Sparks City Council Meeting 8/11/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks
General Business: 9.6
Title: Consideration and possible approval to utilize $586,464.64 of approved FY15 CIP budget in 15-1000 City Hall HVAC Upgrades to fund change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project and consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $586,464.64.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Brian Cason, P.E., Acting Capital projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council: A. Utilize $586,464.64 of approved FY15 CIP budget in 15-1000 City Hall HVAC Upgrades to fund change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project;
Financial Impact: City Staff proposes to use $586,464.64 of budget authority in approved FY15 CIP project 15-1000 City Hall HVAC Upgrades in Fund 1404 Capital Projects where $700,000 of budget authority is currently available.
Total Costs: $586,464.64

Fund: Capital Projects Account: 604050 Program: 1404 City Facilities - Change Order #1 Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation (15-1000A) Amount: $586,464.64 Budget Status: Budget Exists |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: This agenda contains two parts: Consideration and possible approval to utilize funds from City Hall HVAC Upgrades project for Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project Change Order 1; and consideration and possible approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $586,464.64. This work includes remediation of water damage, cleaning and sealing of roof framing, replacement of deteriorated roof framing, and the modification and replacement of the roof deck above the natatorium. The change order also adds $125,000.00 to the force account in this contract. City Staff recommends approval of both actions.
Background: Alf Sorensen Community Center was constructed in 1981 with several remodels completed in the building since original construction. Hershenow + Klippenstein Architects (H+K) was retained in 2011 to make preliminary assessments and recommendations regarding a means of reducing the humidity levels in the area containing the swimming pool (the natatorium). The original building plans followed design standards common at the time of construction; however experience nationwide has shown that temperature control and ventilation of a natatorium requires a more robust ventilation system than was originally provided. The high humidity levels in the natatorium have caused extensive corrosion and deterioration of the ceiling materials above the natatorium and the roof system after 30 years of poor ceiling ventilation. Community Services Engineering and Maintenance staff worked with technical professionals to properly scope and design the mitigations required to alleviate the humidity issue and to replace the ceiling. Staff prepared bid documents for the work and on March 23, 2014, the City Council approved a contract with Frank Lepori Construction for the renovations. The original contract was to provide ceiling removal, modifications to the existing mechanical and electrical system, modification to the ventilation system, construction of a new ceiling and replacement of doors, windows, and lighting within the natatorium. Shortly after construction began and the ceiling was removed, it was discovered that many structural members, along with the roof sheathing, had substantial deterioration, which greatly reduced the structural integrity of the roof and caused a safety concern. At that point the City was notified of the damage and all members of the team were brought together to discuss options. Work was immediately stopped in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved in the work. The Design Team, City Staff, and Contractor came together and worked as a team to provide the best possible solution in the most cost effective manner. From that discussion it was determined that the structural members could be replaced from within the natatorium, but the roof deck was also deteriorated to a degree that the long term life of the roof would be compromised and was susceptible to failure under heavy wind or snow loads. It was determined that the existing metal roof requires full replacement because the metal panels would be damaged during removal and cannot be properly re-assembled. With all the information provided the team came together with the solutions recommended in the attached change order no. 1 The approved FY15 CIP includes project 15-1000 City Hall HVAC Upgrades in Fund 1404 Capital Projects where $700,000 of budget authority is currently available. An amendment of the FY15 CIP would transfer funding from City Hall HVAC Upgrades project to the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation project.
Analysis: A. Utilize available budget authority within fund 1404: The approved FY15 CIP includes the City Hall HVAC Upgrades project in Fund 1404, Capital Projects. There is currently $700,000 of budget authority available in the City Hall HVAC Upgrades project which may be utilized for Change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $586,464.64.
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve Change Order No. 1, with prior approval to utilize funds between projects, as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject approval of Change Order No. 1 and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: A. “I move to utilize $586,464.64 of approved FY15 CIP budget in 15-1000 City Hall HVAC Upgrades to fund change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project”. B. “I move to approve Change Order No. 1 for the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $586,464.64”.
Attached Files: