Sparks City Council Meeting 4/24/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 24, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
In accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 239.051, the custodian of a record may destruct/destroy documents only if an image of those records has been placed on microfilm or has been saved in an electronic recordkeeping system which permits the retrieval of the information contained in the records and the reproduction of the records.
Once an image of the record has been saved to the records database (electronic recordkeeping system), the digital image becomes the original and the paper version will be destroyed in accordance with the Clerk's office document destruction procedures. Microfilm will no longer be produced as a secondary record. Ceasing to produce and store microfilm will be a cost savings to the City and will allow the Clerk's office to comply with regulatory restrictions of duplicate "original" records. The City is required to maintain one original of any record. We will still continue to maintain the current microfilm/fiche, as it is in some cases the original record. The Clerk's office plans to eventually, as money and time permits, digitize existing microfilm/fiche so that it can be stored in the electronic recordkeeping system.
Previously, in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute 239.051, the Clerk's office produced microfilm/fiche copies of all City records. This was in addition to maintaining the paper original of many City records as well as saving an image of the record to the electronic recordkeeping system, creating multiple records of the same documents and requiring maintenance of each one. As part of this prior process, the Clerk's office would scan the records into the database and then send the electronic images to the Nevada State Library & Archives to be imaged to microfilm. Once the microfilm was received it was sent to an off-site location for permanent storage. The Clerk's office budgeted $4,000 to produce microfilm images in FY 16/17.
Retention and destruction of City records will continue in accordance with Nevada Revised Statute, the Nevada Public Records Act, and the Nevada Local Government Agency Retention Schedule.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the destruction/disposal of paper records of building plans and associated documents that have been saved to the electronic recordkeeping system.
Attached Files: