Sparks City Council Meeting (following the Special Meeting) 11/13/2018 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.5

Fund: General Fund Account: 603180 Program: Internal Training - DO NOT USE (090303) Amount: $5,200.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Sparks Police Department applied for and was awarded a matching grant in the amount of $5,200 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program for FY 2018-2019. The BVP Program reimburses 50% of the purchase cost of body armor that complies with the most current National Institute of Justice (NIJ) ballistic or stab body armor standards that is purchased by the police department. The Sparks Police Department budgets for and purchases body armor for all police officers when they are hired as well as on a 5-year replacement cycle.
The Bulletproof Vest Partnership (BVP) Program is an initiative designed to provide critical resources to state, local and tribal jurisdictions for the purpose of purchasing body armor for sworn law enforcement officers. The BVP Program is administered by the Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assitance (BJA). Current legislation places priority on funding jurisdictions with less than 100,000 residents.
The purpose of the BVP Program is to reimburse states, counties, federally recognized tribes, cities, and local jurisdictions that employ law enforcement officers for up to 50% of the total cost of body armor purchased for the officers. In order to be reimbursed under the BVP program, all purchased body armor must comply with the most current National Institute of Justice (NIJ) ballistic or stab body armor standards. To be eligible to apply for BVP funding, participating agencies must possess a "Mandatory Wear" policy that requires all uniformed officers to wear body armor.
Each BVP grant award encompasses 2 fiscal years. For example, the FY 16-17 BVP issued an award of $9,600 in October 2016 and that grant did not expire until August 31, 2018. Estimated costs for the purchase of 18 ballistic vests for FY17-18 was $14,400. This cost includes body armor that is due for replacement and new police officers hired by the Sparks Police Department. The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program FY 17-18 grant awarded $5,750.18 that expires August 31, 2019. This award in conjunction with the overlap of funds from the FY 16-17 award covered 50% of the aforementioned costs needed to replace the 18 ballistic vests for FY 17-18. FY 17-18 funds will overlap with FY 18-19 ($5,200) and will continue to cover 50% of the costs needed to replace ballistic vests.
The Council can elect to reject the Bureau of Justice Assistance Bulletproof Vest Partnership grant award in the amount of $5,200 and direct the City Manager to seek funding elsewhere.
Recommended Motion:
I move to accept the $5,200 matching grant from the Bureau of Justice Assistance Bulletproof Vest Partnership for the 2017-2018 fiscal year.
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