Sparks City Council Meeting 10/10/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, October 10, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The Sparks Redevelopment Agency is requesting a Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) to a parcel of property owned by the City of Sparks. Refer to the attached Bridges BLA Exhibit. Transferring property from the City of Sparks (APN 32-341-20, Parcel H) to the adjacent property owned by the Sparks Redevelopment Agency (APN 32-341-21, Parcel 1) will allow the development of the Bridges project. An existing temporary public access easement across the Sparks Redevelopment Agency parcel will need to relinquished and recorded prior to the recording of the BLA. Refer to the attached easement relinquishment.
The Sparks Redevelopment Agency is the owner of property located at Victorian Plaza Circle and Avenue of the Oaks (APN 32-341-21, Parcel 1). Parcel 1 is currently being used for public surface parking. The agency is in the process of assembling a parcel for development and has requested that the Sparks City Council consider a boundary line adjustment of a city owned parcel (APN 32-341-20, Parcel H) situated west and north of the agency parcel. The city owned parking garage is located on Parcel H. The Sparks Redevelopment Agency intends to sell the assembled property to SWD-Quarry Bridges, LLC for the development of the Bridges project.
Under NRS 279.432 the City of Sparks is allowed to dedicate, sell, convey or lease any of its property to a redevelopment agency. A Boundary Line Adjustment (BLA) document has been developed to add approximately 1,355 SF of land to the Sparks Redevelopment Agency parcel (APN 32-341-21, Parcel 1) from the property owned by the City of Sparks (APN 32-341-20, Parcel H). Refer to the attached BLA. The BLA request is addressing two areas on the Sparks Redevelopment Agency parcel. The first is a sliver of area in the northeast corner of Parcel 1. This area is required to allow for a uniform building footprint. The second area, on the west side of the parcel, is needed to provide space for a fire riser room, area for trash and recycling containers, and electrical and water services for the proposed project. The transfer of the two areas will not adversely impact the city owned parcel situated west of the agency parcel. The added land to the redevelopment parcel will be included in the new appraisal value.
An existing temporary public access easement across the Sparks Redevelopment Agency parcel will need to relinquished and recorded prior to the recording of the BLA. Refer to the attached easement relinquishment. The temporary easement currently allows for public access across the agency parcel from a parking garage exit drive. The removal of the access will not impact the operation of the existing parking garage circulation.
- The City Council could approve the boundary line adjustment request as outlined by Staff.
- The City Council could deny the boundary line adjustment request as outlined by Staff and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the boundary line adjustment request as outlined by staff.
Attached Files: