Sparks City Council Meeting 1/26/2015 2:00:00 PM
Monday, January 26, 2015 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St., Sparks
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 11.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required. This is a rule but does not impose a direct and significant economic burden on a business, or directly restrict the formation, operation or exemption of a business.
At the September 19, 20014 RTC Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to authorize staff to present the proposed modifications to the Regional Road Impact Fee System General Administrative Manual, Capital Improvements Plan, and Regional Road Impact Fees to the Sparks City Council for adoption. Adoption of the proposed bill will amend, by ordinance, Title 12 of the Sparks Municipal Code to include the changes approved by the RTC Board. Upon approval by the Sparks City Council, Reno City Council and Washoe County Board of Commissioners, the proposed changes to the Regional Road Impact fee program will be approved. Staff anticipates the new impact fee program and associated impact fees will go into effect in March of 2015.
Staff recommends approval.
In accordance with the provisions of the Inter-local Cooperative Agreement (ICA) entered into by the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), Washoe County, the City of Reno and the City of Sparks, the RTC is responsible for initiating periodic reviews of the Regional Road Impact Fee (RRIF) program and proposing modifications to the participating governments. The review process is undertaken by the RTC in conjunction with the RRIF Technical Advisory Committee (RRIF TAC). The purpose of the RRIF TAC is to review and recommend any modifications, additions, or updates to be made to the RRIF General Administration Manual (GAM), Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) and Impact Fees. RRIF TAC membership is comprised of the following individuals or their designated representatives: RTC RRIF Administrator (1), one RTC staff member appointed by the Executive Director of the RTC (1), four private sector members appointed by the Chairman of the RTC (4) and from the Cities of Reno and Sparks and Washoe County, Community Development Directors (3), Public Works Directors (3), Planning Commission Members (3).
Please see the attached minutes from the September 19, 2014 meeting of the RTC Board and the associated recommendations from the RTC Board to the City of Sparks that necessitate the amendment of Title 12 of the Sparks Municipal Code (item 8.2, Page 8).
As prescribed by NRS 278B.150, the imposition of an impact fee requires the governing body of the local government to establish a Capital Improvements Advisory Committee (CIAC) and allows the governing body to designate the Planning Commission to act as the CIAC. The Sparks City Council designated the Sparks Planning Commission as the CIAC in May of 2001 under Resolution 2729.
NRS 278B requires the CIAC to review the land use assumptions and capital improvements plan associated with Regional Road Impact Fees and file a report of recommendations to the Sparks City Council. The Sparks CIAC met on December 18th, 2014 to review the land use assumption and captial improvements plan for the Regional Road Impact program. The committee voted unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval to the Sparks City Council (see attached report of action).
Adoption of the proposed bill will amend, by ordinance, Title 12 of the Sparks Municipal Code (SMC) to include the changes approved by the RTC Board. Specifically, the proposed Bill will amend the following Sections of Title 12:
- Section 12.44.030: Adoption and Amendment of the RRIF System General Administrative Manual Approval of this item will adopt the 5th edition of the Regional Road Impact Fee General Administrative Manual (RIFF GAM). The 5th edition to the RIFF GAM includes changes to the definition of a regional road, defines the north and south service area, modifies the old impact fee credit system to a defined fee offset system, simplifies the land use categories used to calculate impact fees, and provides for other clean up items. The 5th edition of the RRIF GAM is presented as Exhibit 1 of the Bill.
- Section 12.44.040: Adoption of the Regional Road Improvement Fee System Capital Improvements Plan (“RRIF CIP”) The changes reflect the CIP prepared by RTC Staff for the North and South Service Areas and approved by the RTC Board. The RRIF CIP is presented as Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3 of the Bill.
- Section 12.44.050: Service Areas The changes to this section eliminate the definitions of the Northwest, Northeast and South benefit districts and adds the definition for the North and South Service Areas.
- Section 12.44.060: Impact Fees The changes reflect the modifications to the existing impact fees approved by the RTC Board. The proposed Regional Road Impact Fee Schedule is included as Exhibit D of the 5th edition of the RIFF GAM. Exhibit D of the 5th edition and a comparison of the proposed fees to the existing fees are attached for the Council’s Review.
- Section 12.44.100 Service Area Expenditure of Fees The changes reflect deletion of benefit districts and addition of Service Area.
City Staff has reviewed the proposed changes, concurs with the RTC Board, and recommends approval.
1) The City Council may approve the bill as submitted
2) The City Council may choose to reject the amendment to the ordinance and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion:
"I move to approve Bill No. 2689 as submitted by Staff."
Attached Files: