Sparks City Council Meeting 5/29/2018 2:00:00 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
On October 27, 2016 the Sparks City Council passed and adopted Ordinance No. 2531 annexing two parcels of land comprising 67.4 acres generally located along the southwest corner of the intersection of Pyramid Lake Highway and Highland Ranch Parkway.
On October 17, 2017, the City received a petition from the property owner to include the annexed parcels within Impact Fee Service Area Number 1 to finance Capital Improvements necessitated by and attributable to new development of the parcels.
In response to the petition, the City of Sparks retained House Moran Consulting, Inc (HMCI), to provide an analysis of the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and imposition of impact fees in the service area including the parcels annexed via Ordinace No. 2531. The results of the analysis performed by HMCI were documented in a report titled Capital Improvements Plan: Impact Fee Service Area Number 1, Updated Fee Schedule, April 2018. (Attached as Exhibit B to Resolution 3333).
The Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC), reviewed the land use assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan and imposition of Impact Fees for Impact Fee Service Area Number 1 (IFSA#1) on May 3, 2018 and voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council.
The IFSA #1 update was presented to the Development Services Users Group (DSUG) on May 4, 2018. The DSUG voted unanimously to recommend approval to the Sparks City Council.
Should the Council approve Resolution No. 3333, the parcels annexed via Ordinance No. 2531 will be included in the service area boundary of IFSA#1 and the updated IFSA#1 Impact Fee Schedule will become effective on July 1, 2018.
Please see the staff report for the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) meeting of May 3, 2018 for background information (Attached).
In response to the petition, the City of Sparks retained House Moran Consulting, Inc (HMCI), to provide an analysis of the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and imposition of impact fees in the service area including the parcels annexed via Ordinace No. 2531. The . The results of the analysis performed by HMCI were documented in a report titled Capital Improvements Plan: Impact Fee Service Area Number 1, Updated Fee Schedule, April 2018. (Attached as Exhibit B to Resolution 3333).
The results of the revised land use analysis indicate that the full build out potential within IFSA#1 (including the parcels annexed via Ordinance No. 2531) is 26,541 service units. As of December 15, 2017, 12,529 service units have been permitted leaving 14,012 service units available for future developments.
The Capital Improvements Plan for the provision of Sanitary Sewer, Flood Control, Parks and Recreation and Fire Station improvements to support the master planned land uses within Impact Fee Service Area #1 are presented on pages 13-23 of the report. The report includes an analysis of both existing and future Capital Improvement facilities for each of the infrastructure categories as well as the basis for allocation of costs for each land use type. No changes to the Capital Improvements Plan were required due to the addition of the lands annexed via Ordinance No. 2531. As such, the Capital Improvements Plan is the same as that used in the 2016 update with costs adjusted for inflation.
The recommended Impact Fees for the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan included in IFSA#1 are summarized on page 24 of the report and are shown in the table below:
2018 IFSA#1 Impact Fees |
Proposed 2018 Impact Fee Total |
Current 2016 Impact Fee Total |
Change to Fee % |
Land Use |
Infrastructure Type |
Sanitary Sewer |
Flood Control |
Parks and Recreation |
Fire Station |
Residential |
Single Family |
$267 |
$454 |
$833 |
$354 |
$1,907 |
$2,008 |
-5% |
Multifamily |
$267 |
$350 |
$833 |
$354 |
$1,803 |
$1,763 |
2% |
Non-Residential |
Business Park |
$83 |
$420 |
N/A |
$354 |
$857 |
$846 |
1% |
General Commercial |
$251 |
$591 |
N/A |
$354 |
$1,196 |
$1,157 |
3% |
Public Facilities |
$83 |
$364 |
N/A |
$354 |
$801 |
$844 |
-5% |
Tourist Commercial |
$251 |
$299 |
N/A |
$354 |
$904 |
$1,044 |
-13% |
Lodging |
$139 |
N/A |
N/A |
$354 |
$493 |
$495 |
< -1% |
The results of the 2018 IFSA#1 CIP update and analysis of land use yield a mixture of decreased and increased impact fees compared to the current (2016) fees. The variance is due to the addition of 67.4 acres of land annexed under Ordinance 2531, and adjustments made to build out land use assumptions since the 2016 update.
Please see the staff report for the Capital Improvement Advisory Committee (CIAC) for more information (Attached)
The City Council may approve Resolution No. 3333 as submitted by staff
The City Council may deny Resolution No. 3333 and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve Resolution No. 3333 adopting the revised land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and imposition of impact fees for Impact Fee Service Area Number 1.
Attached Files: