).
On February 7, 2019, the Planning Commission reviewed the Handbook and recommended that the City Council approve it, finding the Handbook in substantial compliance with the Tentative Handbook.
The Handbook applies only to Phase 9 of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development, consisting of approximately 29.5 acres with the land use designations of Open Space (OS) and High Residential (HR), which allows rental and for-sale multi-family dwellings at a density of 18.0 to 23.9 dwelling units per acre. The Handbook specifies:
+ Permitted and conditional uses;
+ Project approval procedures;
+ Land use development standards;
+ Streetscape development standards;
+ Design standards and guidelines for site planning, architecture, and landscaping; and
+ Construction, operation, and maintenance requirements.
The Handbook does not include development plans. Any of the land uses permitted in the Handbook may be developed in accordance with the Handbook standards. When final development plans are submitted,they will be reviewed as outlined in Section 1.5, Individual Project Approval Process (Handbook, at page 1-12).
The Sparks Municipal Code (20.02.012) and NRS 278A.540 both specify the review process for final approval of a planned development handbook. Staff has compared the Handbook with the Tentative Handbook and determined that the development standards in the Handbook are identical to the Phase 9 portions of the Tentative Handbook. The Handbook:
- Does not vary the proposed gross residential density or intensity from the Kiley Ranch North Tentative Handbook;
The High Residential (HR) designation permits a maximum density of 23.9 units per acre for multi-family housing, as does the Tentative Handbook. The Handbook does not propose any changes to the maximum density.
- Does not vary the proposed ratio of residential to nonresidential use;
The Handbook designates 25.27 acres as High Residential (HR), the same acreage as approved in the Tentative Handbook.
- Does not reduce the common open space area;
The Handbook designates 4.26 acres as Open Space, allocated between a buffer between the Phase 9 property and the Lazy Five Regional Park to the north and a regional trail connection to Lazy Five Regional Park along the eastern edge of Phase 9. This is consistent with the Tentative Handbook.
- Does not increase the floor area proposed for the nonresidential uses from the approved tentative handbook; and
The Phase 9 Handbook does not have any nonresidential uses. Villages 8 and 44 are both designated HR.
- There is no increase in the total ground areas covered by buildings nor is there substantial change in the height of buildings.
The development standards in the Handbook do not vary from those in the Tentative Handbook. Future development plans will be reviewed in accordance with Section 1.5 of the Handbook.
Based on the five substantial compliance criteria listed in SMC 20.02.012 and NRS 278A.540, Planning Commission determined the Handbook is in substantial compliance with the Tentative Handbook previously approved by the City Council.
- The City Council can approve the Kiley Ranch North Phase 9 Planned Development Handbook.
- The City Council can deny the Kiley Ranch North Phase 9 Planned Development Handbook, finding it is not in substantial compliance with the tentative handbook.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve, based on the information and findings set forth in this staff report, the Phase 9 Final Development Handbook for Kiley Ranch North on a site approximately 29.5 acres in size generally located at the northeast corner of Wingfield Hills Road and Kiley Parkway, Sparks, Nevada, in the NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch North) zoning district.
Attached Files: