Sparks City Council Meeting 7/27/2015 2:00:00 PM

    Monday, July 27, 2015 2:00 PM
    City Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks

Public Hearing and Action Items Unrelated to Planning and Zoning: 10.9

Title: Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of a bargaining agreement (AC-5180) between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association - Lieutenants for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017.
Petitioner/Presenter: Stephen W. Driscoll, City Manager/Chris Syverson, Administrative Services Director
Recommendation: City Council approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Assocation - Lieutenants.
Financial Impact: See Attached
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief:

Consideration, discussion, and possible approval of a bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association - Lieutenants.


The Bargaining Agreement between the City of Sparks and the Association of Sparks Police Protective Association expired on June 30, 2015. The City and Association negotiation team met beginning in early 2015 and the teams were able to come to a Tentative Agreement. This proposed agreement is being presented to City Council for approval.


Substantive Changes are as follows:



This Contract shall take effect the first full pay period following July 1, 2015 and shall continue in force until June 30, 2017.


  1. All members of the SPPA Board of Directors and/or negotiation committee will be on an unpaid status for all union business. This will include but not be limited to the following: board meetings, general meetings, and training.
  2. Any five (5) members of the SPPA negotiations committee will be required to use leave time or unpaid leave for all meetings between the City and the SPPA for the purpose of negotiating the terms of the contract when such meetings and/or hearings are held pursuant to NRS.


Article A.  PAY RATES

Effective the first complete pay period following July 1, 2015:

Employee base salary rates shall be increased two percent (2%) above the base salary rate in effect June 30, 2015.  In addition, effective July 1, 2015, a new pay range will take effect as shown in Appendix A.

2016 through 2017:

Effective the first complete pay period following July 1, 2016, employee base salary rates shall be increased two percent (2%) above the base salary rate in effect June 30, 2016.  In addition, effective July 1, 2016, a pay range will take effect as shown in Appendix A.



Group Health Care Committee: The purpose of this Committee is to discuss cost containment measures and to recommend to the City Council any benefit changes to the City's self-insured Group Health and Life insurance plan.

The Committee shall be comprised of one (1) voting member and one alternate member from each of the following represented groups:

Operating Engineers (OE3)

Sparks Police Protective Association (SPPA)

International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)

The Committee shall also be comprised of one non-voting member and one alternate member from each of the following represented and non-represented groups to provide input to voting members:

Operating Engineers Supervisory Unit


Management Professional/Appointed

Classified Chief Officers

One (1) retired employee and alternate will serve to provide input on the effect of any changes upon retirees.

Article B:  Health Insurance Upon Retirement/Sick Leave Conversion

        Sick Leave Cash Out Provision: As an alternative to Sick Leave Conversion, employees, upon retirement, may elect a cash out of this benefit,as follows.

     Years of Service                                  Cash Out Percentage

               10                                                                       20%

               15                                                                       35%

               20                                                                       75%

               21                                                                       80%

               22                                                                       85%

               23                                                                       90%

               24                                                                       95%

               25 years or more                                               100%


If the account is valued at less than $15,000, and cash out elected, full amount will be paid upon termination of employment,


Employee may elect an annual payment of conversion dollars

  • In annual payments that provide equal payout over time
  • Maximum annual payment will not exceed $25,000
  • Once election is made, it may not be changed
  • Upon death of the employee, payments cease

If the cash out option is selected, the employee opts out of City Health Insurance plan for themselves and dependents.  Employee may return per NRS on any even year and pays full cost of coverage and annual payments continue as selected.  The initial payment will be made upon termination with annual payments to be made no later than March 31 of each year.


4.         Compensatory elected to carry over each fiscal year shall not to exceed 96 hours.



1. The City Council may approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association - Lieutenants.

2.The City Council may not approve the bargaining agreement between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association - Lieutenants.

3. The City Council may direct staff to anotber alternative.

Recommended Motion:

I move to approve the bargaining agreement (AC-5180) between the City of Sparks and the Sparks Police Protective Association - Lieutenants for the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017.

Attached Files:
     SPPA lieutenants 2015 strike out 7-13-15.pdf
     NRS 288 calcs - PL thru FY17.pdf
     SPPA lieutenants 2015-2017 Final Pending Signatures 7-20-2015 225.pdf
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