Sparks City Council Meeting 2/10/2014 2:00:00 PM
Monday, February 10, 2014 2:00 PMCity Council Chambers, Legislative Bldg, 745 Fourth St., Sparks
Planning and Zoning Public Hearings and Action Items: 8.1
A Business Impact Statement is not required because this is not a rule.
This request is to amend the master plan and to and an amendment to a final planned development handbook, on a site approximately 12 acres in size in NUD (New Urban District) zoning district located on the northeast corner of Kiley Parkway and David Allen Parkway, Sparks, NV. The master plan amendment is to change the land use designation from PI ( Public Institutional) to MUR(Mixed Use Residential). The handbook is to amend a final planned development handbook (Kiley Ranch North (Phase 2) found not in conformance with the tentative handbook to add a new land use designation of Mixed Use Residential and to revise development standards and other matters properly relating thereto.
The tentative handbook for Kiley Ranch North Planned Development covers the entire 834.5 acres planned development. The proposed Kiley Ranch North Phase 2 Handbook covers 12.0 acres on the northeast corner of Sparks Boulevard and David Allen Parkway.
On March 18, 2004, the Planning Commission approved a Master Plan Amendment to amend the land use designation from Open Space(OS), 3 dwelling units per acres (3 du/ac), 4 dwelling units per acres (4 du/ac), 10 dwelling units per acres (10 du/ac); General Commercial (GC), Business Park (BP), and School/Park to Low-Medium Residential (LMR 5.0 - 7.9 DU/AC), Medium Residential (MR 6.0 - 11.9 DU/AC), Medium-High Residential (MHR 12.0 - 17.9 DU/AC), High Residential (HR 15.0 - 23.9 DU/AC), Community Commercial (CC), Neighborhood Commercial (NC), Arterial Commercial (AC), Village Center (VC), Office/Business Park (OBP), Business Park (BP), School/Park, Public/Institutional (PI), Neighborhood Park (NP) and Open Space (OS).
On October 18, 2004, the City Council tentatively approved the Development Standards Handbook for Kiley Ranch North. On January 12, 2005, the Regional Planning Commission found the project in conformance with the Regional Plan and approved a project of regional significance. The final handbook for Phase 2 was approved by City Council on December 11, 2006. Phase 2 was designated Public/Institutional (PI) to accommodate the Welcome Center for the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The Welcome Center was built and served the property until recently.
The final handbook for Phase 2 defined PI as a land use designation to provide for community serving facilities, and to promote community gathering and activity. This site was selected because of its central locaton within the community. The permitted uses consisted of public/institutional land uses such as amphitheaters, arboretums, clubs/lodges, community gardens, cultural/educational/recreational facilities, government services, meeting halls, interpretative sites and outdoor festivals.
Unlike other planned developments, Kiley Ranch North is being reviewed and approved in incremental phases with final handbooks for each phase. The previously approved final handbook for Phase 2 conformed to the tentative handbook in that it designated the land use Public/Institutional (PI). The proposed amendment adds to the handbook a new land use designation different from the designations approved in the tentative handbook. NRS 278A.550 has the alternative procedure to conduct a public hearing on the final action when the amendment of a final handbook is not in substantial compliance with the recorded final handbook. Staff determined that a new land use requiring a master plan amendment is not in substantial compliance with the recorded final handbook.
This amendment of the handbook is using the process of a public hearing in order to notice the property owners within the planned development and surrounding area of the proposed amendment to Kiley Ranch North Planned Development Phase 2. On November 13, 2012, the City Council approved the final handbook amendment for Kiley Ranch North Phase 4 which changed 32.3 acres of High Residential (HR) to Arterial Commercial (AC). The HR designation would have permitted up to 772 units on the Phase 4 property. Changing the land use designation to AC reduced the number of potential units in Kiley Ranch North. The neighborhood meeting for the master plan amendment was held October 29, 2013. The Planning Commission reviewed this application on November 21, 2013 and recommends that the City Council certify the master plan amendment and approve the final handbook amendment. On January 22, 2014, the Regional Planning Commission held a public hearing and determined that the master plan amendment conforms with the Regional Plan.
The applicant is requesting to amend the Phase 2 Handbook for Kiley Ranch North. The recorded Phase 2 Handbook was for Village 35 which consists of 12.0 acres. The request is to amend the land use designations from 12.0 acres of Public/Institutional (PI) to a new land use of Mixed Use Residential (MUR). Mixed Use Residential (MUR) provides for single family and multi-family uses, as well as, group residential care facilities which includes assisted care and senior housing communities. Other permitted uses are limited gaming (less than 15 slots) and offices (limited to the existing Welcome Center building).
The Phase 2 Handbook is amending the standards for development to reflect residential uses. The standards being amended include but are not limited to landscape, architecture and site development standards. The original intent of Village 35 was to provide an area within Kiley Ranch North Planned Development for community services necessary to support the population of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The reality of the market today is that it will be decades before there is sufficient population to support such facilities.
In addition, the property is no longer owned by the master developer of the Kiley Ranch North Planned Development. The new property owner has requested current the mixed use residential land use designation for the flexibility to adjust to current and future market conditions. The permitted number of units in the MUR area will be 288 units. This will bring the maximum number of housing units within the entire Kiley Ranch North Planned Development to 3,901. This is a reduction from the total number of units permitted by the Kiley Ranch North Tentative Handbook which is 4,463. Please refer to the Master Plan and Planned Development findings attached to this staff report. Also attached is the final Planned Development Handbook, Planning Commission report of action and the conformance letter from Regional Planning Commission.
1. The City Council cannot certify the master plan amendment and remand it back to the Planning Commission with direction. 2. The City Council can deny the amendment to the final handbook.
Recommended Motion:
1. I move to certify the master plan amendment, for PCN12014, based on Findings MP 1 through MP4 and the facts supporting these findings as set forth in the staff report. 2. I move to approve the final handbook amendment associated with PCN12014 based on the facts supporting the Findings PD1 through PD21 as set forth in the staff report.
Attached Files: