Sparks City Council Meeting 3/13/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 13, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.5
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This agenda item asks the City Council to direct staff to proceed with negotiating and preparing, for future consideration by the City Council, a NRS 278.0201 development agreement concerning the development of The Quarry, a 386.7 acre property located northwest of the intersection of Highland Ranch Parkway and the Pyramid Highway. Annexation into the City of Sparks has been requested by the prospective developer (QK, LLC) and owner (Jackling Aggregates, LLC) of the property.
City staff and the developer believe that a NRS 278.0201 development agreement would enhance predictability and facilitate better planning for annexation and development of this property. The proposed development agreement would cover the conditions precedent to the City annexing the property, changing the Comprehensive Plan land use designation, rezoning and other land use entitlements the project may require. It would also address the timing and any phasing of development as well as the terms and requirements for, and financing of, public infrastructure, including the property’s possible inclusion in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1. Finally, NRS 278.0201 development agreements also permit the project applicant to waive certain NRS statutory timeframes so that various land use approvals can be considered concurrently by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
In October of 2016 the City annexed a 67.4 acre property located south and across Highland Ranch Parkway from The Quarry property. During consideration of that annexation request, the City Council expressed concerns regarding their inability to consider the potential use – the project to be developed on the site – as part of their deliberations. Infrastructure requirements, as well as the City’s responsibilities to provide services to this property, could only be nominally considered without more advanced plans for development of the property.
In November of 2016 the City received an application from the prospective developer (QK, LLC) and owner (Jackling Aggregates, LLC) for annexation of a 386.7 acre property with the Washoe County Assessor Parcel Number of 083-011-15. City staff deemed the application incomplete as it lacked certain information. Subsequent discussions between City staff and the applicant have revolved around identifying a path or mechanism to address the concerns that arose during consideration of that previous stand-alone annexation application (i.e., the 67.4 acre property). Specifically, the applicant and City staff have considered alternative ways of processing annexation of The Quarry and the various land use and infrastructure approvals the project will need in a coordinated manner that best balances the interests of the developer, public and City.
This agenda item asks the City Council to direct staff to proceed with negotiating and preparing, for future consideration by the City Council, a NRS 278.0201 development agreement concerning the development of The Quarry property. In addition to their annexation request, the development team behind the Quarry project is contemplating land uses that will require various approvals from the City and Truckee Meadows Regional Planning. Development of the property will also require provision of City services and infrastructure to an area not currently served by the City.
City staff and the developer believe that a NRS 278.0201 development agreement would provide greater predictability and facilitate better planning for development of this property. The proposed development agreement would cover the conditions precedent to the City annexing the property, changing the Comprehensive Plan land use designation and zoning, and approval of any other land use entitlements that may be needed, such as conditional use permits. It would also address the timing and any phasing of development as well as the terms and requirements for, and financing of, public infrastructure, including the property’s possible inclusion in Impact Fee Service Area Number 1. Finally, NRS 278.0201 development agreements permit the project applicant to waive certain NRS statutory timeframes so that various land use approvals can be considered concurrently by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Alternatives include choosing to not direct staff to prepare a NRS 278.0201 development agreement for The Quarry project or providing other direction to staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to direct staff to negotiate and prepare for future consideration by the City Council a NRS 278.0201 development agreement for The Quarry property.
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