Sparks City Council Meeting 4/23/2018 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, April 23, 2018 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV

General Business: 9.1

Title: Consideration, discussion and possible approval of Change Order #1 to an approved contract (AC-5455) for the 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project with West Coast Paving, Inc. in the amount of $336,286.95.
Petitioner/Presenter: John Martini, P.E., Community Services Director/Amber Sosa, P.E., Transportation Manager
Recommendation: Council approve the Change Order.
Financial Impact: $190,000 will come from approved CIP Project #18-0500 Pavement Management Program – Street Improvements – Corrective & Rehabilitation (currently available $191,660.43) $146,286.95 will come from approved CIP #18-0502 Pavement Management Program – Alley, Parking Lot and Pathways Rehab (currently available $188,884.24).
Total Costs: $336,286.95
Fund: Road Fund    Account: 603190
Program: 1401 - Pavement Mgmt Prog - Street Improvements - Corr & Rehab (18-0500)
Amount: $190,000.00    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Fund: Road Fund    Account: 603190
Program: 1401 - Pavement Mgmt Prog - Alley, Parking Lot & Pathway Rehab (18-0502)
Amount: $146,286.95    Budget Status: Budget Exists
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

The change order scope adds four additional streets (Valencia Way, Valencia Ct., Geneva Ct., and Hermosa Dr.) for rehabilitation and includes, but is not limited to, the need to remove and replace as needed rundown curb & gutter, driveway approaches, sidewalk ramps and reconstruct the roadway with new asphalt. This change order is necessary to add the additional streets to the approved project which began in mid-April 2018. 


The 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project is a part of and was prioritized through the City’s Transportation System – Pavement Management Program. The size and limits of these projects are determined by the streets with the most critical conditions and by the budget available.

For this project, bids were received February 14, 2018, and a low bidder was announced for an amount of $1,357,277. This was lower than the engineer's estimate. Unit prices were very competitive and extremely favorable when compared with other current bids in the region. The construction contract for the 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project was approved by City Council at the March 26, 2018 meeting. The project began construction in mid-April 2018. 

This change order will take advantage of project pricing, as well as rehabilitate the remaining streets in the immediate area.


This change order will add four additional streets (Valencia Way, Valencia Ct., Geneva Ct., and Hermosa Dr.)  for rehabilitation in the same neighborhood and directly adjacent to the already approved 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project. The attached vicinity map shows the streets currently included in the 2018 Street Rehabilitation - Unit 1 project in yellow and the streets to be included with the proposed change order in blue.

Refer to the attached street location map and change order.

  1. City Council could approve the change order to the 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project as outlined by Staff.
  2. City Council could reject the change order to the 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project and provide direction to the City Manager.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve Change Order #1 to an approved contract for the 2018 Street Rehabilitation – Unit 1 Project with West Coast Paving, Inc. in the amount of $336,286.95.

Attached Files:
     01 - Change Order Streets.pdf
     Change Order #1.pdf
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