Sparks City Council Meeting 9/10/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 10, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Atrium @ VS project proposes 4 levels of residential units with a total of 132 units constructed over 2 levels of a parking structure on a podium foundation. The abandonment of the alleyway would create one contiguous parcel from C St south to Victorian Avenue. The right-of-way abandonment would allow access from C St to the proposed parking structure ramp. Staff has researched the request and believes the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
The Atrium @ VS project proposes 4 levels of residential units with a total of 132 units. The units will be constructed over 2 levels of a parking structure on a podium foundation. The project will be providing 200 parking spaces within the internal parking structure, which exceeds 1.5 parking stalls per unit. The council may recall the parking stall to unit ratio outlined in the development agreement for the Deco Project (C St Garage) is 1.5.
It is anticipated that parcels 032-134-18 and 032-134-13, currently owned by VicSq Properties, LLC and managed by SWD Partners, would require the abandonment of the alleyway to create one contiguous parcel from C St south to Victorian Avenue. The right-of-way abandonment would allow access from C St to the proposed parking structure ramp. Refer to the attached exhibit for the abandonment locations.
All utilities in the current alley would remain except for a TMWA water facility, which will be re-routed to create a loop in the local water system. NV Energy has asked that a service pole, located at the northwest corner of the 032-134-13 parcel, be moved westerly approximately ten feet (10’±). Also, an electrical switch box, currently located on the eastern side of parcel 032-134-18, will remain in place and the ground floor of the structure will be designed to accommodate the existing box location.
The ground floor of the parking structure will allow full access to police and fire. The garage will be secured by gates and not allow public access.
To allow the podium to be properly supported, as well as provide the 1.5 parking spaces per unit, the alley needs to be incorporated into the site. Additionally, the entry to the second level of the parking structure is located on the north face of the building adjacent to C St. Abandoning the triangular shaped portion of right-of way, located in the northwest corner of parcel 032-134-13, would allow the parking structure ramp access to be placed on private property. Therefore, the abandonments requested for the project are needed for the project function safely and efficiently.
The legal descriptions (see attached) for the requested alleyway abandonment have been reviewed by staff and been found acceptable. Each owner of property abutting the proposed abandonments have been properly notified via certified mail as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (a). The extent of the proposed abandonment and the date of the public hearing were published in the Reno Gazette Journal as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (b). Reservations of easement (per NRS278.480 (6)) are included where applicable. Staff finds that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
- The City Council could approve the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
- The City Council could deny the request for abandonment and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the request from ViqSq Properties, LLC for the abandonment of a portion of alleyway, between parcel 032-134-18 and 032-134-13, and public right-of-way on C St, located adjacent to the northwest corner of parcel 032-134-18 for the Atrium @ VS apartment project.
Attached Files: