Sparks City Council Meeting 3/12/2018 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 12, 2018 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.2

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603242 Program: 1404 City Facilities - Emergency Fiber Optic Replacement (18-1005) Amount: $75,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Acting City Manager authorized the work and executed the contract under consideration due to the immediate public safety concern of the potential break in communications between City Hall and the Police Department.
As part of a citywide Computer Network Upgrade, Information Technology was recently moving the Police Department (PD) to a new Network Security Firewall device. When the fiber connection was moved to the new device, there was no signal from City Hall to the PD. The connection was moved back to the original device with the same result. IT contacted Edge Communications, Inc. to troubleshoot the fiber optic connection and found the existing fiber optic cable was failing in numerous places. After working with Edge Communications, Inc., some of the fiber was able to be salvaged and reconnected to the PD, along with the backup storage connection used as a temporary connection to the phone lines. This was a short-term fix that required replacement of the existing fiber assuming more outages would occur in the near future. The fiber is more than 25 years old and has reached the end of its useful life, and multiple failures have occurred over the last few years. Each time the fiber goes down, it affects phone lines, network access, and ultimately dispatch at the PD. If dispatch and the police department network system were to go down, there would be a break in communication which would cause an immediate public safety concern.
Under Sparks Municipal Code Section 2.25.130 (Emergency Procurements), “Emergency” is defined to include circumstances that “may lead to impairment of the health, safety or welfare of the public if not immediately attended to.” The same section allows the City’s authorized representative, including the Chief Administrative Officer to execute contracts to address the emergency situation immediately. The code then requires that the action be reported to the City Council at its next regularly scheduled meeting for ratification. That is the purpose of this item.
IT worked with Purchasing, Engineering, and Edge Communications, Inc. to obtain a quote to replace the Fiber Optic Cable Connection. The scope of work includes approximately 15,000 linear feet of cable to be installed in existing conduit from City Hall to the PD. This will allow installation of the new cable with minimum interruption to the PD. The only interruption that will occur is during final connections when the PD is transferred over to the new cable. We anticipate the project to be completed the first week of March prior to this council meeting.
The Sparks Municipal Code allows for the method used to identify and contract with the vendor under this type of circumstance described in this agenda as the break in communications meet the definition of an emergency in the code as a threat to public safety. The contract value is also below any formal bidding thresholds defined in NRS. The proposal and contract are attached for your review.
Recommended Motion:
I move to ratify the contract with Edge Communications, Inc. in the amount of $75,000 for the Emergency Fiber Optic Replacement.
Attached Files: