Sparks City Council Meeting 8/11/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, August 11, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St., Sparks
General Business: 9.11
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A rezone request to change the zoning on approximately 1.6 acres from R5 (Multipl Family Residential) to PO (Professinal Office). The second reading and public hearing are scheduled for August 25, 2014.
In 1995, the City Council approved a Special Use Permit (SP950022) for the establishment of the Masonic Lodge and office buildings on the northwest corner of Pyramid Way and York Way.
An amendment to the Special Use Permit was approved by the City Council in 1999 (SP990022). The original approval included a condition which restricted the hours of operation for the office component of the development. The amendment allowed the property owner to extend the hours of operation specifically for Building B.
The proposed zone change is intended to provide greater flexibility with regard to the number of allowable uses. Currently, the zoning is R5 (Multiple Family Residential). By changing the zoning to PO (Professional Office), the zoning will be consistent with the master plan land use designation. The property owner may also benefit from some additional non-residential uses which are permitted in the PO zoning district. Following is a table that demonstrates the differences in uses between the R5 and PO zoning districts:
R5 Zoning |
PO Zoning |
Uses permitted without a special use permit: |
Uses Permitted in compliance with standards in S.M.C. 20.42: |
Uses requiring a special use permit: |
As can be seen in the table above, the uses included in each zoning district are similar in nature. Banks, health clubs, and drive-through businesses appear to be the only “new” uses which would be permitted if the rezone is approved.
Because the proposed rezone would bring the zoning into conformance with the existing land use designation, staff can make all the applicable findings to support the request.
There are no alternatives.
Recommended Motion:
There is no motion. Read bill by title and schedule second reading and public hearing for the regularly scheduled meeting on August 25, 2014.
Attached Files: