Sparks City Council Meeting 4/14/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, April 14, 2014 2:00 PMCouncil Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 4th St, Sparks, NV
General Business: 6.7
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Background: The Zoning Code currently has the Site Plan Review process which is for new construction. The Site Plan Review is an administrative process, reviewed by the reviewing agencies. There is no public noticing or public hearing. A letter of approval is issued with conditions of approval. An administrative review process is being proposed to establish a process to review proposed uses. As written, the review is conducted by the reviewing agencies with no public hearing or noticing. The Zoning Code will provide use standards that are typical conditions for the operation and location of the proposed use.
This proposal is to amend Chapter 20 by establishing an administrative review process. The code amendment establishes a new section in Chapter 20 as Section 20.12 Administrative Review. The purpose and intent of the administrative review is to review certain uses to determine whether the proposed use will conform to the zoning ordinance, city codes and other applicable City ordinances. The administrative review process will allow reviewing agencies to assess the proposed use to insure that it is aesthetically acceptable and serves the interests of public health, safety and general welfare of the City.
A person seeking an administrative review will file an application with the Community Services Planning Division. Staff will review the application within 15 days and send the applicant notice if the application is deemed complete or if additional information is necessary to deem the application complete. The administrative review will be reviewed by the reviewing agencies and city staff, providing comments and conditions of the approval. The review of the application will consider issues relating to land use, traffic, public safety, landscaping and drainage. Within 30 days of deeming the application complete, the Planning Division will issue a letter with conditions of approval incorporating concerns from the reviewing agencies or departments.
The applicant will have 2 years to establish the use, unless another specified time limit is stated in the conditions of approval. If the use has not been established 2 years from the date of approval, it shall become null and void. Once a permitted use has been established in accordance with the conditions of approval, the permit will be valid until revoked unless there is a specific expiration date. The code amendment also includes appeal, revocation and extension of time processes. Staff is proposing a fee which will be reviewed as Resolution and separate item.
Alternatives: City Council could decide to not adopt this new code amendment.
Recommended Motion: FIRST READING
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