Sparks City Council Meeting 1/9/2012 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 9, 2012 2:00 PMSparks Council Chambers, 745 4th Street, Sparks, NV 89431
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.1
Title: PCN11030-Public Hearing, discussion and possible finding of tentative approval of a handbook amendment for the Marina Landing Planned Development handbook.
Petitioner/Presenter: Sparks Marina RV Park, LLC/Jim Rundle, Senior Planner
Recommendation: The City of Sparks Planning Commission and Sparks Community Services staff recommend approval of the amendments to the Marina Landing Handobook.
Financial Impact: Not Applicable
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: This is the public hearing for tentative approval of an amendment to the Marina Landing Handbook. This proposed amendment provides for flexibility in design for the site located at the southwest corner of Prater Way and Marina Gateway Drive. The amendment does not include any changes to density or changes in uses of the property. At this time, the amendment does not include a specific project.
Background: CASE NUMBER(S): PCN11030 REQUESTED ACTION(S): Tentative Approval of an amendment to the Marina Landing Planned Development Handbook PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Request to alter the development standards to include additional landscaping requirements in lieu of building frontage requirements and changes to the sign criteria. PROPERTY OWNER: Sparks Marina RV Park, LLC APPLICANT: Maverik, Inc. LOCATION: Southwest corner of Prater Way and Marina Gateway Drive SITE SIZE: 3.86 EXISTING ZONING: PD (Planned Development) EXISTING LAND USE: Vacant MASTER PLAN DESIGNATION: TOD (Transit Oriented Development) WARD INFORMATION: Ward 3 - Ron Smith A PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRED This item was continued from the November 2011 Planning Commission meeting. Revised language for page 48 has been included as an attachment and should be inserted into the handbook distributed with the November Planning Commission packet. In 1997 the City of Sparks adopted the Marina Area Plan to address lands surrounding the Sparks Marina. The plan governed approximately 343 acres of land. The Marina Landing handbook, originally approved in 2001, consists of approximately 22 acres and to date has been developed with a rv park and car wash. In 2009, the Sparks Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Corridor Master Plan replaced the Sparks Marina Area Plan as the governing master plan document. As the property's zoning is established by the Marina Landing handbook, the applicant is not proposing to change any standards but to add flexibility for two standards. Any new development within the Marina Landing area will require a special use permit. As such, staff and the Planning Commission will receive a more detailed of detail at that time to determine compliance of a proposed project with the standards in the development handbook. This site is located along the main Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridor for the City of Sparks, the Prater/4th Corridor. This is the tentative approval process. The application and the Planning Commission's recommendation must also be considered by City Council. The Planning Commission will see this handbook again at the Final approval process stage.
Analysis: This staff report for supports a request to include an alternative to a design standard in the Marina Landing Planned Development handbook; there is also a minor modification to a sign requirement. Page 48 of the Marina Landing handbook includes a proposal to add flexibility to a standard requiring building frontage along Prater Way. The applicant has proposed "In lieu of this requirement, a 30 foot wide landscape buffer may be provided adjacent to Prater Way. If the option for the 30 foot wide landscape buffer is provided, buildings, parking and access may be located adjacent to the buffer." Page 52 of the Marina Landing handbook proposes to remove the requirement for a monument sign at the southwest corner of East Prater Way and Marina Gateway Drive. It may ultimately be possible to place a sign at this location, but should this proposal be adopted, it would not be a requirement. Page 53 has been updated to reflect the language proposed on page 52. Relationship to Master Plan: Goals of the Sparks TOD Master Plan which will be considered at the time of entitlement are: Goal 3.2 (Create a Cohesive Neighborhood through the Marina District Emphasizing connectivity to the Sparks Marina. 3.2.a Develop Northern Gateway Marina Neighborhoods Develop the vacant lands to the north of the Red Development area as a gateway into the district by emphasizing coordinated landscaping and streetscape improvements. 3.2.b Improve Connections between Existing and Future Neighborhoods and the Marina and Activity Center Development As redevelopment of underutilized lands around the Marina moves forward, efforts should be made to improve pedestrian connectivity between existing older neighborhoods along Prater Way and the Marina focused acidity. PLANNED DEVELOPMENT FINDINGS: PD1 The plan is consistent with the objective of furthering the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing for housing of all types and design. This amendment does not include any changes to types of housing provided. Design could ultimately be changed by a modification to the design standards but cannot be determined at this time. PD2 The plan is consistent with the objective of furthering the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing for necessary commercial and industrial facilities conveniently located to the housing. This amendment does not change the original intent of allowing for commercial uses on this property. PD3 The plan is consistent with the objective of furthering the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing for the more efficient use of land and public or private services. The amendment provides for flexibility in development of this planned development by potentially allowing design options. PD4 The plan is consistent with the objective of furthering the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing for changes in technology of land development so that resulting economies may be available to those in need of homes. The amendment provides for flexibility in building design. PD5 The plan is consistent with the objective of furthering the public health, safety, morals and general welfare by providing for flexibility of substantive regulations over