Sparks City Council Meeting 10/24/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 24, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Consent Items: 8.3

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 603057 Program: Major System Software Replacement Plan (080731) Amount: $94,396.50 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Consideration and possible agreement to purchase an upgraded computer control system for the city council chambers.
In 2003, the city installed the current presentation analog control system. It includes the ability to display items from the city clerk, presentation desk, VCR and DVD Player, and the document camera.
In 2012 the presentation desk was upgraded to allow for more equipment and for better power and cooling. Some reworking was done on the analog control system but the main system was not replaced.
Over the past two years, we have had many of the original analog parts fail and IT has had to search for replacement parts that are getting harder to find and also more and more expensive. We also replaced the original 50” Plasma TV’s after they failed with 65” LED TV’s.
In the fall of 2014 the City Clerk, Community Relations Manager, Purchasing, Envision (our broadcast production consultants) and IT started meeting to make a plan on how we would replace the system and also solve sound and video issues.
The group decided that we needed to replace the Taiden microphone and voting system as the first part of the project. We have now enhanced our IT created agenda system to also include our voting system and all microphones were replaced in July of this year. They also decided to upgrade our video recording and streaming system to allow for viewing on all currently available computers and smart devices. That system was installed last fall and after many issues is now working.
The group also asked the IT Manger to contact the vendor who installed our current analog control system to find out what it would take to upgrade it. That company is no longer in business. IT and purchasing have been looking for a vendor to help us figure out what we need to do and what direction we should go as we don’t have anyone on staff who could be considered audio and production specialists. The only Nevada based vendor we have been able to find is EVOTEK out of Las Vegas.
They have visited the chambers and production room and have made recommendations on what we should do to move to a digital based computer control system.
The plan, as recommended by EVOTEK, is to install a new digital computer control system with controls for the Clerk’s station and a backup in the production room. They also would replace the standard projection screen in the back of the chambers with a HD compatible wide screen. They are recommending a digital sound system board that would work like today’s smart phones that would automatically change sound levels from microphones as needed. They are also proposing replacing the 20 year old omni-directional speakers with directional speakers. The new digital computer system would be installed and tested between regular scheduled meeting in the council chambers this fall. We would also replace our 4 standard definition cameras with 4 High Definition robot controlled cameras.
As approved in the FY2017 budget, The IT CIP Major Systems budget includes funding for this project.
The current system was installed in 2003. Technology over the past 13 years has surpassed the capabilities of the current system. Replacement parts are getting harder and harder to find. Spending money on old technology is not in the best interest of the city.
The proposed digital system has a 5 to 7 year life which is more in line with lifecycle of today’s digital technology. The system is modular allowing us to upgrade parts as technology changes similar to how IT uses “blade” technology for our servers.
We currently have 4 Standard Definition cameras that work fine with our Charter Broadcast. The recommendation from EVOTEK to replace them with 4 High Definition cameras will allow our broadcast stream to the internet to be of a higher quality. Staff feels that the current cameras work but upgrading them now would be beneficial as parts are getting harder to find.
EVOTEK is also recommending that we replace the current 20+ year old omni-directional speakers with "directional" speakers that will be aligned for better sound in the chambers and also stop most feedback.
The new system includes all manufacturer warranties and the first year of support. The City will have support options after the first year that will include extended warranty and service times.
As we have all seen, technology is changing for the better every day. The longer we wait for this update the more it may cost and the harder it will be for IT to find replacement parts for our current system.
City staff feels that continuing to look for another vendor to upgrade our current system is unwise as parts are getting more expensive and harder to find. NRS Chapter 33.2 115(h) exempts computer hardware and software items from competitive bid.
The AV Team from EVOTEK has been very forthcoming on what we can and should do to upgrade our system. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize purchasing the Council Chambers Computer Control system and HD cameras from EVOTEK.
The City Council may choose not to approve the purchase of the Digital Computer Control system from EVOTEK and provide further direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the purchase of a digital Computer Control System for the City Council chambers for $94,396.50 from EVOTEK.
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