Sparks City Council Meeting 3/24/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, March 24, 2014 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks
General Business: 6.9
Title: Consideration and possible approval of the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $721,544.00.
Petitioner/Presenter: John A. Martini, P.E., Assistant Director of Community Services/Christopher S. Cobb, P.E., Capital Projects Manager
Recommendation: Staff recommends that Council approve the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $721,544.00.
Financial Impact: This project will combine budget of $721,544 from two different funds in three different CIP projects. $489,433 will come from Fund 1402 - Parks & Rec Project Fund – FY14 approved CIP #14-2004 Alf Sorenson Pool Area Ventilation Project (currently available $550,000). $195,411 will come from Fund 1404 – Capital Projects Fund - FY12 approved CIP #12-1020 Alf Sorenson Pool Area Exhaust Fan Dehumidifier Project (currently available $195,411) and $36,700 will come from FY13 approved CIP #13-1020 Alf Sorenson Pool Room Roll Up & Maintenance Doors (currently available $42,625).
Total Costs: $721,544.00

Fund: Park & Recreation Project Fund Account: 603510 Program: 1402 Alf Sorenson Pool Area Ventilation & Bldg Envelope Improve Proj (14-2004) Amount: $721,544.00 Budget Status: Over Budget (See Budget Correction Plan) |
Budget Correction Plan: This project will combine budget of $721,544 from two different funds in three different CIP projects. See Financial Impact for more information. |
Business Impact (Per NRS 237):
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
Agenda Item Brief: Consideration and possible approval of the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $721,544.00. This project will include removal of the ceiling; modification of mechanical ventilation and electrical systems; replacement of doors, windows and light fixtures; replacement and repair of walls and ceilings and painting; to improve the interior ventilation and repair areas of water damage. Staff recommends approval.
Background: Alf Sorensen Community Center was originally constructed in 1981. Since its inception the Natatorium (room containing the swimming pool) area has consistently had humidity and ventilation issues causing deterioration of this facility. Hershenow + Klippenstein Architects (H+K) was retained in 2011 to make preliminary assessments and recommendations regarding means of reducing the humidity levels in the natatorium. The assessment included a review of the construction plans, literature review and measurements of temperature and humidity in the natatorium space. The original building plans followed design standards common at the time of construction however experience nationwide has shown that temperature control and ventilation for a natatorium requires more robust construction and ventilation systems than originally provided. By making improvements allowing for better temperature control and ventilation of this indoor space, it will extend the life of this facility and provide a more comfortable climate in the pool area. This project also includes the installation of energy efficient LED lighting within the natatorium.
Analysis: This project was advertized in the Reno Gazette Journal on February 12, 2014, with a mandatory pre-bid meeting on February 21, 2014. Eleven general contractors attended the pre-bid meeting and two addenda were issued. Six (6) bids were opened at City Hall on March 5, 2014. The base bids range in cost from $720,498.00 to $825,400.00. The contract amount includes a force account of $27,000 if required to correct unforeseen conditions. In reviewing the bids, the possession of the Contractor’s Certificate of Eligibility affected the ranking of bids. The apparent low bidder at the time of bid opening did not possess the bidder’s preference while the 2nd ranked bidder did, and was within .15% of the low bidder. Per NRS 338.1389, the City is required to take this preference in to consideration and award the project to the “best” bidder. The apparent 1st and 2nd low bidders were contacted following the bid analysis to explain this requirement and to confirm acknowledgement of the bidders as to the award of the “best” bid. Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., provided the “best bid” for this project (per NRS 338.1389) in the amount of $721,544.00. A recap of the bids follows. Bidder Base bid with Force account Frank Lepori Construction $721,544.00 Power Services, Inc. 720,498.00 Walker River Construction 761,334.00 Building Solutions 785,586.00 Reyman Bro. Construction 824,117.00 Bison Construction 825,400.00 Engineer’s Estimate $589,000.00
Alternatives: 1. City Council could approve Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project as outlined by Staff. 2. City Council could reject the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project and provide direction to the City Manager.
Recommended Motion: I move to approve the Alf Sorensen Natatorium Renovation Project, Bid No. 13/14-015, PWP-WA-2014-098 to Frank Lepori Construction, Inc., in the amount of $721,544.00.
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