Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.4
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The City of Sparks (City) and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 (IAFF 1265) have reached a tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement (Agreement) with contractual changes for the period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021.
The City negotiates and enters into labor agreements with its various collective bargaining units. The current agreement expired June 30, 2018. The City and IAFF 1265 submit for your consideration a three (3) year Agreement covering July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021.
The negotiation teams for both parties began meeting in spring 2018 and continued to meet regularly to discuss the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Agreement proposed today is the result of those meetings. The City and IAFF 1265 believe this Agreement to be a fair, good faith effort between both parties. IAFF 1265 has ratified this Agreement with their membership and now the parties recommend ratification and approval by council.
The following is a summary of the Agreement reached between the parties. This summary outlines negotiated contract changes. Also attached to this Agenda is a strike-out version of the proposed Agreement and a final version of the proposed Agreement.
Summary of Tentative Agreement
Section 1: Administration, Article D: Duration of Agreement
Section was changed to reflect the new contract period of July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
Section 1: Administration, Article E: Recognition and Application
Clarification was made to this section to eliminate a redundant paragraph. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
Section 1: Administration, Article M: Hours of Work
The section was modified to identify a work day begins at 12:00 a.m. and ends at 11:59 p.m. defining the current payroll processes. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
Section 2: Pay, Article A: Pay Rates
Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA)
For FY19, IAFF and the City agreed to a 2.7% COLA retroactive to the first full pay period after July 1, 2018.
In FY20 and FY21, a 1.5% COLA to base pay will be effective at each of the following dates: July 8, 2019, January 6, 2020, July 6, 2020, January 4, 2021.
Cost of Living Adjustment Financial Impact |
FY19 |
FY20 |
FY21 |
General Fund |
$252,000 |
$469,000 |
$692,000 |
All Other Funds |
$3,000 |
$5,500 |
$8,000 |
Overtime, Callback & Standby |
$33,000 |
$34,000 |
$34,000 |
The total fiscal impact of the COLA over the three (3) year contract to the General Fund is $1,413,000 and $16,500 in all other funds.
This total fiscal impact of the increase to overtime, callback and standby as a result of the COLA over three (3) years is $101,000 to the General Fund.
Range adjustment – For Fire Captains Only
A one-time market range adjustment increasing each step of the Fire Captain’s annual base pay rate by $1,845. The range adjustment is applied before the July 2018 COLA.
The cost to the General Fund for this one-time range adjustment is $64,000 for each fiscal year for a total of $192,000 over the three (3) years.
Range Adjustment-Fire Plans Examiners (in Appendix A)
The parties agreed to have the same pay steps for Fire Prevention Inspector II and Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector. The cost to the General Fund for this contract change is $5,000 for each year of the term of the contract for a total of $15,000 and $1,000 each year term of the contract to all other funds for a total of $3,000.
Section 2: Pay, Article B: Pay Increases
The current contract does not have language to allow for pay increases for Fire Plans Examiner within that position’s pay range. This section has been modified to include this position and accordingly, at the completion of the Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector’s second year of employment, an employee who has met the requirements may receive a salary increase to Step 3 of the Fire Plans Examiner/Inspector salary range.
Section 2: Pay, Article E: Special Duties Differential Pay
Section modified to remove prior/historic effective dates and changed to reflect that if a Fire Captain or Fire Apparatus Operator’s Paramedic Certification lapses or is not maintained, the special pay shall cease. Language added to require the employee to notify staff in a timely manner. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
Section 2: Pay, Article H: Employee Longevity
In this contract, there are no longer active employees who were hired prior to December 20, 1993 removing the need for this contract language.
There is no fiscal cost associated with this change. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
Section 4: Leave Benefits, Article B: Annual Leave
Section modified to state that emergency leave shall be used for unforeseen emergencies only and eliminated the language “and should be used sparingly”. There is no direct cost related to this contract change.
- The Council may choose to approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement.
- The Council may choose not to approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement.
- The Council may choose not to approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement and direct the City Manager toward another alternative.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Sparks and the International Association of Firefighters Local No. 1265 for the period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2021.
Attached Files: