Sparks City Council Meeting 5/22/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, May 22, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St. , Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.2

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603057 Program: Major System Software Replacement Plan (080731) Amount: $111,000.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Fund: Development Services Fund Account: 604176 Program: Building Administration (130900) Amount: $20,328.25 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: Budget is available in the Entitlement Review Key Service Area in the Development Services Fund and will be transferred to the Building & Safety Key Service Area to cover this expense as Approved by Community Services Director John Martini February 28, 2017. |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible approval to purchase a replacement Electronic Document System per the Major Systems IT CIP as approved in the FY2017 Budget.
The city purchased our current Document Management System, ApplicationXtender about 17 years ago. The system was originally purchased to scan and manage building plans submitted to the city but has grown over the years to encompass the City Clerk's office and is also used by the Police Department for their records management needs. The original vendor was purchased by EMC/Dell about 8 years ago and the software is no longer being upgraded.
IT has worked with the City Clerk's Office and the Police Department Records Manager to look for a replacement system that would allow the city to move to better access for all city users and also a better connection to the Accela Permits and Licensing System.
The new system would be "inclusive" in that instead of seperate systems for scanning, indexing and storage, all document management would be in one system. This will include scanning, indexing, encryption, security, workflow, barcode recognition, web access (local and some public), email integration and archiving, reporting, and Accela integration. It also includes conversion from our existing database to the new system.
As approved in the FY2017 budget, The IT CIP Major Systems budget includes funding for this project.
The current document management system was installed in 2001. Technology over the past 16 years has surpassed the capabilities of the current system. The vendor is no longer upgrading the system and is encouraging that we move to a new system.
As the city's official "records keeper" the City Clerk's Office has looked at replacement system from a number of vendors including Open Text, Laserfiche, DocFinity, Docuware and Zasio. OnBase from Hyland system is the best system to fit the city's needs for today and the future.
In late April, staff from the City Clerk's Office, Information Technology and Building Permits visited Concord California to see how they have implemented OnBase and also how they use it with the Accela Permiting and Business Licensing System. They found that Concord has had a very postivie experience and even with a few minor setbacks, the system has been very stable, easy to use and more user friendly for employees and the public. There are some issues with how it works with Accela but the vendor has been working with them to make sure the system works as proposed.
The proposed document management system has the ability to grow and change as our needs change. Currently the city has a "work a round" to get scanned documents into the Accela system that adds two or three days before they become available. Adding encryption to our police records will allow us to better control the access to police records and also to track better who accesses it. The new system called OnBase has so far been the system of choice that other municipalities around the state are converting from the current system the city is on.
As we have all seen, technology is changing for the better every day. Upgrading our Document Management System will allow the city provide a better system for our employees and also in the future add the ability to give citizen access to our public records.
The purchase price of $109,520.75 includes setup, implementation and conversion. We will also be paying for the first year of maintenance (13 months) at $21,807.50.
City staff feels that after researching other options and systems that the proposed system will be our best option. NRS Chapter 33.2 115(h) exempts computer hardware and software items from competitive bid.
Staff recommends that the City Council authorize purchasing the OnBase Document Management System from Precision Document Imaging.
The City Council may choose not to approve the purchase of the OnBase Document Managment System from Precision Document Imaging and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of a Electronic Document Imaging System for $109,520.75 and first year maintenance for $21,807.50 from Precision Document Imaging.
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