land development so that proposals for land development are disposed of without undue delay. The proposed amendment provides greater flexibility than the originally approved planned development handbook. PD6 The plan does not depart from zoning and subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the property, and these departures are in the public interest for density. The amendment may ultimately depart from a standard for "build to zone" along Prater Way. As this is not an entitlement to build on this land, and the option of building to zone remains in the handbook, a future project may still comply with the original approval. PD7 The plan does not depart from zoning and subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the property, and these departures are in the public interest for bulk. The amendment in and of itself does not depart from zoning regulations for bulk. The language from the original approval remains and flexibility has been provided as an alternative. PD8 The plan does not depart from zoning and subdivision regulations otherwise applicable to the property and these departures are in the public interest for use. The originally approved zoning standards remain, and this amendment request allows for greater design flexibility. It is in the public interest to require that sufficient land be provided for appropriate sidewalk widths along Prater Way. PD9 The ratio of residential to nonresidential use in the planned development is: This amendment does not change the ratio of residential to nonresidential from what the original approval granted. PD10 Common open space in the planned development exists for what purpose, is located where within the project, and comprises how many acres (or what percentage of the development site taken as a whole). The proposed amendment does not change the amount of open space and could provide for more landscaped area along Prater Way. PD11 The plan does provide for the maintenance and conservation of the common open space by what method. The Marina Landing Development Standards Handbook continues to address the maintenance and conservation of the common open space through a property owners association and private ownership. PD12 Given the plan's proposed density and type of residential development, the amount and/or purpose of the common open space is determined to be adequate. As previously approved, the open space is and continues to be adequate. PD13 The plan does provide for public services. If the plan provides for public services, then these provisions are adequate. As previously approved, the planned development does provide for public services. PD14 The plan does provide control over vehicular traffic. The street design conforms to City of Sparks street standards. A Special Use Permit would be required to allow the construction of commercial space at the respective site for which this amendment has been submitted. At that time further analysis of traffic impacts may occur. PD15 The plan does provide for the furtherance of access to light, air, recreation and visual enjoyment. The amended planned development continues to provide adequate landscaping and circulation for pedestrians and vehicles to benefit the planned development and also the surrounding area. PD16 The relationship of the proposed planned development to the neighborhood in which it is proposed to be established is beneficial. This finding was previously made at the original adoption of the Marina Landing handbook. The Planned Development has been developing as commercial, including a car wash and a recreational vehicle park. PD17 To the extent the plan proposed development over a number of years, the terms and conditions intended to protect the interests of the public, residents and owners of the planned development in the integrity of the plan are sufficient. The standards and phasing in the Planned Development Standards Handbook are sufficient for the planned development of Marina Landing, retains the integrity of the plan and defines the responsible parties. PD18 The project, as submitted and conditioned, is consistent with the City of Sparks Master Plan. Since adoption of the Marina Landing Planned Development Handbook, the Transit Oriented Development master plan has been approved and governs the land to which the Marina Village zoning applies. As this is not a project but rather a proposal to alter potential design standards, the planned development handbook is neither more nor less consistent with the Sparks Master Plan as discussed in the Relationship to Master Plan section of this staff report. PD19 The project is consistent with the surrounding existing land uses. The proposed amendment to the Marina Landing Planned Development does not alter proposed uses originally found to be appropriate with the existing land uses. PD20 Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code. Public notice was given. The Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearing per the requirements of SMC and NRS. PD21 Modification of Marina Village Planned Development furthers the interest for the City and the residents and preserves the integrity of the plan. When considering rezoning a Planned Development, the City must be able to determine that the "modification" is to "further the mutual interest of the residents and owners of the planned unit development and of the public in the preservation of the integrity of the plan as finally approved," NRS 278A.380 (2). The proposed modification provides flexibility in the development of the Planned Development by allowing potential design alterations. This amendment maintains the integrity of the originally adopted Marina Landing plan.
Alternatives: The City Council may remand the request back to the Planning Commission, or The City COuncil may deny the request to amend the Marina Landing Planned Development handbook.
Recommended Motion: I move to tentatively approve the Planned Development Handbook associated with PCN11030 (Marina Landing), adopting Findings PD1 through PD21 and the facts supporting these Findings as set forth in the staff report. The tentative approval includes that the applicant shall file for final approval of the planned development within one (1) year from the date of the City Council granting tentative approval of the planned development handbook. Due to the nature of the tentative planned development, the Planning Commission does not recommend that the City Council require a bond at this point in time as stated in NRS 278A.490.
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