Sparks City Council Workshop 4/27/2015 8:30:00 AM
Monday, April 27, 2015 8:30 AMSparks City Hall, 431 Prater Wy, Sparks
Item Number: 3
A Business Impact Statement is attached.
The workshop provides an opportunity for discussion between City Council members, the public, and the consultant team and staff. A desired outcome of the workshop is staff will provide a presentation highlighting certain aspects of the new code, discuss the recent stakeholder and Planning Commission input but allott most of the time to the City Councils' discussion and policy options.
Now, in the final stage of a three phased approach to removing barriers to development in Sparks, staff along with the consultant team are conducting this workshop with the City Council to solicit input and policy direction prior to preparing the zoning code for public hearings and possible adoption early this summer.
The City of Sparks elected to conduct an overhaul of the chapter of its municipal code which governs zoning and development (Title 20). Title 20 regulates the use and improvement of land and the location, soundness and use of structures.
In 2012 the City contracted with Clarion and Associates, and CFA for an analysis of the zoning code to identify barriers to development. The anaylsis was completed in September 2012. The report (Zoning Code Assessment Report) provided the city direction for subsequent updates to the zoning code. Staff utilized this report to outline a work program.
Prior to completion of the Zoning Code Assessment Report, the City adopted a three phase approach. Phase One involved “quick fixes” to the code undertaken by City staff. Phase Two, was the analysis of the zoning code to identify “barriers to development” and was completed with the help of Clarion and Associates and CFA of Reno. Phase Three (the current phase) is the comprehensive overhaul of the regulations affecting development. The City hired White and Smith, LLC and CFA in 2014 through a competitive process to assist in producing a complete draft of the zoning code.
Stakeholders were included during earlier stages of Phase 3 in 2014 where Planning staff presented, reviewed and discussed the new zoning code’s permitted use table. Now, in the final stage of phase three, staff along with the consultant team are meeting with stakeholders again and conducting Planning Commission and City Council workshops to present the draft zoning code and solicit input and policy direction prior to preparing the zoning code for public hearings and possible adoption early this summer.
The entire zoning code has been reformatted, reorganized, and amended. Staff is requesting that the City Council review the document to become familiar with the new format prior to the workshop. It is anticipated that after completing review of the draft, the City Council will have questions regarding concepts, policy, and even strategies to promote development and investment in the City of Sparks.
The workshop provides an opportunity for discussion between City Council members, the public, and the consultant team and staff. A desired outcome of the workshop is staff will provide a presentation highlighting certain aspects of the new code, discuss the recent stakeholder input but allott most of the time to the City Councils' discussion and policy options.
Recommended Motion:
Not Applicable at this time.
Attached Files: