Sparks City Council Meeting 4/11/2016 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 11, 2016 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 9.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
The retirement of the Administrative Services Director, Chris Syverson has prompted a review of the organizational structure and an opportunity to succession plan in the City Manager’s office, as well as in Community Services.
As a member of the City Manager’s executive team, the position of Community Services Director is appointed by the City Manager. At the City of Sparks, appointed executive employees are employed under an Employment Agreement requiring approval by the Council.
Stephen W. Driscoll, City Manager, has proposed organizational changes in the City Manager’s Office to include appointment of John Martini as Community Services Director.
Under the Sparks City Charter (NRS Chapter 470), Section 1.080 Appointive positions, “2. Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter, the City Manager shall appoint heads of each department. The City of Sparks Council utilizes pay resolutions to define salaries and benefits for unrepresented employees not covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements under NRS 288. These Resolutions identify the members to be recognized by a particular work group and are approved by the Council as to the details and financial implications.
The City of Sparks has traditionally promoted from within for its executive positions starting with the City Manager working down through the executive management team and then further downward in the city’s middle management/professional services ranks.
Additionally, executive management employees are appointed by the City Manager, per the City Charter, and the employee is offered an Employment Agreement defining the terms, conditions, salaries, and benefits of the position being offered. As the contract for an executive employee’s annual financial costs exceed $50,000 per year, the City Council is required to approve such contracts.
The City Manager has offered the position of Community Services Director to John Martini pending the approval of an Employment Agreement by the City Council.
John Martini started his career with the City of Sparks in 1999 as a Civil Engineer in the newly created Community Services Department. In 2001, John was promoted to Engineering Manager for Community Development where he managed the engineering functions of new development including surveying, civil improvements, and construction and inspection services. In 2006, John was promoted to Deputy Director for Community Development where he managed the Engineering, Planning, and Building Divisions. During the great recession of 2009, John was reassigned to the Public Works Department where he served as a Civil Engineer in the Utilities Division managing capital improvement projects for the City’s sanitary sewer system. In 2011, John was promoted to Assistant Director and City Engineer for the newly created Community Services Department where his responsibilities include management of the Utility Enterprise Funds, Development Services Enterprise Fund, budgeting for the Community Services Department and the day-to-day operations of the Engineering and Building and Safety Divisions.
John holds both Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Nevada and is licensed to practice Civil Engineering by both the State of Nevada and the State of California. John has successfully completed the Harvard Negotiation Institute: Program on Negotiations, and Negotiation for Leaders.
Over years, John has represented the City of Sparks on many Interlocal Committees including Regional Transportation Commission, Truckee Meadows Flood Management Authority, Storm Water Permitting, and currently serves as Vice Chairman of the Northern Nevada Water Planning Commission.
- The City Council may approve the Employment Agreement for John Martini as the Community Services Director as presented by staff
- The City Council may not approve the Employment Agreement for John Martini as the Community Services Director as presented by staff
- The City Council may choose not to approve the Employment Agreement for John Martini as the Community Services Director, but may provide other direction to City staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Employment Agreement for John Martini as Community Services Director.
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