Sparks City Council Meeting 12/11/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, December 11, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.6
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The City of Sparks has confidence in the Team Nevada Delivers (Flirtey) public-private partnership as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program (Program). Flirtey was the first company to conduct an FAA-approved drone delivery in the United States in collaboration with NASA; the first to perform a fully autonomous drone delivery to a home in collaboration with the Nevada Institute for Autonomous Systems; and the first to launch a commercial drone delivery service.
“Flirtey is the premier independent drone delivery service in the world. Flirtey helps businesses to unlock new markets, drive sales, pioneer instant delivery, and replace a costly and cumbersome logistics network.” [Source:]
In October 2017, Flirtey partnered with The Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) to launch the first automated external defibrillator (AED) drone delivery service in the United States, which greatly serves the public interest.
On November 15, 2017, the City of Reno approved Resolution NO. 8463 titled “RESOLUTION AFFIRMING THE CITY OF RENO’S APLICATION FOR DESIGNATION AS AN UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS INTEGRATION PILOT PROGRAM PARTICIPANT” (attached). The Resolution is one part of a lengthy application being prepared and submitted by Flirtey to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for designation as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program.
For strengthening the Program application, Flirtey has asked the City of Sparks to submit a letter(s) of support for the program.
If Flirtey is one of the successful applicants, the company will conduct its drone delivery research and testing in the Reno-Sparks area utilizing different businesses as suppliers and various private addresses for delivery locations. Sparks addresses would be within the testing areas.
The intended ultimate delivery services will include private products delivered from retail companies being sent to individual addresses for a whole host of products. One specific drone delivery service being contemplated through the partnership with the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA) is to provide automated external defibrillators (AED) to patients in the field in advance of either REMSA or Sparks Fire Department EMS arrival.
- The Council may approve and direct the City Manager to prepare a letter(s) to support the application being prepared and submitted by Flirtey to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for designation as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program.
- The Council may not approve supporting the application being prepared and submitted by Flirtey.
- The Council may not approve the application being prepared and submitted by Flirtey and provide other direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to direct the City Manager to prepare a letter(s) for the Mayor's signature to endorse and support the application being prepared and submitted by Team Nevada Delivers to the United States Department of Transportation and the Federal Aviation Administration for designation as a select participant in the Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration Pilot Program.
Attached Files: