Sparks City Council Meeting 3/26/2018 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, March 26, 2018 2:00 PM
    Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV

Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.3

Title: SECOND READING, Public Hearing, discussion and possible adoption of Bill No. 2736, a general Ordinance rezoning real property approximately 67.4 acres in size and located at 500 Highland Ranch Parkway from A40 (agriculture) to C2 (general commercial) and providing other matters properly relating thereto.
Petitioner/Presenter: Bruce Investment Group/401K, Applicant/Karen L. Melby, AICP, Development Services Manager
Recommendation: City Council approve the rezoning associated with PCN17-0035.
Financial Impact: The applicant submitted a fiscal impact analysis for this case. The findings are discussed in the Analysis section, under Finding Z1, of this staff report.
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

This agenda item is a request by the Bruce Investment Group for rezoning of a site comprised of two parcels totaling approximately 67.4 acres in size and located at 500 Highland Ranch Parkway from A40 (Agriculture) to C2 (Commercial). On November 16, 2017, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council of this rezoning request.


The subject parcels are generally located at the southwest corner of the Pyramid Highway and Highland Ranch Parkway (Refer to Exhibit A – Vicinity Map). The request covers 2 vacant parcels, 4.97 acres and 62.43 acres in size, totaling 67.4 acres.

This rezoning request is associated with two other requests regarding the subject site for:

  • Approval of an Impact Fee Service Area Number 1 (IFSA #1) Development Agreement; and
  • A Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation from Open Space (OS) to Commercial (C) on a portion of a site.

Case History

On September 8, 2016, an annexation petition for the subject parcels was reviewed by the Sparks Planning Commission, which voted to forward a recommendation of denial to Sparks City Council. The City Council approved the annexation petition on October 24, 2016.

On March 13, 2017, the City Council directed staff to negotiate and prepare a development agreement pursuant to NRS 278.0201 concerning the development of the subject parcels (refer to Exhibit B). The intended purpose of the proposed development agreement was to address the timing and any phasing of development, along with the entitlements necessary to develop the properties. The development agreement was also expected to address the possible inclusion of the properties in IFSA #1.

The City Council approved Resolution No. 3304 on December 12, 2016, thereby adopting the capital improvements plan and updated impact fee schedule for IFSA #1. The purpose of the impact fees imposed in IFSA #1 is to require new development to contribute to the cost of additional public facilities needed to meet the added demands on public facilities. The fees contribute to sewer, flood control, parks and recreational and fire station facilities within the boundary of IFSA #1 with the goal of maintaining current levels of service. Inclusion of the subject properties in IFSA #1 would provide a plan and funding mechanism for the provision of public facilities and services to serve development on this site.

Staff received a letter, dated September 21, 2017, from Garrett Gordon, the property owner’s representative, that effectively withdrew the property owner’s request for a development agreement (Refer to Exhibit C).

On October 18, 2017, the owners of the subject property filed a petition with the City to include the subject property within IFSA #1.

On October 19, 2017, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on the property owner’s requests to amend the Comprehensive Plan land use designation and rezone the property. The Commission continued its consideration of these items to their November 16, 2017 meeting over concerns regarding whether the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment conforms with Goal 3.5 (the so-called “concurrency” requirement) of the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan. The Commission did so to provide staff and Mr. Gordon time to reach a development agreement, based on the willingness Mr. Gordon expressed to the Commission on behalf of the applicant, to delay development of the subject property until it was included in IFSA #1.

Following discussions between staff and Mr. Gordon, an abbreviated development agreement was prepared as a companion item to the property owner’s Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning requests.

On November 16, 2017, the Sparks Planning Commission voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council of the proposed development agreement (see attached Planning Commission Report of Action). At that same meeting, the Planning Commission approved the Comprehensive Plan amendment and voted to forward a recommendation of approval to the City Council of the rezoning request.

On January 24, 2018, the Truckee Meadows Regional Planning Commission found the Comprehensive Plan amendment in conformance with the Regional Plan.

On February 27. 2018, the City’s Enterprise Fund Advisory Committee (EFAC) reviewed the proposed Capital Improvements Plan and Updated Fee Schedule for IFSA #1. The proposed updates to the plan and fee schedule provide for the inclusion of the two parcels that are the subject of the agreement to be included in IFSA #1. The EFAC recommended approval of the updated capital improvements and fee schedule. The next step is for staff to request that the Planning Commission, acting as the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee, review the updated plan and fee schedule and forward a recommendation of approval of the land use assumptions, proposed capital improvements plan and associated fees to the City Council. This action is scheduled to occur on March 15, 2018.


This is a request to rezone a site comprised of two parcels totaling approximately 67.4 acres in size and located at 500 Highland Ranch Parkway from A40 (Agriculture) to C2 (Commercial) (Refer to Exhibit F – Existing Zoning and Exhibit G – Proposed Zoning). The City Council is expected to consider two related requests on March 26th prior to the anticipated second reading, public hearing and possible approval of this proposed rezoning: (1) a request for approval of a development agreement pursuant to NRS 278.0201 concerning the development of the subject parcels; and, (2) certification of a Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the land use designation on a portion of the site from Open Space (OS) to Commercial (C).

The rezoning request cannot be approved unless the City Council first certifies the Comprehensive Plan amendment.

This request is to rezone the subject site from A40, a zoning designation that allows relatively few uses, to C2, which permits a large number and wide variety of higher intensity uses. A comparison of the uses allowed in the A40 and C2 zoning districts is as follows:




Single family, detached


Not Permitted

Multi-family Building <110 units

Not Permitted


Multi-family Building >110 units

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Manufactured home park


Conditional Use Permit

Home Occupation



Group Home


Not Permitted

Life Care or Continuing Care Services

Not Permitted


Halfway House

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Bed and Breakfast

Conditional Use Permit

Not Permitted

Hotel/Motel (< 20 units)

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Hotel/Motel (>20 units)

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Recreational Vehicle Park

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Resort, Dude/Guest Ranch

Conditional Use Permit

Not Permitted

Animal Services, Indoor

Conditional Use Permit


Animal Services, Overnight (whether indoor or outdoor)

Conditional Use Permit


Financial Services: Payday Loan Establishment; ATM Stand Alone; Title Loan; and, Financial Institutions (including banks)

Not Permitted



Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Food & Beverage Sales/Service: Brewery; Craft Distillery; Grocer/Food Market; Liquor Store; Food Preparation; and, Restaurant

Not Permitted



Not Permitted


Call Center

Not Permitted


Personal/Business Services: Bail Bond Services; Copy Center; Courier and Messenger Services; Funeral & Internment Services; Maintenance and Repair Services; Personal Services; Tattoo Parlor; and, Wedding Chapel

Not Permitted


Retail Sales: Building Material Sales and Services; Convenience Store; Retail, General

Not Permitted


Nursery (commercial, retail and wholesale)

Conditional Use Permit


Auto and Truck Repair (light)

Not Permitted


Car Wash

Not Permitted


Gas Station

Not Permitted


Manufactured Home Dealers

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Vehicle Rentals

Not Permitted


Adult Day Care

Not Permitted


Child Care Facility

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Child Care Facility, In-home


Not Permitted

Church or Worship Center

Conditional Use Permit


Event Center / Banquet Hall

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Fraternal Club /Lodge / Community Service Facility

Not Permitted


Public Safety Facility

Not Permitted


Social Assistance, Welfare and Charitable Services

Not Permitted


College, Technical School

Conditional Use Permit

Conditional Use Permit

School (Public or Private)

Administrative Review

Administrative Review

Personal Instructional Services

Not Permitted



Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit


Not Permitted


Bodily Fluid Collection Services

Not Permitted


Medical Office, Clinic or Laboratory (less than 50,000 gross floor area)

Not Permitted


Medical Office, Clinic or Laboratory (more than 50,000 gross floor area)

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Not Permitted

Administrative Review

Bar / Lounge

Not Permitted


Cultural Institution

Not Permitted


Entertainment Facility / Theater

Not Permitted


Health / fitness club

Not Permitted


Park / Open Space



Recreational Facility, Minor and Major

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Data Processing, Hosting and Related Services

Not Permitted


Media Production

Not Permitted


Mining and quarrying

Conditional Use Permit

Conditional Use Permit

Production, Craftwork

Not Permitted


Research and Development

Not Permitted


Building Maintenance Services

Not Permitted



Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Heliport / Miscellaneous Air Transportation

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Transportation Passenger Terminal

Not Permitted

Conditional Use Permit

Utility, minor

Conditional Use Permit

Conditional Use Permit

Renewable energy production

Conditional Use Permit


Communications Facility

Not Permitted


Wireless Communication Tower or Antenna



Weather or Environmental Monitoring Station



Farm or Ranch


Not Permitted



Not Permitted


FINDING Z1:    The request, as submitted, is consistent with the City of Sparks Comprehensive Plan.

This request is to rezone the site from A40 (Agriculture) to C2 (General Commercial). Currently, most of the site has a Comprehensive Plan land used designation of Open Space (OS) and a Commercial (C) land use designation on approximately 14 acres. As previously stated, there is an accompanying request to change the land use designation on that part of the site with an Open Space designation to a designation of Commercial. The requested C2 zoning would be consistent with the Commercial land use designation. Staff anticipates the City Council will consider the land use amendment request on March 26th prior to the anticipated second reading, public hearing and possible approval of this rezoning request at that same Council meeting.

The Comprehensive Plan Goals and Policies that are relevant to this request include:

Goal MG1       Support economic vitality by providing a non-residential land use base.  

Goal MG2       Foster diversity in the land use mix including residential, commercial, industrial, employment and recreational areas citywide.

Policy MG5     When reviewing master plan amendments for sites over 5 acres, the City will evaluate or cause to be evaluated: a) the impacts on existing and planned facilities and infrastructure; b) the impacts on existing and planned public services; c) the proposed land use in relationship to existing land uses; and, d) the fiscal implications for public service providers of the proposed land use changes as documented in a fiscal impact analysis.

Policy CF1:       When reviewing new development, the City will not approve an application unless the City services can be provided at acceptable service levels.

Policy RC22:    Maintain development restrictions and standards in the Sparks Municipal Code as necessary to conform to policies in the Truckee Meadows Regional Plan pertaining to Development Constraints Areas and for slopes with gradients over 30%.

Policy RC23     Require new developments to preserve and protect significant natural amenities, unique features (e.g. rock outcroppings and drainage ways) and other natural features.


Approval of the rezoning request would support Goals MG1 and MG2 by adding land for non-residential uses. It should be noted, however, that there are approximately 157 acres of undeveloped land with commercial land use and zoning designations within the vicinity of the subject property. In the future, the intersection of Highland Ranch Parkway and Pyramid Way may develop as a commercial node in the Spanish Springs valley.

Review of Comprehensive Plan amendments, per Policy MG5, requires a fiscal impact analysis. The applicant submitted a letter dated July 14, 2017 to update the full analysis dated June 6, 2017 (Refer to FIA Memo 7-17). The analysis estimates that approximately 36 acres of the 67.4 acres are developable. The actual developable area would be determined after a slope analysis per SMC 20.04.011.

Per the applicant’s fiscal analysis, under Scenario 1 (36 acres of general commercial uses) the estimated cost to the City of Sparks for serving the subject properties is $2,196,506 through 2036. The estimated revenue through 2036 is $4,812,955, producing a projected net surplus of $2,616,449.

The fiscal impact analysis included a Scenario 2 (200-unit apartment complex and 110,000 square feet of self-storage facility). The analysis estimates the cost to the City of Sparks to provide services under this scenario to be $6,152,065 through 2036. The estimated revenue to the City is $7,063,590 for a projected net surplus of $911,525.

The fiscal impact analysis assumes that any streets, gutters, curbs and sidewalks will be privately owned. In the proposed development agreement, the property owners and the City recognize and agree on this assumption and acknowledge that nothing in the development agreement requires or obligates the City to accept dedication of any streets, gutters, curbs and/or sidewalks on the subject property.

If the subject parcels are included in IFSA #1, development of the site will contribute to the construction of a fire station to serve the area and storm drain, sewer and parks improvements. Provided the development agreement is approved, it is staff’s view that the requested rezoning request supports Goal MG5 and Policy CF1.

Policies RC22 and RC23 require that new development provide for the protection of natural features such as steep slopes. Section 20.04.011 of the Sparks Municipal Code regulates project sites over 10 acres with slope gradients of 10 percent or greater over 25 percent or more of the site. This section of the code requires that the site be analyzed to identify the maximum allowable disturbed area by slope categories. The required analysis will determine the total area that can be disturbed on the site. Any development on the subject site must comply with this section of the Sparks Municipal Code.

FINDING Z2:    The project is consistent with the surrounding existing land uses.

The surrounding land uses and zoning are summarized in the following table:




Land Use / Zoning


Open Space (OS), Employment (E) and Commercial (C) / Washoe County (GR)


Open Space (OS)/ Washoe County (OS)


Commercial (C)/ NUD (New Urban District – Kiley Ranch North Planned Development)


Open Space (OS)/Lands Owned by the United States of America and designated by Washoe County as OS


The Highland Ranch parcels are located on the western side of the Pyramid Highway. The Kiley Ranch North Planned Development on the east side of the Pyramid Highway has 157 acres designated commercial, including a site for a proposed hospital. None of the commercial uses planned for Kiley Ranch North have been developed to date. The areas to the north and west are vacant lands with steep slopes. The subject site and the property to the north have formerly been mined for aggregate. The proposed commercial zoning on the subject properties will be compatible with the surrounding land uses.

FINDING Z3:    Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code.

Public notice was given per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code and Nevada Revised Statutes. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item. This rezoning request was noticed, at a minimum, to all property owners within 750 feet of the subject properties; 46 property owners were mailed notices. Public notice was published in the Reno Gazette-Journal on October 6, 2017. 

  1. The City Council can adopt Bill No. 2736 to rezone the properties at 500 Highland Ranch Parkway.
  2. The City Council could remand the rezoning request back to Planning Commission with direction.
  3. The City Council could deny the rezoning request.

Recommended Motion:

I move to adopt Bill No. 2736 rezoning real property approximately 67.4 acres in size and located at 500 Highland Ranch Parkway, Sparks, NV from A40 (Agriculture) to C2 (Commercial) based on Findings Z1 through Z3 as set forth in the staff report.

Attached Files:
     01 - Exh A_PCN17-0035_VicinityMap.pdf
     02 - Exh B and C-City Clerk Ltr and Correspondence.pdf
     03 - PCN17-0035 Report of Action.pdf
     04 - Exh F and G-Existing and Proposed Zoning.pdf
     05 - FIA Memo 7-17.pdf
     06 - Bill No 2736_PCN17-0035_Rezone_Ordinance Highland Ranch.pdf
     07 - Bill No 2736Exhibits A & B to Ordinance.pdf
     Bill No 2736PCN17-0035_Rezone_Ordinance Highland Ranch.pdf
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