Sparks City Council Meeting 2/27/2017 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 27, 2017 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A request from the City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency to the City of Sparks for the abandonment of a portion of Avenue of the Oaks public right-of-way (attached site exhibit). Staff has researched the request and is of the opinion that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonment and recommends approval.
The City of Sparks has received a request to abandon or vacate their interest in public right-of-way for roadway and utility purposes granted to the City pursuant to various tract maps, dedication maps and documents. The right-of-way abandonment is located adjacent to the southerly property line of APN’s 32-341-22 and 32-341-23. The City of Sparks Redevelopment Agency is the owner of property adjacent to the right-of-way and intends to sell the assembled property to SWD-Quarry FVS, LLC for the development of the Fountainhouse Phase 2 project.
The abandonment order (attached) for the requested abandonments has been reviewed by staff and has been found acceptable. Each owner of property abutting the proposed abandonments have been properly notified via certified mail as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (a). The extent of the proposed abandonment and the date of the public hearing were published in the Reno Gazette Journal as required by NRS 278.480 (4) (b). Reservations of easement (per NRS278.480 (6)) are included where applicable. Staff finds that the public will not be materially injured by the proposed abandonments and recommends approval.
- The City Council could approve the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
- The City Council could deny the request for abandonment as outlined by Staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the public right-of-way abandonment request as outlined by staff.
Attached Files: