Sparks City Council Meeting 6/13/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, June 13, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Building 745 Fourth Street, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.7
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The applicant is requesting to rezone the property from NUD (New Urban District) to MUD (Mixed Use District).
On August 26, 2002, the City Council approved the final handbook for Marina Landing Planned Development. On May 24, 2004, the City Council approved amendments to the Marina Landing Planned Development Handbook allowing the use of revised design standards for the development of the recreational vehiclar park (RV Park). However, the City Council denied the expansion on the RV Park onto an 8 acre parcel located between the RV Park and Marina Gateway Drive. The 8 acres property was rezoned to NUD (New Urban District) but does not have an approved handbook to allow development of the property.
The City Council approved an amendment to the Marina Landing Planned Development on February 27, 2012 to allow the use of a gas station and convenience store (Marverik Gas Station and Convenience Store).
A part of the Marina Landing Planned Development Handbook is a 2.46 acre parcel located at the northwest corner of Lincoln Way and Marina Gateway Drive. This parcel, referred to as the Marina Lighthouse area, has not been developed. Under a companion agenda item, the applicant is requesting to remove this parcel from the planned development handbook and develop it in combination with the 8 parcel to the north.
The Planning Commission reviewed the rezoning request on May 5, 2016 and recommends approval.
This request involves two parcels. Both parcels are zoned NUD but the 2.46 acre parcel one is currently part of the Marina Landing Planned Development Handbook. Through a separate request, the applicant is asking to remove from the planned development handbook. The other parcel has NUD zoning but does not have an approved planned development handbook governing the development of the property. This request is to change the zoning of these properties to Mixed Use District (MUD) which permits multi-family residential, commercial and/or office uses. This application does not include development plans.
The project is consistent with the City of Sparks Master Plan.
The rezone request is consistent with the Transit Oriented Development Corridor Master Plan Goals:
Goal 3.1: Highlight Sparks Marina as a regional recreation destination.
Goal 3.2: Create cohesive neighborhoods throughout the district emphasizing Connectivity to Sparks Marina
The narrative for both of these goals, it states that the City will work with development to make the Sparks Marina area a mixed-use area. The rezoning request is to change the zoning designation to Mixed Use District which will allow a mixture of land uses on the properties. With the development of the properties, the City will strive to assure that the project’s architecture is in keeping with the area’s character, provides pedestrian and street connections, and is consistent with the other uses in the area.
The project is consistent with the surrounding existing land uses.
The surrounding land uses and zoning are summarized in the table below:
Direction |
Land Use |
Zoning |
North |
TOD-MR (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Residential) |
NUD (New Urban District – Marina Landing Planned Development) |
South |
TOD-MUC (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Use Commercial) |
NUD (New Urban District _ The Legends Planned Development) |
East |
TOD-MR (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Residential) |
MUD (Mixed Use District) – approved as mix of multi-family housing |
West |
TOD-MUC (Transit Oriented Development – Mixed Use Commercial) and TOD-RN (Transit Oriented Development – Residential Neighborhood) |
MUD/TR (Mixed Use District – Trailer Overlay) |
The parcels are located within the Sparks Marina area which is developing as a mix of uses including multi-family, mobile home park, mini-warehouse t and commercial uses, including the Legends Outlet Mall. Across the street from these parcels, on the vacant lands to the east, the City has approved a mix of residential uses. Any potential impacts from development of these parcels to be rezoned would be addressed through either the administrative review or conditional use permit processes.
Public notice was given and a public hearing held per the requirements of the Sparks Municipal Code.
Public notice was given and the Planning Commission and City Council meetings function as the public hearings for this item.
None - First Reading
Recommended Motion:
First Reading, Public Hearing to be scheduled for June 27, 2016
Attached Files: