Sparks Redevelopment Agency Meeting (following the City Council Meeting) 5/29/2018 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Business Items: 6.2

Fund: R/A Revolving Account: 604160 Program: RA 1 - Downtown Garage Improvement Project (18-8500) Amount: $348,731.60 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: $750,000 was approved in Redevelopment Area 1, Fund 3401, for Project 18-8500. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Between March 26th and April 23rd, the Sparks City Council approved four contracts for renovation of the City parking garage adjacent to the Victorian Square movie theater. City staff requests that the Sparks Redevelopment Agency ratify the contracts because all four projects are utilizing Redevelopment Area 1 funding.
With all the redevelopment occurring at Victorian Square, the City Council and Redevelopment Agency budgeted $750,000.00 in Redevelopment Area 1 funds to make improvements to the parking garage (APN 032-341-33) adjacent to the movie theater. This parking structure, which provides the majority of the public parking for Victorian Square, was built in 1996 and is in need of renovations. The following four contracts were approved on the specified dates by the City Council:
- On April 23, 2018, Agenda Item 8.4: WOW 1 Day Painting was awarded a painting contract in the amount of $76,900.00;
- On April 23, 2018, Agenda Item 8.5: Triumph Electric, Inc. was awarded a contract for additional and emergency backup lighting in the amount of $110,400.00;
- On April 9, 2018, Agenda Item 8.3: PowerComm Solutions, Inc. was awarded a security camera system replacement contract in the amount of $70,631.64; and
- On March 26, 2018, Agenda Item 8.2: Koch Elevator Company was awarded an elevator cab retrofit contract in an amount not to exceed $90,800.00
Please refer to the attached approved City Council Meeting Minutes for further detail on the actions taken by the City Council. Copies of the four contracts are attached to the agenda item.
All four contracts for the specified work have been authorized by the City Council. Staff is asking the Redevelopment Agency to ratify the contracts because funding for all four projects is being provided by Redevelopment Area 1. A total of $750,000.00 in Redevelopment Area 1 funding (Fund 3401) was budgeted for Victorian Square garage improvements in the Capital Improvements Plan for 2017/18 – 2021/22.
- The Redevelopment Agency could ratify the four contracts as outlined by Staff.
- The Redevelopment Agency could ratify some but not all of the contracts and provide direction to the Chief Administrative Officer.
- The Redevelopment Agency could deny the ratification and provide direction to the Chief Administrative Officer.
Recommended Motion:
I move to ratify the four contracts awarded by the Sparks City Council utilizing Redevelopment Area 1 funds for renovation of the City parking garage adjacent to the Victorian Square movie theater in a total amount not to exceed $348,731.64
Attached Files: