Sparks City Council Meeting 9/26/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, September 26, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.4

Fund: Group Insurance Self- Insurance Account: 603100 Program: Health Plan Administration in Group Health Fund (050435) Amount: $51,500.00 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
CVS/Caremark is currently the pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) for the City of Sparks Group Health Plan. The City’s participation agreement - based on the contract through NHP with CVS/Caremark - expires on December 31, 2016. A new agreement is necessary to provide continued pharmacy benefits to employees and retirees on the City of Sparks self-funded group health plan.
In an effort to find savings in this area of the health plan and create greater transparency of pharmacy costs, the City of Sparks, with the assistance of our business associate NHP reviewed proposals for PBM services.
NHP, the contracting arm of the Nevada Business Group on Health (NVBGH), is an organization of Nevada employers committed to containing health care costs. NHP provides access to high-quality health care benefits at a sustainable cost. Members of NHP, including the City of Sparks, are public and private sector self-insured employers who actively participate in medical and health care services contracts.
NHP began a review process in early 2016 of pharmacy rates, to find potential savings and seek possible alternatives to CVS/Caremark. Analysis showed that based on the current contract with CVS/Caremark, the proposed pharmacy benefit model will provide cost savings for the first year of the new participation agreement of $497,833.
CVS/Caremark has been our pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) since January 1, 2014. As the PBM, CVS/Caremark handles all aspects of pharmacy transactions for the City of Sparks self-funded group health plan, which includes payment of pharmacy and specialty drug claims, providing customer service and support to employees and retirees, managing the network of pharmacies, establishing the drug formulary; and, acting as rebate aggregator and issuing rebates.
NHP began hearing proposals in July 2016. Two separate benefit models were presented to NHP members. The first was the current model of services as provided by CVS/Caremark. This model provides all pharmacy services from one organization. A renewal quote was provided to NHP by CVS Caremark for the current model.
The second was a new, more transparent model. Under the new model, three organizations manage the pharmacy services. By having three separate companies manage the pharmacy benefit, no single company will control the process. WellDyneRx Inc., Nevada True Choice, LLC., and Gateway Health Procurement, LLC., comprise the three organizations.
After careful consideration, it was determined by the NHP voting members, that PBM services could be divided among three companies and result in significant savings to the City of Sparks self-funded group health plan.
NHP members, including but not limited to the City of Reno and the Washoe County School District are currently in the process of making recommendations to their governing boards to switch to the transparent model that incorporates WellDyneRx, True Choice and Gateway. Washoe County has received approval and will move forward with the WellDyneRx, True Choice and Gateway model.
A financial analysis completed for the new pharmacy benefit model, estimates first year savings to be $497,833 over the current PBM contract. The actual cost of the WellDyne participation agreement to the City is $51,500. This is the administrative cost to manage our pharmacy plan and based on $2.25 per prescription for a one-year period. This cost is included in the savings estimate of $497,833.
WellDyne, True Choice and Gateway will provide the same services to our Group Health Plan that CVS/Caremark currently provides. The Human Resources staff will continue to oversee this benefit. After the initial implementation, this program will not require any greater management from Human Resources than the current model. Services will mirror our current plan and provide continued pharmacy benefits to our employees, retirees and dependents on January 1, 2017.
The services provided will be divided as follows:
- WellDyneRx Inc. (WellDyne) as the pharmacy benefit administrator (PBA), will provide payment of pharmacy and specialty drug claims and provide 24/7 customer service and support to employees and retirees, as well as managie our drug formulary. The current formulary will remain unchanged on January 1, 2017.
- Nevada True Choice LLC. (True Choice) as the network administrator, will provide the network of pharmacies to be used by employees and retirees and advise the City of individual pharmacy costs and where additional savings may be realized. The City's network of pharmacies will remain unchanged on January 1, 2017.
- Gateway Health Procurement, LLC (Gateway) as the rebate aggregator, will have the responsibility of seeking out the best drug rebates for the plan, and making formulary recommendations that will be cost effective for the City.
The duration of these contracts if for a three-year period, from January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2019. NHP has addressed performance criteria within the primary contract and has written a 120 day opt-out clause for any criteria not met, including but not limited to, failure to provide savings to the plan.
1. The Council may choose to approve participation in a three-year agreement negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with WellDyneRx Inc. as outlined by staff.
2. The Council may choose not to approve participation in a three-year agreement negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with WellDyneRx Inc. as outlined by staff.
3. The Council may choose not to approve participation in a three-year agreement negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with WellDyneRx Inc. and direct the City Manager to provide alternatives to staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve participation in a three-year agreement negotiated by Nevada Health Partners (NHP) with WellDyneRx Inc. (WellDyne) to manage the pharmacy benefit for the City of Sparks Group Health Plan in the amount of $51,500; and, authorization for the City Manager to execute the agreement for this service effective January 1, 2017.
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