Sparks City Council Meeting 5/12/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, May 12, 2014 2:00 PMSparks City Hall, Legislative Bldg, Council Chambers, 745 4th St., Sparks
General Business: 6.8
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
At the February 10, 2014 Concurrent Meeting the Council approved the full development of an updated Franchise Agreement between the Washoe County District Board of Health and the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority as proposed by the Emergency Medical Services Working Group and directed the local government entities’ legal staff to coordinate/prepare final legal agreements to match the Principles of Agreement for the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority Franchise Agreement and the amended Inter-Local Agreement concerning the Washoe County Health Department. Although the attached Resolution directing the Washoe County Health District to establish and maintain a Regional Emergency Medical Services Oversight Program was part of the presentation and was discussed at the concurrent meeting, the motion made and passed by the elected officials did not include or specify the approval of this Resolution.
On February 10, 2014, at the concurrent meeting of the Sparks City Council, Reno City Council, Washoe County Commission and Washoe County District Board of Health, the Council approved the development of an updated Franchise Agreement between the Washoe County District Board of Health and the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority.
During the February 10, 2014 concurrent meeting, a report was presented on the status and recommendations for the next steps from the Emergency Medical Services Working Group, including progress on previous direction related to recommendations from the 2012 TriData Emergency Medical Systems Analysis Final Report and recommendations for the next steps from the Emergency Medical Services Working Group (EMS WG), including progress on previous direction related to recommendations from the 2012 TriData Emergency Medical Systems Analysis Final Report. The members of the Working Group membership include: the Managers from the City of Sparks, the City of Reno and Washoe County; the Health Officer from the Washoe County Health District; the Fire Chiefs from the City of Sparks, the City of Reno, the Truckee Meadows Fire Protection District (TMFPD – inclusive of the Sierra Fire Protection District), and the North Lake Tahoe Fire Protection District (NLTFPD); the Washoe County Sheriff (WCSO); the CEO and President of the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority (REMSA); and the other agency staff as requested by the working group principals. The stated policy direction to the EMS WG was to address the 38 recommendations provided in the TriData study. The end products developed by the EMS WG are: (1) a Principles of Agreement document for the reworking of the EMS Franchise Agreement, and (2) an updated Inter-Local Agreement between the local government entities to address and provide authorities for local government medical oversight; inter-agency communications; and performance of the providers of Emergency Medical Services in the region. The Resolution that was not included in the motion directs the Washoe County Health District to establish and maintain a Regional Emergency Medical Services Oversight Program to provide for oversight of all emergency medical services provided by the City of Sparks, the City of Reno, the County of Washoe and the Regional Emergency Medical Services Authority.
The Council may approve the Resolution as presented by staff; The Council may not approve the Resolution as presented by staff; The Council may not approve the Resolution as presented by staff and provide other direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to adopt Resolution No. 3258.
Attached Files: