Sparks City Council Meeting 8/25/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 25, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks
General Business: 9.2
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
If approved, this agreement authorizes design and construction of the Rock Park Restroom Project, funded through State Question 1 (SQ-1) Truckee River Bond funds.
In the November 5, 2002 General Election, the voters of the State of Nevada approved SQ-1 (aka AB9) , approving the issuance of general obligation bonds to preserve, protect and obtain the benefits of property and natural resources in the State. Section 2, subsection 6 of the enabling legislation specifically allocated a total of $10,000,000 to Washoe County to enhance and restore the Truckee River corridor. The funds must be used to acquire and develop land and water rights; provide for recreational facilities: provide parking for and access to and along the river; and restore the river. All expenditures require a match of cash or value of services, materials or equipment that is equal to 50% of the total project.
In 2003, the Truckee River Funding Working Group was formed and moderated by the Nevada Land Trust. Their diligent work resulted in an approved project list.
Washoe County, through its Community Services Department, is the fiscal agent for the SQ-1 funding, with the matching project funds provided by the City of Sparks, through its Community Services and Parks & Recreation Departments as outlined in the agreement. The Rock Park Restroom Project is on the approved SQ-1 project list and is compliant with SQ-1 guidelines. The Rock Park Phase 2 construction project by the City of Sparks expended $551,353 in FY2009 to Petersen Construction, Inc. (PO 170356) for the Whitewater Park. This amount has been approved to fulfill the 50% match requirement.
The agreement before you today was approved at the Washoe County Commission meeting on August 12, 2014. The project includes survey, design, engineering, permitting, and on site construction of a permanent flush toilet restroom facility for Rock Park. This project also includes installation of supporting emenities including a lift station and force main; and connections to water and sewer utilities.
Project Need: Rock Park is an important part of the Truckee River Greenbelt and includes access for river recreation (kayaks, rafts, fishing) on a stretch of the river that includes a demographic that is in need of low cost recreation opportunities in close proximity. Since the 2009 park improvements, Rock Park has been a popular destination with very high usage from hundreds of thousands of visitors annually. Currently, the City of Sparks Community Services Department/Parks Division provides temporary restroom facilities for Rock Park. The cost of the temporary restrooms was $11,702 in calendar year 2013.
Installation of a permanent facility would not only improve park aesthetics and visitor experience, but would also reduce operations and maintenance costs associated with the existing temporary restrooms through the provision of a healthier facility. This project will meet Washoe County Strategic Objective: Safe, Secure and Healthy communities as well as City of Sparks Strategic Goals: 1. Promote the safety of our residents, businesses and visitors; 3. Manage resources to keep pace with technology, infrastructure and sustainability needs; and 5. Improve and promote the quality of life in Sparks.
If approved, this project will be planned for the Spring of 2015 and completed in FY15. Attachments have been provided for your reference.
1. The council may choose to accept this grant in the amount of $530,438.
2. The council may choose to decline this grant in the amount of $530,438 and redirect staff.
Recommended Motion:
I move to approve the Agreement regarding November 2002 State Question 1: Parks and Open Space Bond Funds between Washoe County and the City of Sparks for the amount of $530,438 to construct the Rock Park Restroom Project as outlined by staff.
Attached Files: