Sparks City Council Meeting 9/25/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 25, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4

Fund: Storm Drains Cap Proj Fund Account: 604130 Program: Bergin Way Storm Drain System (17-6601) Amount: $423,140.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible approval of a contract with Aspen Developers Corporation, for the Bergin Way Storm Drain Project, in the amount of $423,140. This project will provide storm drain improvements to Bergin Way and reduce localized flooding to the intersection of Bergin Way and Overmyer Road and adjacent property.
The City of Sparks' Stormwater Basin Master Plan identified the need for storm drain improvements at the intersection of Bergin Way and Overmyer Road and adjacent property. The area identified experiences frequent, localized flooding from stormwater conveyed off McCarran Blvd. This project will provide storm drain infrastructure to convey the stormwater underground to the City’s existing storm drain line at Glendale Ave. A stormwater interceptor vault will be constructed to capture and treat stormwater prior to discharging to the Glendale Ave storm drain line.
Five (5) bids were received at City Hall on September 7, 2017 as a result of the formal bid process. The Engineer’s Estimate was $384,000. Aspen Developers Corporation submitted the low bid for this project in the amount of $423,140. A bid recap is provided below for Council’s review.
Aspen Developers Corp $423,140.00
Gerhardt and Berry Const $446,817.50
Peek Brothers Const $479,720.00
A and K Earthmovers $488,750.00
Sierra Nevada Const $506,007.00
- City Council could approve the contract as outlined by Staff.
- City Council could reject the contract and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the contract with Aspen Developers Corporation, for the Bergin Way Storm Drain Project, in the amount of $423,140.
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