Sparks City Council Workshop (Amended) 10/20/2014 8:30:00 AM

    Monday, October 20, 2014 8:30 AM
    Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility, 8500 Clean Water Way, Sparks, NV

Item Number: 5

Title: Presentation, discussion and possible action on the Strategic Plan (For Possible Action) Presentation of the draft plan including a review of the strategic goals and the proposed FY 16/21 Objectives - City Manager Driscoll and Department Heads • Goal 1: Fiscal Stability • Goal 2: Employee Relations • Goal 3: Infrastructure and Technology • Goal 4: Public Safety • Goal 5: Economic Development and Special Events • Goal 6: Citizen Engagement
Petitioner/Presenter: Steve Driscoll/City Manager/Steve Driscoll/City Manager
Recommendation: na
Financial Impact: N/A
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is attached.
Agenda Item Brief:

Presentation and discussion of the current Strategic Plan goal structure and the proposed Strategic Plan goal structure. The City Manager and Staff have been optimizing the strategic plan to more closely reflect the Council's direction on the 6 goals. The discussion will center around solidifying the expected outcomes via SMARTly analyzing the goals.


The Strategic Plan is a long range planning document for the City of Sparks. City staff takes the goals and priorities as stated by the Council and incorporates the vision, Be the City of choice for Residents, Businesses, and Visitors, to have a long range strategic plan that will further the city's goals.

Staff has been meeting since May of 2014 to solidify how to work outside of the departmental silos and further the Council goals.



Recommended Motion:

Based on the policy discussion that takes place at this meeting, the Council can vote to accept the new Strategic Plan as is, or staff will take recommended changes and bring the edited version back to Council at a future Council meeting.

Attached Files:
     2014 Strat Plan approved 1st 6 pages.pdf
     2016 new Strat Plan_Working 1st 6 pgs v12.pdf
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